Essays and Research Papers on Government

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A 15 page discussion of the problems migrants encounter in Australia. In theory the rule of law in Australia entitles all persons, regardless of their sex, race, or socioeconomic status, are entitled to fair legal process. In reality, the rule of law is inadequate in overcoming societal prejudice and the difficulties encountered in ...

Ancient Democracy

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper discussing ancient Greek democracy. In ancient Greece the idea of democracy was met with some resistance, but gradually the people came around to the idea. The various ideas, and particulars are included to give a fairly accurate view of how it developed, how it worked, what went into the creation of ...

5 pages in length. Sex and scandal have existed synonymously throughout history, serving to extend and illuminate the study of past societies and cultures all the way back to ancient Greece. That the two work synergistically when paired – and not necessarily in a positive manner – speaks to the inherent connection between ...

(5 pp) The modern state of Syria was not established until 1946, after the Second World War, but it is a land that has been inhabited since ancient times. Archaeologists have unearthed evidence of habitation dating back to about 5000B.C. . Damascus is probably the world's oldest continuously inhabited city. In 1800B.C. the Assyrian ...

A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the transition from matriarchy to patriarchy which began in human history's ancient past and then discusses the relevancy of patriarchy to today's issues. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

An 8 page book review and research paper that profiles Robert D. Kaplan’s book Imperial Grunts. Reviewer William Holahan states that Kaplan “defines the reach of America’s new imperialism as (being) so broad that it touches all areas of operation under the present combatant commanders” (Holahan, 2006, p. 49). As this definition suggests, an interesting ...

This 9-page paper discusses the political landscape in Greece during the 2000 and 2004 general elections. Bibliography lists 9 sources

This 5 page paper discusses the Marshall plan and its use in Greece after WWII. Two divergent theories: liberal peace theory and defensive realism theory are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 3 page research paper that examines U.S. foreign policy from 1900 through the Cold War era in regards to Latin America and U.S. inter-American policy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 3 page paper which examines various history and political concepts in the United States. Bibliography lists sources.

This 7 page paper provides a critical review of the Greek city-state of Athens as it existed in the ancient world, with a concentration on Athenian democracy. This paper attempts to assess the pros and cons of Athenian democracy, especially as they apply to the status of women and slaves. Bibliography lists 6 ...

This 5 page paper discusses democracy in ancient Athens as portrayed by the comedic playwright, Aristophanes. Using the play Acharnians, this paper illustrates the problems that Aristophanes had with democracy of his day and age and compares it to the democratic philosphies of today. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A Civic Project

  • 11 page paper

This 11 page paper discusses the decline of civic participation in the U.S. and what it means for our democracy. It also traces the development of democracy briefly from the ancient Greeks through the Romans and Europeans, to John Locke. It also touches on Aristotle’s belief that civic participation was necessary for a full life. ...

A 1 page outline of a separate PowerPoint® presentation providing the history of the prospective payment system. Created by legislation in 1983, the PPS has been characterized as being "revolutionary" and serving to dramatically reduce the rate of increase in health care costs. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 6 page paper examines military history and its importance. The paper supports the theory that soldiers, and particular officers, need this knowledge for a variety of reasons. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 5 page research paper that examines and discusses the history of various military customs and courtesies, such as the hand salute, bugle calls and the use of flags. Bibliography lists 1 source.

This 4 page paper examines Machiavelli's work and its applicability to Europe and the world. Examples are provided. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 5 page paper which examines the US foreign policy of containment from the late 1940s onward. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 3 page paper discusses why it’s important for military personnel to understand the history of military strategy and tactics. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 4 page analysis of Mark Twain’s memorable short story. This paper laments the lack of leadership that could have turned Twain’s group into an effective military unit. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

An 8 page contention that the more things change the more they stay the same in regard to American economics. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

An 8 page address of six specific questions regarding the modern history as it began in the seventeenth century, the offense-defense theory in political sciences, dynastic v nationalistic wars, technological impacts to twentieth century warfare, the evolution of airpower between WWI and WWII and Germanys mistakes in WWI and WWII. Bibliography lists sources.

A 16 page address to eight specific questions in American history and politics. Subjects range from immigration policies, minority representation and rights, distinctions between conservatives and liberals, the media and the public’s perception of war, American mobility, and the similarities of Barack Obama’s policies and those of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Bibliography lists 3 ...

5 pages in length. The scope of democracy reaches far and wide with regard to its interpretation; while the nation's founders set forth a clear and highly transparent definition, the democratic concept has undergone an ongoing revision of meaning wholly dependent upon the objectives of specific agendas. Reining in these misconstrued undertones is ...

This 5 page paper is a presentation on the history of the US army, made up of 12 PowerPoint slides. The history starts from the First Independent Company of Rangers in 1747 and traces the history up until 2009. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

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