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A 5 page contention that religion does not act only to change and challenge prevalent social beliefs and behaviors but, because it is an evolutionary phenomena, it also acts to mirror and support those attitudes. The author of this paper utilizes the current evolving religious attitude regarding homosexuality as a support for this contention. ...
This 4 page paper refers to Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise in order to compare and contrast the similiarities and differences between the treatment of religion by Spinoza and that of the medieval philosophers. This paper highlights the naturalistic influence of the medievals upon Spinoza as well as many of their specific differences. Bibliography lists ...
This 8 page paper provides an overview of some essential elements of the perspectives of Augustine, Aquinas, and Bonaventure as they relate to the philosophy of religion. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
This 15 page paper examines the concept of philosophy and applies it to religion. The Enlightenment era is discussed. Specific philosophies are included. God and how it is treated in philosophy is a large part of the inquiry. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
5 pages. In Freud's book The Future of an Illusion, Freud points out that there are definite arguments between science and religion and that the two could never complement one another. Bibliography lists 1 source.
This 6 page report discusses the differences between Roman Catholic versions of Christianity with Mormon views of Christianity. The history of the two religions is briefly discussed, along with very brief histories of the religions, their primary beliefs, and positions on contemporary social issues. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A 10 page discussion of the differences in church administration and leadership between world religions. Contrasts the Catholics, Protestants, and Muslims and emphasizes taht it is the responsibility of both the administration and church leaders as well as the people themselves to continually question their beliefs and church structure as a means of keeping their ...
A five page paper which looks at Kant's definition of conscience and duty in Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, particularly in terms of the way conscience and organised religion may come into conflict.
This 3 page paper supports the existence of God using the argument from design. Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion is discussed. No bibliography.
A 5 page paper that explores Descartes' linear deductive reasoning versus Hume's composite theories based on cause and effect with regard to human nature. The writer argues that Descartes view was based on reasoning and his view is undermined by Hume's causation. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
A 7 page discussion of the influence of religious prejudice and bias as an underlying theme of such apparently unrelated events as: a)The Transition From Sect to Established Religion, b)European Expansion and Medieval Christianity, c)Reform and Global Expansion, d)Modern Christianity & Pluralism, and e)Modern Christianity & Secularization. Discusses the evolution of religion and ...
In this 3-page paper, the importance of the Five Pillars of Islam to the Muslim religion are discussed. There are 3 sources included.
A twelve page paper which looks at the philosophy of Nietzsche as expounded in Also Sprach Zarathustra, the way in which he perceived the personal development of individuals in relation to social constructs, and the extent to which his views could be said conflict with those of organised religion, especially Christianity. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A 3 page essay that examines David Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, in which Hume pictures three speakers arguing over whether or not it can be proven that God exists. The writer examines the cosmological argument for the existence of God as Hume presents it in part IV. No additional sources cited.
This 9 page report discusses three specific arguments for the existence of God -- cosmological, ontological, and argument from design. It is more than fair to suggest that since the beginning of time, humanity has argued that God does or does not exist. Having established that God exists, the argument then evolves into how God exists and in ...
A 7 page paper that discusses Hermeneutics, which is an old way to interpret text that may be vague or confusing. It is used to discover the meaning of the words. This paper compares Durkheim’s and Weber’s thoughts about religion and its influence on humans. Durkheim’s The Elementary Forms of Religious Life is a ...
10 pages in length. Philosophy has long been the shaper of man's world in the defiance of scientific proof. The extent to which theory has reflected the basis upon which much of mankind's knowledge exists is both grand and far-reaching; that Nietzsche and Kierkegaard represent two philosophers whose respective ideas share a number ...
A 5 page essay on the meditation of philosophy by Descartes. The author analyzes the arguments for Descartes belief in universal doubt and the existence of God.
This 7 page report discusses the fact that there are approximately 311 million Buddhists in the world and approximately four million people who define Shinto as their primary belief system. The point is made that, in Japan, many millions more participate in Shinto ceremonies or celebrations than those who profess it as a religion. Understanding that fact ...
A 4 page essay that offer a modern English translation of a portion of David Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. No additional sources cited.
This 5 page paper examines Nietzsche's ideas about God, and the good versus evil debate, in two separate essays. Kant's ideas are touched on as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
5 pages in length. According to Jean Jacques Rousseau and Karl Marx, human history involves the progressive actualization of human nature, and social, political, economical racial and sexual oppression are contrary to the true nature of humanity. This paper focuses on this insight. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A 6 page paper developed around the hypothetical declaration of ‘National Philosophy Day' -- relating the arguments of Plato, Descartes, and Wittgenstein, all brought to the present by a time machine, and their considerations regarding the existence of God. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A 5 page comprehensive analysis of Descartes' third meditation in which the philosopher affirms that he is a thinking being who doubts and affirms, denies and knows. From this foundation, Descartes presents and evaluates arguments concerning God's existence. No Bibliography.
A 6 page paper that considers what the response of these philosophers would be to the question: 'does it make any difference whether or not people have free will ?' Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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