Essays and Research Papers on Human Resource Issues

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Human Resource Issues that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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A 5 page paper that presents a work breakdown schedule for a time and attendance reporting system. Tasks and subtasks are identified with approximate duration of time. Risks associated with project are outlined along with possible alternatives to mitigate risk. Change plan is outlined. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Stress & Stressors

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page research paper that offers an overview on stress and stress factors or stressors. This examination of stress, first of all, defines what is meant by "stress," and what factors contribute to the perception of stress as experienced by the individual, such as cultural differences, personality traits, and social factors such as working ...

This 7 page paper considers he critical issues to implementing team-based performance related pay (PRP) schemes and looks at implications for individual performance and job-satisfaction. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

This 6 page paper considers the different types of pay structures that are available, Discuss and evaluate how alternative payment systems might suit different organizations operating in different markets. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

This 3 page paper reviews an article submitted by a student entitled "Flying Off Over Office Politics" by Libby Mulitz. The article is summarized and critiqued. The main idea is duly noted. No bibliography.

This 20 page paper helps the student write a paper on the relationship between an ergonomic workplace environment and productivity. The paper analyses the results of a fictitious survey to assess the impact of ergonomic design on workplace productivity. Three hundred surveys are sent out to staff in a bank, some of which work ...

Expatriate HRM Issues

  • 24 page paper

This 24 page paper looks at a number of issues that are relevant to companies and employees when sending employees overseas. The issues are examined from the perspective of UK expatriates, but many sues are applicable companies and employees in other countries. Issues include working conditions, support for the employee, spouse and family, dual career ...

Is There a New Jungle?

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page research paper that examines Upton Sinclair's The Jungle (1904) which exposed the abuses in the meatpacking industry and provided the impetus for legislation to protect the American food supply. Then, the writer addresses the question as to whether or not any of these abuses still exist and comes to the conclusion ...

A personal experience with internship that explores the intern's placement and responsibilties in terms of academic business concepts such as company motto, strategic plan, and other issues. Discussed are these plus the following: customer service, quality, safety, human resources, co-worker and management relationships, lessons learned, and an overall assessment of the experience. 0 biblioigraphical sources. ...


  • 16 page paper

A 16 page paper. As companies face a more competitive global marketplace and as changes occur so quickly, companies have searched for new organizational structures and operational practices to maintain a competitive advantage. One of the models found to be effective is teamwork. This essay begins with a general introduction to teamwork and then discusses ...

This 10 page paper outlines two different case studies in human resources. This paper considers the issues raised and possible solutions.

This 5-page paper attempts to examine diversity practices at Google by examining this company's culture and studying Silicon Valley's attitudes toward diversity and inclusion programs in general. Bibliography lists 7 sources.


  • 5 page paper

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION 5 page paper with 10 sources cited. Talks about Burt Blass from Texaco, discuess how race and genderhave something to do with getting jobs, promotions etc.etc.

OSHA - Protecting Eyes

  • 2 page paper

This 2.5 page paper provides a summary of Stephen Minter's 2004 article, "Targeting Your Eye Protection Program." The article cites OSHA standard numbers and talks about the importance of eye protection. Bibliography lists 1 source.

OSHA - Egress

  • 2 page paper

This 2.5 page paper summarizes a journal article that discusses the use of photoluminescent egress markings to meet OSHA's egress safety standards. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 2.5 page paper. The first topic addressed is what to do when a merger or acquisition leaves the new company with employees who do not possess the necessary skills for success. The second part of the paper discusses the need to support employees during times of significant change. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 3-page paper focuses on how to motivate employees (and in some cases, bosses). Bibliography lists 1 source.

This 17 page paper look at the various theories and ideas concerning recruitment, how it should take place the different options ad benefits in order to formulate a recruitment policy and the associated documentation. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

This 8-page paper discusses privacy issues in terms of employee monitoring in the workplace. Topics considered include if such monitoring is morally and ethically wrong, and why employers justify it. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 3-page paper discusses how a company with a flat organizational structure can best prepare its employees and management for the decision-making processes. Bibliography lists 1 source.

Three problems and their interventions are proposed, supported with rationale and solutions are proposed. Problems are: employee pride and accountability (Vogel model), security background check implementation, and Sarbanes-Oxley act implementation. Bibliography lists 3 sources. jvOrgInt.rtf

This 5 page paper considers the different advantages or working in groups or teams, in both social and commercial environments. Real life examples are used to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

Employees are more productive and efficient when they have a stake in the outcome of the company, not just a financial stake, but pride in their contributions, and all employees should contribute to more than the desk that suits their job title. When employees participate as consultants and contributors in their own work and ...


  • 8 page paper

This 8-page paper discusses Avid Technologies and the keys to its success, despite the "revolving door" of management personnel the company has. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 15 page paper focuses on decision making within an action research project from the consultant's perspective. The company used is ARAMARK and the outcome of the project is to implement a more effective time and attendance system that will, among other things, eliminate overstaffing and understaffing, automatically calculate payroll, allow employees to access their ...

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