Essays and Research Papers on Criminal Justice

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  • Criminal Justice <- Click for more
  • A 9 page paper that discusses the building of Bugliosi's case based on interrogation and admissions of witnesses, rather than physical evidence, which was most often ignored or destroyed by the police. The writer argues that if interrogation and even hearsay were not allowed in the trial, Manson would have gone free. Nearly all ...

    This 7 page paper examines two works and compares and contrasts Hare and Samenow's ideas The paper concludes that sociological factors shape the personalities of criminals but biology plays a role as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

    ( 10 pp) Whether it is a class assignment, or an event in the outside world, determining what and how to deal with any ethical situation is difficult. First because we question our own perception of the event - did I really just see that? Did it really happen? Second, because if ...

    A 9 page paper answering 10 discussion questions about corporate responsibility and conviction for white collar crime, as well as technocrime and which type is worse for the community. Other questions address law enforcement agencies and four crime theories. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

    This 5 page paper focuses on white collar crime. Various types of crime are defined and its impact on society is discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Juvenile Justice <- Click for more
  • This 7 page report discusses juvenile delinquency and the factors associated with contributing to it. In the lexicon of modern mental health and sociological professions, acting-out or delinquent behavior is recognized as an associated feature of adolescent depressive disorders. The term “juvenile delinquency” has also evolved as a legal term that refers to the actions taken by children and adolescents that ...

    Gang Violence

    • 10 page paper

    A 10 page study on gang violence and juvenile delinquency addressing types of gangs and gang behaviors, causes, prevention and legal measures that deal with gangs. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

    Minor In Possession

    • 3 page paper

    3 pages in length. Martin Rudy has been charged with Minor in Possession (M.I.P.), a charge that brings with it a citation written by a police officer for the infraction of being under legal drinking age and getting caught with alcohol in his possession, ownership or control. However, the burden of proof rests ...

    This is a 7 page paper discussing juvenile delinquency and victimization in relation to societal norms, and peer and familial groups. The definition of deviance has changed over the centuries and what were once considered acts of demonic possession in regards to criminal action are now considered violent reactions to elements within society. Juvenile delinquents ...

    This is a 7 page paper discussing fetal alcohol syndrome, its incidence, cost to society and relation in the criminal justice system. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE), Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ARND), Alcohol-Related Birth Defects (ARBD) and alcohol-exposed Static Encephalopathy (SE) are all terms for the defect which occurs to a child when ...

  • Law Enforcement <- Click for more
  • 3 pages in length. Miranda v. Arizona stands as one of the most influential rulings that continue to guide the manner by which today's criminal justice system operates. Created as the result of alleged perpetrators having no idea what to expect in the way of rights during the apprehension and detention process, this ...

    A 6 page paper which examines the biography of William Bratton, titled "Turnaround," and examines how he has the qualities of a leader. The paper also utilizes Howard Gardner's book "Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership" and "Leadership" by James MacGregor Burns. No additional sources cited.

    A 6 page paper responding to the questions of the first assignment of a distance criminology course, addressing management practices within police departments and racial profiling as it applies to traffic stops. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

    A 7 page paper answering two discussion questions and analyzing the Asheville (NC) police department according to Weber's principles of management. Questions address Fiedler's contingency theory and managing police stress at both the individual and departmental levels. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

    A 4 page paper answering two discussion questions. One addresses identifying and rewarding officer productivity, the other presents and discusses a community scenario. The problem is assessed using the Scanning, Analysis, Response, Assessment (SARA) model of problem identification and problem solving. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Intelligence <- Click for more
  • 3 pages in length. Miranda v. Arizona stands as one of the most influential rulings that continue to guide the manner by which today's criminal justice system operates. Created as the result of alleged perpetrators having no idea what to expect in the way of rights during the apprehension and detention process, this ...

    A 6 page paper which examines the biography of William Bratton, titled "Turnaround," and examines how he has the qualities of a leader. The paper also utilizes Howard Gardner's book "Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership" and "Leadership" by James MacGregor Burns. No additional sources cited.

    A 6 page paper responding to the questions of the first assignment of a distance criminology course, addressing management practices within police departments and racial profiling as it applies to traffic stops. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

    A 7 page paper answering two discussion questions and analyzing the Asheville (NC) police department according to Weber's principles of management. Questions address Fiedler's contingency theory and managing police stress at both the individual and departmental levels. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

    A 4 page paper answering two discussion questions. One addresses identifying and rewarding officer productivity, the other presents and discusses a community scenario. The problem is assessed using the Scanning, Analysis, Response, Assessment (SARA) model of problem identification and problem solving. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Organized Crime Studies <- Click for more
  • A 5 page research paper on Al Capone's syndicate and its similarities to a government. The writer details each function of government and how Capone's organization paralleled it as a microcosm. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

    This 12 page paper discusses organized crime as it existed in Chicago from its inception through Prohibition. Social ramifications are addressed as are the various causes and effects of Mafia and other organized crime behavior illustrated by the case of Chicago. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

    This 10 page paper looks at the world of organized crime in America and the leaders of that world. Who are they and what are they doing? Bibliography lists 9 sources.

    United States v. Gotti

    • 8 page paper

    An 8 page research paper on the trial of Gene Gotti, New York crime boss. The writer details the trials and appeals for his conviction in 1989 for various narcotics related activities. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

    A 12 page paper analyzing how the Mafia has affected Italian politics. The writer describes the rise of the Mafia after WW II and details the activities of certain well-known persons within the crime organization. Bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • The Public & Crime <- Click for more
  • This 3 page paper examines a hypothetical situation concerning genetic testing for criminals. This paper argues against genetic testing. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

    This 5 page paper discusses the idea that deviance is a matter of perception and, as such, is determined by those in positions of power who serve as a 'moral entrepreneur' for society. Theories of determinants of deviancy, as well as some causal factors, are briefly discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

    A 10 page paper discussing the philosophy, morals and ethics underlying police work. There are arguments both in favor of and adamantly against the level of power that police currently possess. Of course there are cases that can be used to support each position, many of which can be explained by philosophy. Utilitarianism and rights theory ...

    6 pages in length. Who is to blame for crime - the perpetrator or the victim? Society or the situation? Do criminal rights supersede those of the victim since the Constitution guarantees said rights to everyone, or do the criminals forfeit those rights when committing illegal acts against the victim? Is ...

    Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1, 88 S.Ct. 1868, 20 L.Ed.2d 889, Argued in 1968. Primary arugemnt in this case concerns probable cause and search/seziure, 4th amendement issues, etc;

  • Forensics <- Click for more
  • An 8 page paper discussing the application of forensics to bomb investigations. Details the care which must be taken in the collection of evidence and discusses some of the laboratory methods used to analyze this evidence. Bibliography lists seven sources.

    21 pages providing a detailed analysis of the validity and role of forensic testimony as a legal defense undermining science. Excellent for those studying law, criminal justice and also for sciences that examine such subjects as DNA. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

    A 2 page paper discussing the probability of identity through DNA testing. Long used for paternity testing, forensic databases even now are being constructed listing genotypes of known and convicted offenders. Improvements in test procedures and sensitivity has resulted in probability of identity increasing from 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 82 billion ...

    In 5 pages, the author gives an overview of forensic anthropology including what forensic anthropology is, the essentials of forensic anthropology, forensic anthropology and the FBI, forensic investigations, legal responsibilities of the forensic anthropologist, and recent developments in forensic anthropology. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

    Forensic Dentistry

    • 5 page paper

    The field of forensic dentistry is explored in this 5 page paper. Specific procedures followed in conducting criminal investigations as well as analyzing data in mass disasters is discussed. The use of computers and DNA is included. Information on qualifications and credentials as it pertains to testimony is also discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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