The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Finance that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.
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This 33 page paper considers numerous questions asked by the student, including the preparation of profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and cash flow statements. As well as answering numerous questions on a wide range of financial aspects of accounting in the UK. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
This 8 page paper answers asked by the student on how bond yields are calculated, and the information they give for investment strategy choices.
This 10 page paper demonstrates how cash flow statements should be drawn up in compliance with FRS1, and how they can be analysed once drawn up.
This 9 page paper examines the rights and responsibilities of minority shareholders contrasting the UK and the US. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
This paper is mainly a tutorial, indicating what items and functions need to be included in a report from a company;s CFO to CEO. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 5 page paper considers the performance of Cable and Wireless in the short and longer term. The writer then consider the compliance of the accounts with UK accounting standards and the limitations of the accounts. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Examining e-commerce from the concept of developing nations, this paper discusses the explosion of electronic purchasing throughout the Third World -- and how various payment methods are made for electronic purchase of goods and services. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A 6 page paper that discusses why a company does not need an 'independent' audit committee if 'independent' is interpreted to mean external. This essay discusses the roles of the corporate board's audit committee and how these roles have changed over the years. The writer concludes there are sufficient regulations and requirements from the SEC ...
This 7 paper considers the statement that “A single set of multi-purpose financial statements are unable to satisfy the needs of Shareholders for both a stewardship report and a report to assist the prediction of future cash flows”. The writer consider this along with the role and expectations of the external reports. The bibliography cites ...
An 11 page paper answering 8 questions about the origins of the Great Depression and whether the same events could happen today. Some questions ask for the writer's opinion, and that is reflected consistently in the message that we need less government, not more. The paper recommends that the salvation of Social Security ...
An 18 page paper discussing the changing view of transparency and accountability on the part of the investor, and the need for organizations to adopt changes that address investor concerns. Scandals at Enron, Worldcom, Xerox and even Martha Stewart follow on the heels of the fallout of the technology sector the preceding year; US ...
This 5 page paper considers the pharmaceutical company Sicor Inc, and its performance, before making and justifying a recommendation to buy the shares. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
This 8 page paper considers the flotation of the UK mobile telecommunications company Orange in 2001, how it happened, the background, why it was considered a failure and if the markets were justified in their reactions to the flotation. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
A 5 page paper which examines the fundamental elements of “The Long-Run Performance of Firms Following Loan Announcements” by Matthew T. Billett, Mark J. Flannery; and Jon A Garfinkel. No additional sources cited.
A 16 page paper. There has been a dramatic increase in bankruptcy petition filings in the last two years. The number of businesses filing for reorganization is alarming but, as this essay points out, given the sincere effort on honest officials of a company, certain bankruptcy chapters provide relief and an opportunity to reorganize and ...
A 5 page paper discussing the items and assurances that a banker will want to see from a small business seeking a loan. Such a loan will not be made for a startup business, but for one that has a demonstrated track record. Small businesses often cannot keep pace with their own growth. ...
This paper focuses on a career in investment banking and touches on issues such as job duties, education and job skills required, salary expectations and career trends. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
This 16 page paper discusses the statement that “the cost of retained earnings is less than the cost of new outside equity capital. Consequently, it is totally irrational for a firm to sell a new issue of shares and to pay cash dividends during the same year”. The writer argues this both ways; how this ...
This 5 page paper considers the cost of capital for this large pharmaceutical company, using both WACC and CAPM. The writer then considers the differences between these two models and how the rates may be decreased. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
This 40 page paper answers three questions showing the student how to analyse accounts in order to ascertain the performance of the company thought the results. The paper includes many issues and also demonstrates the calculation of numerous ratios. The final question then considers the impact different accounting policies may have on ratios. The bibliography ...
5 pages. Husky Injection Molding Systems Limited is a company based in Toronto, Ontario and is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. This paper gives a background and financial analysis on this global supplier as well as information regarding the company's recent acquisition of an unsecured line of credit in the amount of ...
This 5 page paper considers the role and benefits of keyman or key person insurance, and how it serves its target market. The writer concentrates on the Hong Kong market, but the ideas are transferable to other countries. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
4 pages in length. When monies are lost through theft or fraud and are not recompensed, at year-end the loss incurred can more than likely be deducted as a theft loss as reported on the federal income tax return. If investments result in a loss in which the partner of that ...
8 pages. The sensitivity of a firm's operating profits to changes in demands as well as the opportunities and risks presented by such a cost structure is addressed in this paper with a focus on the airlines industry. With a current debt load of more than $110 billion, the airline industry is not ...
This 11 page paper discusses the role of accounting mechanisms and how they can be employed to make organisations more socially and environmentally transparent. The writers sites examples of companies to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
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