Essays and Research Papers on Health Care

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Health Care that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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A 5 page paper focusing on physician staffing VA hospitals. The greatest strength in professional staffing at VAMC is that it uses part-time physicians from the local area who are associated with a local medical school. The greatest weakness, however, is lack of accountability. The paper recommends changes in pay structure that ...

A 3 page paper examining how hospitals can develop vision and mission statements simultaneously attractive to hospital management while having the effect of making health care mosr accessible to those who need it right away. As health care costs continue to spiral despite efforts to contain them, some hospitals have found ways to enhance ...

This 3 page report briefly discusses the basic precepts of Dorothy E. Johnson (1919-99) in terms of nursing theory. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A paper which looks at a research study into the effects of relocation on elderly mental patients, which offers several positive effects of carefully managed relocation and suggests that the negative conclusions reached be earlier studies can be challenged. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

The Mayo Clinic

  • 3 page paper

3 pages in length. The Mayo Clinic virtually revolutionized the manner by which people were administered medical care. Started in the late 1800s by a father and his two sons with an approach that "two heads are better than one and five are even better" (Anonymous, 2003), one of the many primary focal ...

This 5-page paper discusses proposed managed care models that Medi-Cal can consider for use among patients with disabilities. The paper lists recommendations as to how Medi-Cal's managed care programs can be cost-effective and efficient. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Nursing Shortage

  • 11 page paper

An 11 page research paper that explores the issues and ramifications of the nursing shortage. The writer explores the background to the crisis and policy options, evaluating the options and summarizing the alternatives. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

A 10 page research paper that examines the case of Terri Schiavo, has been in vegetative state since a sudden heart attack in 1990 at the age of 26. Michael Schiavo, her husband, has been trying to have Terry's feeding tube removed, which would allow her to die. Blocking this action are Terri's parents, ...

This is a 7 page paper discussing the importance of early intervention and treatment consisting of medication and therapy in children with ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects an estimated 3-7% of school children and overall it has been estimated that in the U.S. alone, 8 to 15 million Americans suffer from ADD. ADHD ...

A 3 page paper discussing a method for researching a topic in consumer science. The paper presents an introduction and methods discussion using a pre-existing standardized survey instrument available online. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 6 page research paper that analyzes Callista Roy's Adaptation Model as an example of the totality paradigm and Betty Neuman's Health Care Systems Model as an example of the simultaneity paradigm. The writer uses the nursing concept of living with changing expectations in regards to the treatment of diabetes mellitus in evaluating these two ...

What is a CAT Scan?

  • 4 page paper

This 4 page report provides a very basic overview of Computed Axial Tomography (CAT or CT) scans and what the technology is, who invented it, and how and why the scans are used. Bibliography lists 7 sources.


  • 3 page paper

This 3 page paper discusses the process by which a tattoo is applied, and the process for removal of the tattoo. Research and discussion. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 4 pages research paper that examines Calista Roy's Adaptation Model, which is an example of the totality paradigm, and Betty Neuman's Health Care Systems Model, which is an example of the simultaneity paradigm in regards to the changing life expectations involved in a diabetes prognosis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 4 page research paper that examines two nursing theories: Calista Roy's Adaptation Model, which is an example of the totality paradigm, and Betty Neuman's Health Care Systems Model. Both theories are examines in regards to their application to clients with changed life expectation, specifically in regards to a diabetes diagnosis. Only original sources cited. ...

This is a 3 page paper discussing factors which should be included in a design for the study of teen obesity and sedentary lifestyle. A study design to examine the relationship between teen obesity and sedentary lifestyles should include a number of factors. A literature review would examine past studies of teen obesity and sedentary ...

An 8 page discussion of the worldwide trend of dropping sperm counts in industrialized countries. This paper attributes that trend to contamination in the workplace and suggests a monitoring program to get the problem in hand. Bibliography lists 15 sources. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

An 11 page paper. It has long been known there is a link between environmental conditions and health. In fact, environmental conditions were first linked to disease in the late 1700s. Although this correlation is known, health care professionals receive very little training about it. The writer reports a survey of pediatricians, for example, 80 ...

This 6 page paper is broken down into three sections which each address a topic on public policy and the elderly. Medicare is discussed in depth. Specific criterion is used to evaluate the current system and recommendations are made. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 9 page paper discusses the research efforts and studies which have been done on the effects of weight loss and gain in women. Numerous studies cited. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

This 7 page paper provides an overview of the issue of the changing role of the government in meeting the healthcare needs of the elderly. The graying of the American population has determined specific strains on services that were designed to address the needs of the elderly. This paper outlines some of the ...

This 25 page paper provides an overview of a comprehensive study on the pros and cons of socialized medicine in the United States. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

A 5 page discussion of the physiological changes which occur with pregnancy. This paper asserts that many of these changes affect behavior and even birth outcome. While the mature mother might take such changes in stride, the younger mother and her child could be significantly impacted by them. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 14-page paper focuses on the topic of malpractice costs, insurance, and its impact on physicians and patients. The paper discusses two issues: first, if there is a malpractice crisis and second, if tort reform will fix it. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

Devising a New Budget

  • 8 page paper

An 8 page paper devising a new budget for the dietary department at Arbor Hospital. The budget proposes raises for staff, equipment upgrades, reimbursement for patient meals and the introduction of national-chain kiosks in the hospital cafeteria. The paper considers outsourcing the food service function but rejects it for at least the next ...

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