Essays and Research Papers on Gender & Society

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Sociobiology is the study of the biological bases of behavior in the context of neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory. This 6 page paper asserts that biology (either micro or macro) does not determine human behavior. The sociobiological view fails to adequately account for or explain behavioral patterns in humans. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

11 pages in length. Like so many others who grow up a minority surrounded by the constant inequity of racial and cultural divide, Ida B. Wells was outraged by the society in which she lived. Unlike most others, however, Wells did not sit idly by and merely complain about the intolerable situation; a ...

This 3 page paper examines the role of women in business. One study is the focus of attention but several authors, studies and theoretical material is referenced. Bibliography includes 3 sources.

Women in Management

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page research paper that briefly examines the disparities that continue to exist in regards to gender and management in US corporations. The last paragraph of the essay consists of tutorial language advising the student on how to respond to the information given in the research on a personal level. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ...

McElvaine/Eve's Seed

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page book review that examines a text that offers an alternative view of history. In the prologue to his text Eve's Seed: Biology, the Sexes and the Course of History (2001), historian Robert S. McElvaine states that "If the complex argument of the book had to be reduced to one sentence," it would ...

This 6 page paper analyzes the information entitled "Power as a Theme in Women's History" as well as an essay by Freedman about women's issues and organizations. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

Understanding the interplay of gender, sexuality, and power as it relates to the social constructs that define every day life enables the individual to gain a better understanding of some of the shortcomings in theories of sexual interactions as it relates to gender defined roles within the corporate world. This 8 page paper discusses the ...

A 7 page research paper that examines the concept that gender roles are socially constructed. The terms "gender" and "sex" are often used interchangeably by the public, which implies that the sex of an individual necessarily determines the way that they will behave and that the social norms regarding gender expectations are biologically controlled. Contrasting ...

5 pages in length. Increasing numbers of women are going into or starting their own business. However, as advantageous as this may sound, the female gender is faced with a combination of opportunities and hindrances inherent to the quest to hold a place in business enterprise. From reaching the apex of corporate ...

A 6 page paper. Is there a glass ceiling for women? This is discussed with data provided about both the gender pay gap and the lack of women in top positions. Suggestions for breaking the ceiling are provided as well as what many women are doing to avoid it. The essay also discusses the ...

Effects of family, peer, religion and school on socialization patterns throughout the life stages (Piaget and Erickson). Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvSocial.rtf

30 pages in length. Women and religion have shared a long yet challenging relationship throughout the ages. Not unlike virtually all other global religions, Jewish women have experienced the oppressive nature of a patriarchal society wherein the decidedly male overtones of daily life served to construct her very being. Kaballah and Jewish ...

This paper examines institutions in the United States and how they benefit men, at the expense of women's rights. The two "institutions" examined are religion and the business world. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

11 pages in length. The writer discusses Islamic oppression of women as it relates to being either a comprehensive belief throughout the religion or merely a cultural bias practiced in only certain communities. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

A 4 page research paper that discusses the Women Veterans Health Improvement Act 2009, describing its tenets and how it can be interpreted in terms of greater social equity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This is a 4 page paper discussing gender relations and the study of racism, classism, heterosexism and anti-Semitism. Gender as a concept has often been a source for social inequality as too have race, class, sexuality and religion. A study of gender relations however shows that gender, as with many other issues of inequality, is ...

5 pages in length. Throughout the renaissance, patriarchy was responsible for designing women’s role in society; many of these devices used in earlier centuries were related to religion. Certain scripture regularly challenged women to disprove that they were inferior—to not agree was heresy. When religion did not work alone, scientific theory was ...

This 5 page paper discusses laws such as Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and how they related to gender discrimination. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

7 pages. In this paper the student is to think of an act which in some way makes the world a better place for women, or even perhaps for one woman. This outrageous act, as it may be called, will be examined in this paper as well as the reason the choice was made to take this action, ...

This 7 page paper constructs the life of a character named Eleni, who is a young woman in ancient Greek society. This paper delves into all aspects of her life, illustrating how life in this time period would have been for such a young women. Issues addressed include marriage, food, dress, social activities, ...

This 10 page paper argues that it is because women can bear children that they have been in subserviatn positions historically. Historical information is provided about Ancient Greece and Medieval times. Bibliography lists 8 sources

A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the transition from matriarchy to patriarchy which began in human history's ancient past and then discusses the relevancy of patriarchy to today's issues. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

12 pages in length. Some scholars have accused organized interests of "undue influence" in the policy process and, in particular, of using the courts to advance their own narrow interests by way of circumventing the democratic (i.e. parliamentary) policy process. The manner by which the articles in Women's Legal Strategies in Canada address the ...

A 15 page research paper that offers an examination of international law and looks specifically at the issues associated with abortion, assisted reproductive technologies and surrogacy. The focus is on how statutory language is utilized and the implications that this holds for male interaction with specific legal codes. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

A 3 page research paper that investigates the an history project, “Four Decades of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered History—Out In the Redwoods,” which was conducted by the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC). The experience of being gay has changed over the ensuing decades since Gay liberation first emerged as a civil ...

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