Essays and Research Papers on Counseling in Education

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Counseling in Education that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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A 3 page paper. This brief essay identifies Senge's five principles as reported in The Fifth Discipline. The essay offers a description of the organization, a school, where the principles are to be applied. Each is described along with how the principal may achieve the final goal. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

Issues in Education

  • 9 page paper

This 9 page research paper summarizes the content of three essays that include a issue in education and then discusses possible approaches to each problem. The essays are "The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society" by Jonathan Kozol; "None of This Is Fair" by Richard Rodriguez and "University Days" by James Thurber. Bibliography lists 7 ...

5 pages in length. E. D. Hirsch, Jr. asserts that Americans lack the common knowledge that enables significant communication to take place and that the public schools are not teaching it; however, his is an unfashionable idea. For years, most educators have emphasized the learning process and skills rather than an identifiable body of ...


  • 15 page paper

This is a 15 page paper discussing the studies found regarding kinesics. Kinesics, or the study of body language in nonverbal communication, is a term which was first applied to early anthropological studies and was used in regards to furthering the study of linguistics. Recently however, researchers have used the study of kinesics in regards ...

This 7 page paper considers how communication takes place in the learning environment. The paper looks at a group of more then 8 fictitious learners, who may be adolescent students or adults, and consider the role and place of communication and the relationships within the learning group. The paper starts with the aspect of ...

This 4 page paper begins by explaining that effective communication skills are the counselor's greatest tool when working with parents. The writer emphasizes listening skills. The writer also provides the techniques from family systems concepts as another process to use when working with parents. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 5 page paper considers the issue of teacher evaluations and the benefits that these evaluations can have for opening lines of communications between teachers and principals. This paper considers the functional nature of teacher evaluations and the value for overall performance in the educational setting. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Lev Vygotsky proposed the zone of proximal development as a means of understanding the progression of cognitive development in children and the necessity for interactive communication and curriculum to move children through necessary developmental stages. This 8 page paper examines the basic premises of Lev Vygotsky's theory regarding the zone of proximal development, and then ...

This 9 page paper provides an overview of the central communication roadblocks in the educational setting. This paper integrates a view of the many different elements that impact the educational environment and considers issues like variations in learning styles and the role of educators. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 6 page paper provides an overview of the most common forms of communciation in the educational setting. This paper reflects the importance of these types of communications for educators, learners, parents, and administration. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 5 page report discusses the uses, applications, and problems associated with HIV-infected youth and computer technology. While a number of valuable interactive and multimedia education programs have been developed for children, teens, and young adults, there are few programs designed for monitoring and assessment. As recognition has grown that such differences not only ...

A 5 page paper which compares and contrasts Anyon’s “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work” with Rodriguez’s “The Achievement of Desire.” No additional sources are used.

This 4 page paper examines the problem of public education and why schools do not incorporate trends. An article by Thornburg is evaluated. This reaction paper also includes the opinions of other authors. This paper argues that public education will likely never change because it is designed to indoctrinate as opposed to educate. ...

This 5 page paper considers the nature of the life long learning movement in education and the integration of computer technology. This paper considers the role that technology plays in both society and in education and suggests reasons why the current learning philosophy embraced by many educators and school systems supports the continued use ...

An 8 page discussion of the importance of employee training. Based partially on a literature review this paper presents its points as though many were obtained in an interview with a fictional human resources manager at a medium-sized high technology organization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 25 page paper. Ideas regarding adult education as presented by Gramsci, Freire, Mezirow, and Boyd and Myers are outlined and discussed. Both Gramsci and Freire were writing against oppressive societies and promoted radical cultural and ideological changes. Both believed only the people who were oppressed could bring about those changes. Mezirow and Boyd ...

This 3-page paper reviews a journal article: Pettus, Alvin M. & Allain Violet Anselmini. (1999, July). Using A Questionnaire To Assess Prospective Teachers' Attitudes Toward Multicultural Education Issues. Education 119. The writer summarizes the article and comments on the quality of it. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 3 page research paper that discusses 3 parental issues in education, which are: How parental values affect children’s education; how home-schooling affects performance in higher education; and whether parents should be allowed choice under the NCLB. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 12 page paper discussing gaps in educational achievement in Britain from a sociological perspective. Researchers appear to be identifying concepts that should be important in arriving at resolution, even though it appears that they have not yet found workable solutions that fit all situations. It has been known for years that more ...

6 pages in length. Financing Education in a Climate of Change by J. Vern Brimley and Rulon R. Garfield strives to illustrate the inextricable components of economic funding and educational opportunity as they exist in contemporary society. That a solid education is becoming more and more difficult to secure with today's ever-escalating costs ...

This 15 page paper gives an overview of Dyslexia based on the most current research available. Also included are case studies and longitudinal studies on incorporating dyslexic students into the language arts classroom and teaching writing to the dyslexic student. Quotes cited from sources. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

A 4 page paper. that reports statistical data from different sources regarding the literacy (reading and writing) skills of adolescents. The writer also comments on a report from Canada regarding literacy rates and identifies where the U.S. falls in terms of national literacy rates across the world. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 3 page essay that offers a first-person account of meeting with a teacher to learn of problems and progress in the fourth grade. Written from the parents' perspective. No bibliography offered.

This 5 page paper considers the use of assessment tools. Looking first at the British Pictures Vocabulary Scale, the test is outlined and value considered. The paper then considers the value of competence based tests and looks at their advantages and disadvantages. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

This 3 page paper compares the philosophy of John Dewey to James Banks. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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