Essays and Research Papers on European History

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on European History that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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A 9 page paper which examines why the new world order set up at Versailles, France and Washington D.C. in 1919 collapsed by 1942. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

A 5 page outline of several of the major features of wartime pursuits during this period. The author emphasizes the importance of seapower and artillery. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 10 page paper takes both a psychological and sociological look at the children of the war. Children who were evacuated are the focus of this paper that looks at the ramifications of those events. Several case studies of children who were evacuated in several countries are looked at. The phenomenon is discussed ...

A 6 page paper which examines the book’s them, author’s point of view, and offers a personal perspective of the text. No additional sources are used.

A 6 page review of the first part of Hannah Arendt's three volume set. This paper explores Arendt's views on the relationship between historical setting, totalitarianism, and anti-Semitism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

4 pages in length. Leaving America for the very same reason others seek out its open-armed borders, John Scott removed himself from the comfort and safety of the United States and sought to find what he thought would be a more suitable life for himself. Little did he know when he chose Russia ...

A 4 page discussion of the relative importance of the world's naval forces. By World War II, in fact, the battleship had come to be regarded as the ultimate offensive weapon. During this time the theories of Clausewitz, a Prussian military strategist, were commonly employed by most of the major world players. ...

A paper which looks at the importance of the slave trade to the commercial and economic growth of Liverpool, and the extent to which slavery influenced the development of the Black community in the city. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 24 page paper considers the influence of the iatrochemists, the forerunners of chemists and pharmacists and iatromechanics, the for runners of bioengineers, on the use of metallic compounds with the emphasis on mercurial compounds for general medical use in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

A 4 page review and analysis of A.J.P. Taylor’s work “Origins of the Second World War.” Bibliography lists 1 additional source.

A 5 page discussion of the mechanisms of oppression that were employed by Stalin. The author of this paper contends that because of Stalin's captivating personality and his phenomenal leadership skills, many Russians just stood idly by while he initiated one measure after another of severe oppression. The contention is presented as well that ...

A 4 page review of Walter J. Boyne’s book “Clash of the Titans.” No additional sources cited.

A 4 page paper which looks at a particular fax from the student requesting paper and answers the question of whether or not the Cold War was inevitable. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 5 page paper which examines human rights violations committed by the Russians towards Chechnya. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 5 page research paper that, first of all, presents the principal thesis of Rappaport's Shopping for Pleasure (2000), and then compares it with Schwartz's thesis in Spectacular Realities (1998), arguing that the two approaches are quite similar. The writer feels that both authors argue that the structure of urban life (in London and Paris, ...

In Britain, between the years of 1918 and 1930 unemployment rates averaged 14%. This 3 page paper examines why, following the First World War, unemployment became such a controversial political issue. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

12 pages in length. The writer briefly summarizes and reviews four articles on labor migration, Midwestern legacy, Pacific Asia and post-Communism/nationalism. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

French Revolution

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page paper which examines interpretations of the French Revolution. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Old Regime in France

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page paper which examines whether the congress of Vienna restored the old regime of France. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 6 page essay that contrasts and compares the World War I experience outlined in two memoirs of the era, The Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger and Memoirs of an Infantry Officer by Siegfried Sassoon. These texts offer contrasting views of trench warfare. Junger was a field officer for the German army; Sassoon, for ...

A 4 page overview of the perceptions of Edmund Burke, Maximillien Robespierre, and Thomas Paine. The author of this paper emphasizes the opinions of Thomas Pain and asserts that revolutions do no necessarily result in long-term instability and violence. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Corn’s Magellan

  • 8 page paper

Charles Corn (1998) took exception to what he calls traditional historical accounts of Magellan’s unattained search for the unattained Spice Islands and specifically posits that Magellan was obsessed with Columbus’s western route and never made it to the islands due to the fact that he was pursuing other obsessions. While Corn quotes a few other ...

A 6 page discussion of the measures taken in the unification of Germany in the nineteenth century. In a speech to the his House of Deputies on January 28, 1886 Prussian prime minister Otto von Bismarck used the phrase "Blut und Eisen". Translated, the phrase means "Blood and Iron", the phrase that became ...

Deterrence to War

  • 10 page paper

Earth was once a world where deterrence safeguarded any one country or leader from ruling the planet or other countries. That time has passed. The George W. Bush Administration has used September 11 to change war strategy around the world just in time to guarantee (it would appear) that rogue states like Iraq, North Korea ...

This 3-page paper discusses the main argument put forth in Hannah Arendt's book Origins of Totalitarianism, tying antisemitism along with it.

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