Essays and Research Papers on Education & Computers

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Education & Computers that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 3 page paper involves a look at academic web sites, particularly designed for teachers, and reviews one of the activities found. The activity chosen is related to science and involves concepts related to the size and function of the human brain. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 7 page paper written as a transition between a literature review and a methods section (neither included) of a proposed study to assess educators’ attitudes toward required use of integrated database systems in their instructional activities. The paper addresses growth of online offerings and content standardization to conclude that it would appear that ...

A 6 page paper discussing implementation of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system specific to higher education, and faculty members’ reactions to the system. The paper discusses Western Iowa Technical Community College’s experiences in winning over users of the integrated system replacing legacy and manual processes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

An 11 page paper discussing the current state of web conferencing, particularly as it applies to distance education. As can be seen from the small sampling provided here, there are many web conferencing applications available. Most are better suited than others to specific kinds of uses; organizations’ choices can be based on the ...

This is a 4 page paper discussing reading software programs for use in the classroom. Review studies and recommended programs are included in the paper. Within the last several years, software learning programs have gradually been introduced into school curriculums to aid teachers in meeting the educational requirements of students. Since the introduction of reading ...


  • 3 page paper

This 3 page paper outlines the SIGI-PLUS system, an interactive computerized career guidance program, looking at its’ components as well as who may gain form their use and how they can be used. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

This 5 page paper considers the use of CD ROM’s in the learning of languages by individuals. The paper considers the benefits of this medium, and includes aspects such as learning styles and the advantage of interaction. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

A 5 page paper that begins by explaining data visualization and commenting on the development of more sophisticated techniques for analyzing large amounts of data. The writer also comments on the use of interactive data visualization techniques in computer education and in education per se. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

A 4 page paper discussing the types of online degrees becoming available, and the ability of online education to effect social change. There are those who hold tightly to the belief that online degrees are somehow worth less than those gained from traditional, on-ground schools. Those involved in accredited degree programs, however, will ...

A 10 page paper that discusses two specific topics. First, accreditation is explained, the types of accreditation, the agencies who evaluate the institutions, the purpose, the criteria and the value. Second, Online education is discussed in terms of standards, credibility and quality as compared to traditional education. Research investigating the differences in performance and other ...

Distance Learning

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page paper which examines the distance-learning programs currently being offered by universities and the development of online learning worldwide. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This 15 page paper discusses the use of virtual reality in schools. Following an introduction that includes comments about virtual reality and the two basic ways humans have to learn, the writer reports opinions on the benefits of virtual reality as well as how it has been used in some schools. A summer pilot program ...

A 7 page paper discussing the budget crunch that virtually all of higher education finds itself in today. The paper discusses the failure of states’ lotteries to provide the intended educational funds promised and examines a serious focus on online education as being a reasonable cost-cutting alternative to all-on-ground classes. Bibliography lists 9 ...

A 3 page discussion of a survey included in a 31-page paper discussing a study of Elluminate and web-based video conferencing. Includes one chart. No sources listed.

A 3 page paper written as an example for AIU class EDU600 Unit 3 Individual Project. It has been well established for many years that at least a portion of aggressive behavior stems from personal uncertainty, lack of self-esteem, lack of social skills and an attempt to cover feelings of inferiority with a mask ...

This 3 page paper involves a look at academic web sites, particularly designed for teachers, and reviews one of the activities found. The activity chosen is related to science and involves concepts related to the size and function of the human brain. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 7 page paper written as a transition between a literature review and a methods section (neither included) of a proposed study to assess educators’ attitudes toward required use of integrated database systems in their instructional activities. The paper addresses growth of online offerings and content standardization to conclude that it would appear that ...

A 6 page paper discussing implementation of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system specific to higher education, and faculty members’ reactions to the system. The paper discusses Western Iowa Technical Community College’s experiences in winning over users of the integrated system replacing legacy and manual processes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

An 11 page paper discussing the current state of web conferencing, particularly as it applies to distance education. As can be seen from the small sampling provided here, there are many web conferencing applications available. Most are better suited than others to specific kinds of uses; organizations’ choices can be based on the ...

A 20 page paper continuation of “eLearning and Web Conferencing,” KSeduWebConf.rtf. This continuation includes Observation and Evaluation and a conclusion, and describes the function of several of the recorded forms of live educational sessions conducted by Elluminate. The paper concludes that whether the application is corporate training or academic education, the environment created ...

This 2.5 page paper provides an overview of two journal articles that focus on technology in the classroom. The first article reports a case study on the use of editing tools by 2nd graders. The second article intends to provide ideas and resources on incorporating technology into the writing workshop model. One example from the ...

Distance Learning

  • 3 page paper

3 pages in length. Distance learning - which encompasses several entities including the Internet, video conferencing, videotapes and other electronic technology – has become an essential tool in the contemporary academic world. These inventive learning tools are providing an enhanced education not only for those who are, for example, attending college for the ...

A 5 page paper providing summaries of two larger sections of the larger paper comprised by KSeduWebConf and KSeduWebConf2. One summary addresses the characteristics of adult learners and how Elluminate addresses those characteristics. The other summarizes Elluminate’s qualities and value as an online learning tool and environment. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ...

Model memorandum outlining a policy for school districts to prevent software piracy. Memorandum includes policy, description of costs of noncompliance, and disciplinary action in pursuit of violation of the policy. 3 references. jvSftLiM.rtf

This 5 page paper compares and contrasts a lesson plan found on the Internet against the NTeQ model. The writer demonstrates which components of the model are found in the lesson plan and then provides suggestions for those components that are weak or not included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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