Essays and Research Papers on Government

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A 5 page essay that discusses Locke's purpose in writing his Second Treatise on Government. In his preface, Locke expresses his intention to justify the rule of King William and disprove the philosophy of Robert Filmer. In his Second Treatise, Locke succeeds in his purpose, showing that government whose sovereignty derives form the consent of ...

A 10 page paper discussing whether astronomical executive salaries can be justified. Gleefully continued by the Democrats, this latest round of mad government spending was begun by President Bush and his Treasury secretary, Henry Paulson. The issue has moved far beyond party lines and now has become a matter of survival for America. ...

A 10 page paper discussing options for saving Medicare. It has been known both in and outside the government for some time now that Medicare and Medicaid are facing times that will call for hard decisions in whether and how to continue them. Medicaid is not in as serious state as is Medicare, ...

This 10 page paper discusses Galbraith's 1992 work describing the state of American affairs after the course of the what he sees as the self-serving economic comfort achieved by the fortunate and politically dominant community during the 1980s. The paper argues against Galbraith's assertion that the success of the U.S. political system requires ...

This 7 page paper takes a look at John Locke's writings, with a focus on The Second Treatise of Civil Government, in contemplating the contradictions in his theory. The paper concludes that Locke's political theory is valid, despite inconsistencies, as those are unavoidable anyway. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

6 pages in length. The Bill of Rights absolved any concerns over the absence of natural rights, as well as solidified the union between democracy and liberty. In short, it established the duty of government to "guarantee certain basic liberties, to protect the autonomy and liberty of the individual" (Grant 37A). Based ...

3 pages in length. Despite what critics may have said about Roosevelt's New Deal program teaching Americans to depend upon the government for their social and economic stability, there were other aspects of the president's grandiose approach to jumpstarting the economy in post-Depression America, not the least of which was the pursuit of preserving ...

An 11 page paper that focuses on the state of Louisiana. The paper begins with a short background of the state government. The next section discusses the need for a needs assessment before implementing a new training program and explains the assessments used for this state. The paper moves into the design for the competency-based ...

This 4 page paper examines the role of the Supreme Court in American society. Its relationship with other branches of government is duly noted. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 3 page paper discussing points of disclosure made in the annual report of the City of Scottsdale for FY2003/2004. For its efforts, the City won the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for FY2003/2004 from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA). Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 5 page report is written in the form of a memorandum to Senator Tom Daschle, the Democrat’s leader in the U.S. Senate. The memo considers the facts associated with the federal government’s 2001 Reconciliation Budget and aspects of it that must be considered in terms of how the budgetary process is to proceed. Bibliography lists 2 sources. ...

3 pages in length. Ignoring for the moment the right to freedom of assembly, and restricting one's answer to the scenario at hand, the student may choose to outline collusion and defacing government property as offenses that may have been committed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 5 page report discusses the concept of truly “multi-party” system and whether or not it could succeed in the United States. With as many Americans claiming to be completely disenchanted with the nations politics and with so many proving it by their refusal to vote. it would certainly appear that an enormous number of people want and need ...

A 5 page research paper that discusses this document. Shortly after World War II, the U.S. government, realizing that petroleum resources would be integral to the future and that there would soon be technology capable drilling offshore for oil, drafted a presidential proclamation to ensure that the U.S. had a legal foundation for claiming the ...

A 10 page paper answering 5 questions about Medicare Part D from an economics perspective. Questions address price schedules and examples; supply and demand issues; welfare loss to the individual; likely effects of lower premiums; and speculation of how government requirement that employers supply a similar program to employees. Bibliography lists 8 sources. ...

An 8 page overview of the many similarities that exist between humans and chimps when it comes to group dynamics. Using the book by Frans De Waal as a reference, this paper highlights how chimp group dynamics share more similarities than they do differences with politics in American government. No additional sources are ...

In five pages this paper examines the chapter in which authors Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Jeff Speck discuss various considerations as to what can be done at different government levels, by architects and citizens to eliminate suburban sprawl. There are no additional sources cited in the bibliography.

A 5 page essay that analyzes, using quotes from the source, Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer's convincing argument as presented in his book, The School of Assassins, that the government-run 'School of the Americas' should be closed due to its part in human rights violations in Latin America.

A 5 page discussion of the importance of propaganda posters during this time period. The author of this paper includes two specific posters to illustrate how the US government capitalized on racism to pull Americans into the war effort. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 5 page paper discussing Toronto’s dilemma in disposing of its municipal solid waste. The paper provides a background of the 20-year investigation of alternatives and citizens’ rejection of plans to export Toronto’s waste to a more rural area. The paper concludes with a recommendation that Toronto expand an existing landfill while implementing ...

This 4 page paper discusses Political Action Committees, lobbyists, and their influence over government and legislation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

Public Opinion

  • 7 page paper

The opinion of the public concerning the processes of the government has slowly deteriorated. This 7 page paper explores the role of public opinion as it pertains to the democratic process. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

An 8 page examination of the premises of democracy as seen through the eyes of the ancient philosophers and the sixteenth century Italian leader. Notes the opinions of these great thinkers on aspects the basic concept of whether one man should rule over another and the necessity of government and how that necessity relates ...

This 3 page paper provides describes New Mexico's local government makeup and provides background information on Senator John Arthur Smith and Representative Antonio Lujan.

8 pages in length. There is currently a controversy raging as to what actually constitutes, according to the government, the poverty level. As welfare reform fuels the ranks of the working poor, social reformers find themselves questioning the validity of the federal poverty line. The federally mandated poverty line has long been the main gauge that is used ...

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