Essays and Research Papers on Developmental Psychology

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A 5 page research paper on the intricacies of perception and how they affect what we believe about reality. The writer reviews some of the current thinking on this subject and relates it to how sometimes what we see is affected by what we believe; just as other times, what we believe can literally affect ...

A 4 page analysis of the book by Karen Horney that examines specifically Horney's theories which pertain to how the neurotic personality often craves affection while simultaneously is able to give affection in return . No additional sources cited.

The Enneagram

  • 50 page paper

50 pages in length. A comprehensive, analytical body of graduate level research / model thesis. Subject explored is The Enneagram; a controversial; personality test. Contains a comprehensive literature review building upto supporting evidence through analysis of early theories posited by Freud, Jung, Adler, and others. Bibliography lists more than 30 sources.

Visual Memory

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page paper that investigates the subject of remembering what one sees -- what factors play a role in one person remembering accurately and another not remembering. The writer reports studies and discusses different issues such as mood, hormones, aging and types of memory that are affected. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

Erich Fromm, humanist and existential psychologist, observed first-hand the neuroses of adult human behavior. In this 8 page research paper, the writer details through the use of examples-- how Fromm had a more general understanding of the adult personality than did his contemporaries. Theories of character, social development, etc;-- are discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 6 page paper that provides an overview and comparison of Adlerian therapy and person-centered therapy. This paper demonstrates that these different approaches can be utilized to address different levels of personality disorders. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

Defense Mechanisms

  • 10 page paper

The concept of defense mechanisms are and how we use them are discussed in this 10 page research paper. The writer explains defense mechanisms, then identifies and describes, with examples several of those used often. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

Anger & Aggression

  • 12 page paper

This 12 page paper looks at anger and aggression, its manifestations and the impact of punishment and reinforcement on behavior. Media is explored as being a reinforcer of aggression. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

Creative Thought

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper comparing and contrasting Jacob Bronowski's "The Nature of Scientific Reasoning" and Northrop Frye's "The Motive for Metaphor." Both of these essays deal with creative thought in one way or another. They both examine, in their own way, how creativity is essentially a tremendous part of all human thought, creation, and ...

A 6 page essay that contrasts and compares Bernhard Schlink's The Reader and Lawrence Thornton's Imagining Argentina. The writer argues that both authors address the function of memory and imagination in regards to the creation of political knowledge and moral responsibility. No additional sources cited.

A 12 page paper that provides an overview of the major components of creating a token economy to shape the behaviors of people who are mentally unstable. In essence, a token economy is a reward system by which individuals receive compensation (tokens) for positive behaviors and compliance with outlined expectations, and lose compensation for negative ...

A 5 page essay describing the social cognition, critical versus creative thinking and information processes of a fictional 14-year-old boy as a means of discussing these psychological processes. No bibliography.

A 5 page paper discussing this article published in 1994 in ReVision Journal - 'Insight Into the Social Sciences.' No additional sources cited.

Birth Order

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page paper that addresses the social studies of the effects of birth order in behavior. The paper talks about what Birth Order theory is and what some of the differing opinions on Birth order are. The writer also discusses some of the research studies that have been done in birth order and ...

Models Of Attention

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper that discusses different models of attention. Those described include Broadbent's selection filter theory, Treisman's attenuation theory and Deutsch and Deutsch's response selection theory. Each is briefly described. Studies supporting or refuting Broadbent's original theory are also briefly described. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Theorist B.F. Skinner, one of the central behavioral scientists who developed his operant theory, argued that the process of learning and language acquisition was subject to the same element that impact operant responses to stimuli and that individuals are shaped by their environment and the responses of others to their process of language acquisition. ...

A 14 page paper that discusses the varied psychological principles which involve the issues of attachment in relationship to personality development. While there are many different components that go into making up an individual personality style, attachment plays many different roles in personality development. Attachment primarily begins with our attachment to our primary caregiver, and it is through this relationship ...

This 5 page paper provides an overview of the characteristics of two of the main characters in Terry Kay’s To Dance with the White Dog, and applies behavioral theories to an understanding of their actions. This paper describes the actions and emotional response to the actions of the husband and wife in this story, ...

A 7 page paper that discuses cognitive development, specifically information processing according to two theorists: Case, a neo-Piagetian, and Siegler, who proposed an evolutionary theory. Siegler uses the metaphor of the wave, as in overlapping strategies for processing information. Case uses a more traditional approach of stages. No doubt, there is merit in both approaches ...

5 pages in length. Describes the causes and symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa as well as those who are most prone to suffer from the disease. During the past decade the prevalence of eating disorders has increased among teenage and college-age American women. This increase is probably caused in part by society’s idea of ...

This 5 page paper provides an overview of the basic elements of Kiersey’s personality assessments, with a focus on the ESTJ personality type, also knows as the guardian. This paper considers the application of this personality assessment and personality type in business leadership. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 5 page discussion of language. Explains the evolution of language in humans both in terms of innate capability and as being an evolution which occurred as a result of environmental stimuli. Concludes that while animals have an innate capability for language they have not experienced the need for more complex evolutionary aspects of the basic forms of ...

An 8 page paper that explores new theories of adolescent development, specifically the theory of paths and trajectories. The writer begins with a brief introduction of adolescent development, then moves into the three most common themes in this area of research. The concept of paths and trajectories of adolescent development is then discussed with an ...

This 6 page paper discusses the benefits of school for children with disciplinary problems. The writer begins by identifying the benefits of school for all children and how these are particularly helpful for the child with problems. A classroom management technique is then explored in terms of how it is beneficial. Bilbiography lists 5 sources.

An 8 page paper that examines the techniques used by psychologists to measure the differences between individual personalities. Included is a discussion of early personality differentiation methods and the modifications that have been made to these early methods over the last half-century. Also included are examples of benefits to be gained through the ...

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