Essays and Research Papers on Current Legal Issues

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Current Legal Issues that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 10 page research paper explores the legal implications of euthanasia. Specifically discussed are the historical aspects of the term, constitutional considerations, general consensus and future outlook regarding the practice of euthanasia. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

An 8 page paper that considers the issue of pornography within a social and philosophical construct and provides an overview of the debates that exist in order to answer the question: "Should pornography be censored even if it does not cause harm?" Bibliography lists 7 sources.

An 8 page, socio-legal analysis of issues concerning search and seizure as they relate to mandatory drug testing in the workplace. Various cases are cited. Bibliography lists at least 10 sources.

A 5 page paper analyzing the debate on the implementation of drug testing policies at the school, governmental, and private-sector levels. The writer concludes that the legal risks and ramifications of drug testing must be weighed against the practice's potential benefits. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 6 page paper focuses on what a lawyer defending Visa might say in light of the new complaint brought against both Visa and Mastercard in 1998. The subject of antitrust legislation is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 8 page paper addresses the problem of juvenile crime in Pennsylvania and looks at its criminal justice system. Statistics are used to show dips and peaks in the crime rate during the early part of the nineties. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

Emancipation Of Children

  • 25 page paper

A 25 page paper discussing the liberation of children from their parents' control. The emancipation of children from the control of their parents has been an issue in this country for years. Twenty years ago, adults were nearly at a loss for any sense of control over the actions of their teenage children. ...

A 5 page paper that provides an overview of Philip Howard's book The Death of Common Sense and considers the points made by the author as they reflect the political and legal issues in the United States. No additional sources cited.

An 8 page paper that considers the role of the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi from 1967 to 1990 and the way in which the Klan influenced the events in Grisham's The Chamber. No additional sources cited.

In 9 pages, the author discusses "Paradoxes of Legal Science" by Benjamin N. Cardozo, a prominent Supreme Court Justice. No sources cited.

6 pages in length. Case examples provided. Writer remains objective for the most part-- providing an overview of the subject. Bibliography lists 10+ sources.

A 5 page analysis of the Kutler's book, Privilege and Creative Destruction: The Charles River Bridge Case. The writer demonstrates that this landmark case of the early nineteenth century has relevance for current day society. No additional sources cited.

This five-page paper presents a satirical expose on why “deadbeat dads,” should not have to pay child support.

A 5 page paper that examines court cases that have challenged the practice of euthanasia, or an individual's right to end one's own life when faced with terminal illness or a vegetative state. Focus is on two 1997 cases in particular, Cruzan v. Missouri Department of Health and Washington v. Glucksberg. Included are ...

This 5 page report discusses the shooting of African immigrant Amidou Diallo by four members of the New York Police Department in February of 1999. Standing in the doorway of his apartment building, apparently either coming from or going for something to eat, New York police officers fired 41 times at him. He was hit by19 ...

This 8 page paper examines Cuban immigration in the United States, with a focus on the Elian Gonzalez case. Pertinent information about the case is provided and discussed in light of U.S. immigration policy. Statistics are provided. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

This 12 page paper addresses the issue of domestic violence, viewing it in historical perspective. The way in which situations are handled today is different than it was a decade or two ago. Several case studies are noted. The Shannon Doherty and O.J. Simpson cases, in respect to domestic violence, are referenced. Bibliography lists ...

Strikes Move to Two

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper examines a current bill in Congress, HR 1989 concerning action to amend title 18 of the United States Code to provide life imprisonment for repeat offenders who commit sex offenses against children. Bibliography lists 4 sources. .

In 7 pages, the author discusses gun control. The topic of gun control is not a new one. It has been the focus of the nation for years, and this focus is increasing. With the presidential primaries that have occurred as well as the general election in November, this topic has become more ...

Elian Gonzalez

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page background of the Elian Gonzalez case, the six year old Cuban refugee whose mother died on the boat journey to political asylum in the U.S. Elian has become an object of contention as to whether he should be allowed to remain in the U.S. or returned to Cuba. Presents the argument ...

Fashion Counterfeiting

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper provides an overview of this little known secret of the fashion industry. Although counterfeiters on the streets are obvious, the less obvious infiltration in department stores is also problematic. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Search and Seizure

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page discussion of search and seizure in regard to Fourth Amendment rights. Reviews recent Supreme Court rulings and illuminates the fact that search and seizure encompasses many more complexities than our popular perceptions of uniformed police officers completing drug raids. Search and seizure can involve our children and even drug testing ...

This five-page-paper discusses the problem between the FBI's decisions to keep issues secret to protect national security and the public's right to know. After discussing the problem there is a design solution offered. Bibliography lists 10 sources .

This six-page-paper presents a discussion on the protection of humans in clinical trials. It opens with a discussion about why the clinical trials need to use humans and moves into the possibility we may get over enthusiastic and not protect them as we should. It offers a suggested plan of action regarding the use of humans and discusses the steps ...

This 5 page paper looks at bailment. A definition of bailment and the relevant terms are discussed and a narrative is given on the subject so that the student will have a good basic understanding. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

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