Essays and Research Papers on Developmental Psychology

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A 6 page overview of anxiety disorders and their genetic basis. The author describes the various manifestations of anxiety disorders and identifies the specific gene (SLC6A4) believed to be responsible for these conditions. Pharmacological as well as cognitive therapy are discussed in regard to options for treatment. Includes a one page Roman ...

What is an Optimist?

  • 3 page paper

This 3 page paper provides a description of an optimistic person. Optimism and pessimism are compared. No bibliography.

A 4 page outline of Conduct Disorder and one means of addressing the problem. This paper recommends community-based behavioral interventional tactics which target positively impacting parent/child interaction. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 4 page paper takes a look at an important study in respect to adoption. The study contends that children who have been adopted have a great deal more problems. Implications are considered and the study is critically evaluated. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 5 page child analysis report, resulting from interviewing a 15-year-old girl and her parents about her behavior and personal views. The report analyzes the information separately gained from the teenage girl and her single mother in terms of Freud’s and Erikson’s theories of development. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This is a 6 page paper discussing Cooley’s “Looking Glass Self” theory. Tutorial language appears throughout the text in square brackets giving structural and instructional suggestions for further writing. Symbolic interactionist, Charles Horton Cooley, first published the “Looking Glass Self” theory in his 1902 work “Human Nature and the Social Order”. Advocating that an individual’s ...

This is a 5 page paper discussing major psychological approaches in relation to the result of oppression and neglect on the African American community. Currently, the African American population within the United States has been found to have high levels of stress, anxiety, low self-esteem and high levels of self-destructive behavior. Psychologists and sociologists argue ...

3 pages in length. People are motivated toward doing different things for different reasons, however, when it comes to motivational factors behind achievement, hunger and sex, there are often common denominators that establish a clear understanding of such motivation. No bibliography.

An 8 page investigation of the Stroop phenomena, that phenomena involving certain peculiarities in serial verbal reactions. The author explores the original literature investigating this phenomena and provides contemporary evidence as to why it occurs. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

A 6 page paper discussing the relation of alcohol and personality from several perspectives. Research indicates that more aggressive types are more likely to drink to excess; other researchers point to alcohol-induced interruption of brain activity as likely being cumulative and lasting, long after alcohol has left the drinker’s system. Still others address ...


  • 4 page paper

This 4 page report discusses hypnosis and its advantages in a wide variety of circumstances. It can be used in therapeutic settings to “recover” suppressed memories (i.e., past abuse, witnessing a crime), to assist in controlling chronic physical pain, and to ultimately gain a greater awareness of self. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This is a 6 page paper discussing therapeutic containment. Therapeutic containment is a controlled and structured psychiatric therapy to help calm and stabilize children who experience anxiety, tantrums, insecurity or trauma. The idea for therapeutic containment is to provide the child with a temporary environment which will allow him to calm himself and feel safe ...

Stroop Effect

  • 5 page paper

5 pages in length. The Stroop effect assumes that naming the color of words in different colors will be accomplished in a slower fashion than the ability to name color bars, because reading is automatic and interferes with our ability to name the color of the word. Studying whether or not the Stroop ...

This is a 10 page paper discussing psychological and personality theories in relation to criminal behavior. Psychological and personality theories used most often in relation to criminal behavior are those which are based on the psychoanalytical developmental theories of Freud, the cognitive developmental theories of Kohlberg, the learning and behavioral theories of Eysenck and the ...

This 8 page report discusses three separate component of cognitive research meta-cognitive research, schema theory, and scaffolding methods and the ways in which such issues can and should be addressed for students who are also reading about and studying the concepts. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This 3 page paper looks at the study of Tomasello and Farrar, (1986), which indicated the language was learnt more effectively when conversation with a young child was targeted on the objects where there attention was already focused. This paper looks at the findings and considers what supporting evidence exists. The bibliography cites 5 sources. ...

This is a 3 page paper discussing environmental (nurture) influences on cognitive development in middle childhood. Middle childhood, which extends from 6 to 13 years of age, is a highly transitional and productive learning period in regards to cognitive development. Children are cognitively leaving the preoperational stage which is primarily based on the relationships between ...

5 pages in length. The writer discusses how human sexual behavior is stimulated by a combination of physical and mental as well as external and internal catalysts. Bibliography lists 6 sources.


  • 3 page paper

This 3 page paper defines constructivism and provides an example. The example is discussed in depth along with cognitive flexibility theory. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This is a 4 page paper discussing different personality theories in regards to personality change. Personality theories range in their discussions regarding nature (psychobiological and trait theories by Eysenck, Allport and Cattell) and nurture (social and psychodynamic theories by Skinner, Bandura and Freud) to those which are based on simple concepts of human existence and ...

A six page paper which considers some of the similarities and differences between the western perspective on personality theory and the eastern. The paper focuses particularly on Jungian and gestalt theories as compared to Buddhism. Bibliography lists 5 sources

This 5 page paper provides an overview on the topic and examples are provided. An evaluation of personalities is included as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 8 page report discusses Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) and his theories related to how human personality develops and what shapes it. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Language Acquisition

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page paper. Until the late 1950s, it was traditionally believed that an infant acquired language from the parent or caregiver, specifically, it was believed that infants simply mimicked the sounds that they heard from parents and other caregivers. In 1957, A. Noam Chomsky offered a different perspective. Language acquisition was innate, according to ...

The Nature of Memory

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page paper which examines whether or not memories are stored in our brains. 9 sources cited but no bibliography included due to the fact that articles were faxed and thus have no source information.

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