Essays and Research Papers on Europe & The World Wars

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World War I

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page paper that comments on two issues. The essay first discusses the Battle of the Somme and the Battle of Verdun, purpose of the battles and their outcomes. The essay then comments on the stalemate on the Western Front. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 9 page series of responses to questions relating to the evolution of society and civilization. Discusses the industrialization of Europe and the U.S. in the Industrial Revolution and ties this discussion into the impacts of globalization which we are feeling today. Notes the importance of technology in this transition. Links nationalism ...

An 8 page paper which examines how radar technology helped the allies win WWII. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 4 page paper identifies five key events unfolding between 1877 and 1945 that changed history and our role in world affairs. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 5 page discussion of the people, events, and circumstances that contributed to the outbreak of World War I. The author contends that although the assassination of the Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, is considered by some to be a primary factor in the outbreak of World War I; in reality the social stratification ...

5 pages in length. Robert Graves' extreme humanitarianism and devotion to the written word is significantly apparent within the literary boundaries of Goodbye To All That, a classic autobiography that records both the end of his own innocence and the decline of the chivalrous code of his class in post-war England. Not only ...

A 5 page synopsis that provides a summary of the book, considers the author’s purpose for writing it and his conclusion. No additional sources are used.

A 5 page paper which examines the novel within the context of European history during the 19th and 20th centuries, considers what was special about World War I which inspired such literary eloquence, and discusses what motivated Remarque to write his novel. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 10 page overview of the differences in views of men verses women in regard to warfare. Presents the assertion that men viewed combat largely as a test of their masculinity while women viewed war and everything associated with it as an atrocity. Notes that the perceptions of each gender changed over time, ...

A 5-page essay on the affects of science on government in the 1930s. This paper focuses on the social and political science of Marxism and Trotskism, economic science, and physics and how these led to decisions made by Britain, Germany, Russia, and other European countries. Bibliography lists 3 sources. JV1930sc.rtf.

5 pages. Twice in the 20th century world war impacted the development of the United States. The author compares and contrasts how WWI and WWII impacted the economy, race & gender relations, foreign relations, and issues regarding civil liberties. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

This is a 6 page paper discussing the treatment and internment of Japanese Canadians during World War II. Before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Canadians lived as commercial fishermen, miners, forester, and merchants and were allowed to join the armed forces to fight for Canada. After the attack on Pearl Harbor however, the Canadian ...

This 8 page paper compares the Weimar Republic, the government which ruled Germany between 1919 to 1933, and the Third French Republic which reigned from 1871 through 1940. Analysis focuses on political factors and addresses reasons for the collapse of each government. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 10 page paper that examines the moral, social and political views that the American public held concerning Hiroshima in the twelve months following the end of World War II and how these views were changed by the 1946 publication of John Hersey's "Hiroshima". Discussed are the cover up attempts made by the U.S. ...

This 7 page paper discusses the events and situations that led to the rise of fascism in Germany between 1919 and 1931. The German people were lured into accepting and supporting this type of government by Hitler, who exploited the problems Germany had after World War I and then exploited the impact the Great Depression ...

This paper examines the reparations and restitutions that the German government and businesses are trying to make to victims of the Holocaust and their family. Also included is a discussion of the Swiss bank controversy and the fact that reparations are not going as well as they should. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 4 page paper provides an overview of the central views in Charles Rearick’s Pleasures of the Belle Epoque, which provides some distinct insight into a period in European history that reflects significant changes in the views of the aristocracy. The development of his major themes, which are shaped by views of leisure activities ...

This 10 page paper provides an overview of the history of German nationalism at the end of the 19th century and early in the 20th century, up until the onset of World War I. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

An 8 page paper which provides an overview of the British Military Intelligence. A history of the organization is provided as well as some controversial aspects of the organization. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 7 page paper looks at the European Union as well as the history of Europe. The theory of neofunctionalism is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Germany and the EU

  • 6 page paper

A paper which considers various elements of German economic history during the twentieth century and looks also at economic developments and democratisation in the EU since its inception. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

An 8 page consideration of the reasons behind the US’s entry into World War I. This paper presents Wilson as one of history’s tragic heroes. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 5 page essay that summarizes and analyzes director Edgar Reitz’s epic 1984 fifteen-hour, TV series, Heimat: Eine Deutsche Chronik (Homeland: A Chronicle of Germany), offers a vision of German history that dramatizes the perspective of the ordinary rural German citizen, while simultaneously relating the texture of historical events in the twentieth century to ...

Stalingrad Operations

  • 12 page paper

This 12 page paper discusses some of the history, preparation and execution of Operation Barbarossa, which culminated in the Battle of Stalingrad. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 10 page consideration of the reasons behind the US’s entry into World War I. The sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman telegram are addressed specifically. This paper presents Wilson as one of history’s tragic heroes and discusses his failure to win US support for the League of Nations. Bibliography lists ...

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