Essays and Research Papers on Government

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5 pages in length. This paper researches the topic of voter behavior. What type reasoning do voters use when choosing a candidate? What kind of factors do they take into consideration? How do they make sense of the information to which they have access? These and other questions are answered as the writer examines the ...

This 12 page report discusses NAFTA and explains that Republican President George Bush completed NAFTA negotiations with Mexico in September 1992 and enthusiastically promoted the treaty during the campaign. Democratic challenger Bill Clinton took only a lukewarm position toward NAFTA, but two days after he was elected president, Clinton came out in favor of NAFTA and went on to promote its ...

This 5 page paper supports the assumption that A state's domestic politics and the nature of its domestic regime strongly influence the goals that it pursues, but not the means it employs to reach them. Several examples are used inclusive of the Gulf War and the April, 2001 standoff with China. Bibliography lists ...

This 10 page report discusses various theories that address political economy are based on hypotheses and empirical evidence that range from historical precedence to the assumptions that the modern world will operate in ways never before seen in human relationships. The many changes in international relationships that have been brought about by globalization serve to underscore the many ways in which ...

12 pages. It have been said that among the OPEC members that Saudi Arabia is a "price dove" and Iran is a "price hawk." Considering the actions of these countries over the past three decades in order to assess this statement, it has been determined that this does accurately describe both countries. While it is undeniable that ...

This 5 page report discusses voter participation and the lack of it in U.S. elections. Only 49 percent of the people of eligible age participated in the 1996 presidential election that re-elected Bill Clinton to the White House and continued the Republican majority in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Unless American citizens make the effort to participate in ...

Undocumented Workers

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper which discusses the impact of undocumented workers in the United States. The paper presents the arguments of those who believe undocumented workers are parasites, and those who feel they are a significant part of our country's economy. The paper also argues that the undocumented workers are far more valuable to the country than they are ...

5 pages in length. That sex trafficking continues in Asia even at this moment means that the U.S. State Department has not been as successful as it would like to be in quelling the ongoing incidence of involuntary prostitution. The year 2000 saw aggressive legislature come to pass when four programs were implemented ...

This 5 page paper consider how the federal and state agencies dealt with situation at Wacko. The paper looks at the different attitudes and considers the mistakes that were made and lead to over 80 deaths. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

This 6 page paper contemplates how Eurocommunism during the cold war compares with the Bolshevik's conception of it during the interwar period. Marx's concept of communism is discussed. Lenin's interpretation is also evaluated. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

5 pages in length. Gordon S. Wood's The Creation of the American Republic 1776-1787 addresses myriad changes that took place in relation to the United States' political, social and economic status. The metamorphosis of these three critical elements helped to further define a population of people that had already considered itself civilized; with ...

This 8 page paper offers a comparison of the 1960 and 2000 presidential elections. In both cases, the count was close and in both cases, fraud was alleged. The difference was that Nixon rejected any notion of filing lawsuits while Bush filed a number of lawsuits. Similarities and differences between the two elections are discussed. ...

A 5 page paper that discusses the human rights violations in Vietnam and in the United States. The writer comments on the difference in the human rights issues of each country. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 5 page paper examines presidential politics and how it impacted the turmoil of the 1960s. The cause and effect relationship is examined and several issues are discussed inclusive of foreign policy and civil rights issues. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

An 8 page paper discussing the appearance that the office of the President overrides congressional involvement in trade negotiations. Though Congress allows the President to negotiate matters of trade, it does not extend its deference to include relinquishing its right and responsibility to approve the results of those negotiations. Congress does retain ultimate control. Because members ...

A 6 page discussion of the Athenian Thesis or Athenian Doctrine. Provides a concise definition of this thesis with the observation that no city is deterred by traditional morality from ruling where it can. Expands on this definition examining the inherent virtues and motivations of Sparta, Athens and even Machiavelli’s quest for his ...

A 7 page essay that offers a chapter by chapter summary of Alonzo Hamby's Liberalism and Its Challengers, from FDR to Bush. The writer then offers a critical evaluation of the text. No additional sources cited.

5 pages in length. The writer discusses two issues concerning globalization and international politics. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

7 pages in length. It is important to understand that there exist a great many philosophies by which people live their lives and actually live the American Experience. These philosophies help maintain order and a sense of direction that otherwise would merely drift in subconscious thought, which also helps to apply a modicum of understanding to the concept of the ...

A 5 page paper which compares how Vaclav Havel's "The Art of the Impossible" and Nelson Mandela's "The Long Walk to Freedom" present the reader with a variety of perspectives concerning politics and the control over a society and a people. No additional sources cited.

7 pages. This review of the book The Constitution of Liberty by Friedrich A. Hayek will serve to give an overview of his views on the subject, as well as answers to several questions. Bibliography lists one source.

The UK , Ireland, Et Al – How Can Neighbors Be So Different? This in-depth12-page analytical essay explores the reasons why neighboring countries: [The UK, The Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales] can have markedly disparate political systems. In part, outside influences and each nation’s history account for how its form of ...

An 8 page overview of the “rational choice theory” proposed by this author in an attempt to explain the effect of Brazil’s democracy on the gradual erosion of military emphasis in favor of programs perceived by the masses to be in their best interests. Suggests that politicians make a rational decision to pursue the ...

Seeking Asylum

  • 10 page paper

Those who are seeking asylum are termed 'refugees'. As of 1999, there were over 21 million refugees in the world. This 10 page paper explores the human rights and policy issues associated with those seeking asylum in the United States and Great Britain. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

6 pages in length. Once the Constitution had been finalized in September by the Constitutional Convention in 1787, it had to be ratified by specially elected conventions in each of the states. In some cases there occurred much debate and close votes for ratification, but eventually all thirteen of the original states opted ...

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