Essays and Research Papers on Europe & The World Wars

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This is a 12 page paper discussing the concerns of historical accuracy of the Holocaust narratives. The historical accuracy of Holocaust narratives has always been questioned but regardless of this concern, narratives continue to be collected. The collection of the narratives is considered to be important in not only documenting experiences from the past but ...

10 pages in length. Understanding – let alone condoning – the rationale for Australia's contributions to the war against Hitler in World War II leaves many historians perplexed by what was an obviously poor military and political investment in the Singapore Strategy. The extent to which this move wholly threatened Australia's safety as ...

An 8 page overview of the philosophies of Adolf Hitler. The author briefly summarizes the man and his philosophies, emphasizing that his apparent popularity during his time in Germany is attributable to historical circumstances rather than sound political philosophy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Causes of World War 1

  • 3 page paper

A paper which looks at some of the social and political factors which led to the outbreak of the First World War, and considers why the assassination of the Archduke was merely a catalyst.

A 6 page paper. Napoleon Bonaparte was a despotic tyrant but he instituted some major programs and maintained a degree of stability in France for twenty years. Napoleon III, or Louis Napoleon, Napoleon's nephew, wanted to follow in his uncle's footsteps. This essay discusses the legacies of these two dictators, their impact on other leaders ...


  • 6 page paper

A six page paper which considers Hesse's novel Demian in relation to the increasing nihilism of the period immediately preceding the First World War, and looks at the argument put forward in the novel for the necessity and inevitability of war. Bibliography lists 6 sources

4 pages in length. The writer discusses how the deadly combination of Nazism and Fascism is said to be a primary reason for the instigation of World War II, inasmuch as autocratic dictatorships were crushing the world, and people were subject to living their lives at the mercy of their rulers. Moreover, it ...

This 7 page paper explores what existed during the time period in terms of police and fire services. Some information about what occurred as the nineteenth century began is also included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 4 page paper evaluates the statement that WWI and WWII are two halves of the same coin. The idea that the war might have been one war separated by time is a concept also examined. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

5 pages in length. D-Day and the Battle of Normandy stand out as one of history's most brazen attempts to overcome the enemy. Dawn of June 6, 1944 brought with it one hundred thousand men, almost five thousand naval vessels (battleships, cruisers, destroyers, etc.) and the quest to destroy the enemy's defensive positions. ...

Causes of World War I

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper weighing Waltz’s (1965) three “images” that he says can be seen as being instrumental in causing war against Tuchman’s (1994) account of the beginning of World War I. Waltz’s (1965) images are International Conflict and Human Behavior; International Conflict and the Internal Structure of States; and International Conflict and International ...

A 3 page essay that addresses Eugene Weber's assertion that WWI played a key role in creating a sense of French national identity. The writer argues that this assessment is correct. No bibliography is offered.

A 3 page essay that examines the scholarship of historian Robert O. Paxton, who addresses the question of whether or not French government during the German occupation was fascist. Putting the answer simply, Paxton answers "yes," that "In the broader sense, Vichy was fascist" (233). However, he also insists in placing Vichy fascism within the ...

WWI/US Involvement

  • 8 page paper

An 8 page research paper that explores the US involvement in WWI. The writer argue that examination of WWI demonstrates that it was unique aspects of this conflict that enabled the US to make a decisive difference due to the fact that the entry of US into the Allied war effort meant a virtually inexhaustible ...

A 5 page overview of the conditions leading up to the Nazi tyranny which engulfed Germany during the World War II era. The author contends that in many respects the Germans brought this tyranny upon themselves. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 4-page paper attempts to explain the statement "lions led by donkeys" as it pertains to the British military leadership during World War I. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 4 page paper abstracts the first five chapters of Henry Paoluccis' book, War, Peace and The Presidency. Additional analysis on the causes of World Wars one and two. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 2.5 page paper that evaluates which leaders best served the national interest of their respective countries and which were the worst. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 4 page overview of the manner in which Nazi ideology overtook a people. The Nazis spread an ideology which, although we recognize as deleterious today, seemed to many to be a prudent address of the situation which they were confronting. That ideology centered around the decimation of the Jewish people. Bibliography ...

This 3 page paper examines the First World War and controversies surrounding its origin. At least three possibilities are examined and critiqued. The paper concludes that the war began for a variety of reasons. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 9 page paper which examines why the new world order set up at Versailles, France and Washington D.C. in 1919 collapsed by 1942. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

Many times, the Dieppe Operation has come under scrutiny as to whether the losses incurred justified the lessons learned, but in order to make a determination of this kind, one always must step back and look at the larger story behind this failed maneuver. Focus on Canada, U.S. and British relations and how they have ...

This 10 page paper takes both a psychological and sociological look at the children of the war. Children who were evacuated are the focus of this paper that looks at the ramifications of those events. Several case studies of children who were evacuated in several countries are looked at. The phenomenon is discussed ...

A 4 page discussion of the relative importance of the world's naval forces. By World War II, in fact, the battleship had come to be regarded as the ultimate offensive weapon. During this time the theories of Clausewitz, a Prussian military strategist, were commonly employed by most of the major world players. ...

A 4 page review and analysis of A.J.P. Taylor’s work “Origins of the Second World War.” Bibliography lists 1 additional source.

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