Essays and Research Papers on Government

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5 pages in length. Evaluating the presidency of Bill Clinton is fraught with stumbling blocks – both personal and professional – that effectively stand in the way of performing an unbiased assessment. Indeed, Clinton has found himself in a handful of compromising positions that have caused not only his reputation but also his ...

9 pages. This imaginary briefing from the Ambassador of Israel to the Prime Minister of Israel presents a solid argument for bringing the United States and Israel together in a stronger military relationship with each other. International terrorism would not hold the same appeal if there were not a great deal of bureaucratic ...

A 5 page paper discussing the differences. Elections in many of the world's nations dissolve into riots and can be more devisive than unifying. Such is not the case in either the US or Turkey - both nations are able to conduct elections and institute the resulting mandates of the citizenry with relative ...

This 15 page paper provides an overview of the presidential primaries which took place primarily in 1999. Candidates George W. Bush and John McCain are highlighted. The democratic campaign is also touched on and projections are made. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Barbara Jordan

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page report discusses the life and contributions of Barbara Jordan to the American political system. In 1966, she was the first black person elected to the Texas State Senate. She was young, determined and unabashedly idealistic. Also renowned for her powerful oratorical skills and her talent for consensus building, Jordan was elected in 1972 to Congress, where she ...

This 9 page paper examines the book in light of contemporary politics. Global issues are considered. No other sources cited.

An 8 page paper that discusses the causes of the Cold War, a timeline highlighting major political and military events during the Cold War and the end of the Cold War. The writer then discusses the impact of these fifty years and the emergence of the new world order. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

Slobodan Milosevik

  • 5 page paper

Slobodan Milosevik has been the president of the parts of Yugoslavia known as Serbia, Kosovo, Vojvodina, and Montenegro since 1997. He was the head of state for Serbia for the ten years prior to the designation as President. This 5 page paper gives a brief overview of his personal and political life. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 7 page paper considers the development of South Boston, often referred to as the Irish Ghetto, and the particular views of the neighbhorhood between 1920-1921. This paper outlines some of the changing perespectives on the neighbhorhood impacted by issues like Irish immigration and the conflicts between Catholic and Protestant Irish. Bibliography lists 6 sources. ...

Smoking and Politics

  • 6 page paper

6 pages in length. In the book Smoking and Politics Policy Making and the Federal Bureaucracy by A. Lee Fritschler and James M. Hoefler, the reader can learn everything there is to know about such things as the Federal Trade Commission's ruling requiring labeling for cigarette packaging as well as the justification for creating ...

This 5.5 page paper examines patterns in Latino politics, moving from civil rights based issues to more broad-based national concerns of cultural, political and economic natures. In California alone, Latino/Hispanic voting quadruped in the last presidential election. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

The Bush Administration

  • 15 page paper

A 15 page paper discussing the management technique of this president. President George Bush is maligned by some, labeled ineffective by others. In retrospect, there were telling signs that Bush was a president of a single facet, that of foreign policy. His domestic policies often were the victims of systemic inadequacies in the administration. ...

This 5 page paper considers the statement that a country's foreign policy can be found in its economic interests. This statement is critically analyzed relative to the United States, the United Kingdom and the former USSR. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

American Liberalism

  • 25 page paper

25 pages in length. The origins and basics of traditional American liberalism gave direct rise to the ideals and concepts of individual political freedom and its intimate connection with economic freedom. However, this rebirth also led to a suffocating individualism that ultimately overshadowed the very reason liberalism had been embraced in the first ...

This 12-page-paper presents an in-depth discussion on the slavery issue in Sudan. It opens with an outlined discussion about the slavery that is currently occurring. It moves into the detailed description of the international slave redemption programs in which the slaves are being purchased from their masters by various international interest groups and then set ...

The New World Order

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper examines the concept of the New World Order and how it relates to the fall of communism and globalization. The cold war is discussed as it preceded the emergence of the paradigm. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

3 pages in length. Discusses the 1984 landmark decision in which a judge's ruling in a flag burning case was overturned by a Chief Justice; goes over both viewpoints and why it was overturned. Bibliography lists 1 source.

3 pages in length. This presents the argument that Chief Justice Rehnquist was correct in his overturning of this landmark decision. Bibliography lists 1 source.

This 7 page paper provides an overview of the South Boston neighborhood as it is described in the news stories of 1970. This paper considers the issues that were raised, the implementation of bussing and the approaches to addressing suburban development and their impacts on the progression of South Boston. This paper outlines ...

A 7 page paper which discusses how Marx regarded the state as an organ of exploitation. The paper presents brief illustrations of some of Marx's work. The works discussed are 'The Poverty of Philosophy,' 'Wage-Labor and Capital,' and 'Value, Price and Profit.' No additional sources cited.

9 pages in length. When we review several diverse texts there can be found a common theme about wars, control, power, economy, etc. It is easy to see we live in a culture that is embedded in war. It is obvious that man will go to any length to fight a war and win; it ...

12 pages in length. In a perfect world, there would be no war. However, inasmuch as this is far from being a perfect world, the aspect of war carries with it many seemingly unrelated advantages to help fortify economic and political standing. What typically occurs at the end of war is a combination of growth ...

A 5 page paper which examines a hypothetical situation in which the Duchess of Calzone is undergoing a political crisis in her duchy and seeks out the advice of Niccolo Machiavelli, Gilgamesh and Odysseus. The positions each adviser would take is considered, along with an explanation of which recommendation would be selected and why. ...

5 pages in length. With tremendous literary eloquence and startling authenticity, David Harvey's "The Condition of Postmodernity" and Marshall Berman's "All That is Solid Melts Into Air" address the notion of modernity and all that it has produced. Both Harvey and Berman approach the topic in a somewhat variant manner than others who ...

This 5 page paper provides an analytical view of the issue of George Bush's sometimes contradictory conservatism regarding affiliations with church leaders. While George W. Bush has asserted his Christian affiliation and has talked openly about embracing his religious ideals, he has also shied away from affiliations with men like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, even ...

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