Essays and Research Papers on Hardware, Software & Industry

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Microsoft hardware

  • 6 page paper

A six page paper which looks at some of the hardware marketed by Microsoft, in terms of successful design and function, and the way that Microsoft products compare to those of other companies. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 20 page paper examining security in these two operating systems. Devotees of Windows 2000 and UNIX each claim that their operating system of choice is superior to the other. In this age of the need for heightened security, assessing an operating system on its ability to protect system information and function seems ...

This 5 page paper considers how IBM< microelectronics division made use of linear programming interweaving it with more traditional resource planning tools to create a more efficient operating model that included increased use of alterative production pathways. The bibliography cites 1 source.

A paper which considers various aspects of security when setting up a database for a company branching into e-commerce, with specific reference to the protection of customer data and the extent to which individual users should have access to the system as a whole. Bibliography lists 8 sources

This is an 8 page paper discussing process improvement models in the software engineering industry. Process improvement models in the software engineering industry are important in the development of consistent and improved output of software. Many of the early models were based on generic manufacturing models and were difficult to apply in the software engineering ...

A 5 page paper discussing the types of jobs that the US Department of State (DOS) offers in computer security, followed by a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of working for the department. Advantages include opportunity for international travel, job security and attractive retirement benefits unavailable to the private sector. Disadvantages include ...

A 3 page paper discussing how storage space should be allotted across the organization and how users can be prepared for implementation of a disk quota. Individuals’ anticipated uses of old data should be the determining factor in how disk quota space is maintained. Some users’ oldest files can simply be dropped to ...

A 3 page paper discussing the origins and use of the Kerberos authentication protocol. Based on secret-key encryption, Kerberos is much more secure than is public-key encryption approaches. Kerberos is much more useful in the Unix environment, however. Microsoft finally has addressed the interoperability issues that exist with using Kerberos on a ...

Web Server Performance

  • 7 page paper

A 3 page paper discussing requirements for being named “world’s fastest” in web servers. “Best” and “world’s fastest” may indicate that specific servers are better suited to one specific purpose than are others, but the decision of which one to select should rest on other factors as well. Interoperability and intended use should ...

A 10 page paper. The writer begins by discussing the three primary reasons for building a new system and also discusses Wetherbe's PIECES. Building systems, i.e., developing software applications, has become a very complex project that led to different management models, most of which are based on system life cycles. System development life cycle models ...

An 8 page paper providing an overview of the development of the Encoded Archival Description Document Type Definition (EAD DTD) standard and what it has meant for both archivists and researchers. Items buried in container lists are unlikely to surface in any systematic manual search, and manual searches require the physical presence of researchers. ...

This is an 8 page paper discussing Bill Gates: history, controversy and Microsoft. Bill Gates, the co-founder and current chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft has received a great deal of controversy and criticism over the last several decades in regards to his company and practices. Early criticism was circulated by his competitors that ...

This 20 page paper considers the functionality of Microsoft Access as a database and a development tool, paying special interest to Visual Basic Applications (VBA). The second part of the paper then consider the benefits an organisation may find using Microsoft.NET The bibliography cites 6 sources.

A 6 page paper discussing Microsoft as the monopoly that does not fully qualify as one and the likely results on consumers of the recent settlement of the US Justice Department’s antitrust case against the company. Industry pressures have kept realized prices of Microsoft products low, far below levels that would qualify Microsoft as ...

A 15 page paper discussing the technology involved in computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, positron emission tomography (PET), and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Though medical imaging technology seemed to languish for nearly a generation without much technological advance beyond that which allowed the creation of various approaches, the continuing ...

This is a 6 page paper on the advantages and disadvantages of flat-panel monitors. Flat-panel monitors (for desktops) and flat-panel displays (for laptops) have taken off in the personal computer market because of their many advantages over traditional monitors. In addition to their obvious sleek designs and space saving abilities, flat-panel monitors have been found ...

This 5-page paper, modeled after the technique of a white paper, analyzes Microsoft's new venture, Palladium. The essay describes the concept and its impact and also examines the downsides and criticism of Palladium. Bibliograpy lists 2 sources.

This 15 page paper provides an overview of each system. The systems are compared and contrasted. Various subjects are discussed such as safety, affordability and compatibility. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

A 6 page paper discussing the likely directions of IT in the first 10 or 15 years of the new century. As the boundaries between IT and the rest of the business blur, those designing, implementing and executing these and other changes will need to be conversant not only in business, but also in ...

Linux Overview

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper overview of Linux specifically focusing on kernel (2.4 vs 2.2) use and security function. Linux took years to gain the attention of a significant number of engineers and programmers. Now that it has and major computer manufacturers are providing it instead of Windows, it is likely to grow in ...

An 8 page overview of system design which could be critical in times of warfare or natural disaster. The author emphasizes that infrastructural aspects of a network must be in place prior to the eruption of a disaster. The primary consideration for system design is the ability to handle increased network traffic, a ...

11 pages in length. In a confident and comprehensible attempt to combine Microsoft Windows features, personal computing hardware, and software applications that provide for "greater security, personal privacy and system integrity" (Carroll et al, 2003), Microsoft's Palladium is being implemented as Windows "next-generation secure computing base" (Carroll et al, 2003) with an evolutionary features ...

A 6 page paper comparing the general hardware needs of each of these three operating systems. The ongoing debate typically centers on what operating systems can do; the purpose here is to focus more on what Linux, UnixWare and NT2000 need in order to fully perform. Unix – and its Linux variation – ...

A 20 page research paper that discusses the crucial importance of testing in the software development lifecycle. The writer covers various forms of testing and discusses how perspective on this topic is important to producing quality software. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

This 6 page paper considers the way in which systems failure may be planned for and dealt with more effectively with the use of hybrid managers. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

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