Essays and Research Papers on Corporate Finance

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Corporate Finance that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 6 page paper examines this once proud company, looking at the history and the recent financial performance including a ratio analysis, before coming to the conclusion that this would be a very risky investment. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

Easyjet and Ryanair

  • 32 page paper

This 32 page paper compares two companies that are both dominant players in the European low cost airline industry; Easyjet and Ryanair. Bucking the recent trends both have performed well, however, Ryanair has suffered due to the recent court case where it was found to have gained uncompetitive advantages when being given subsidies by a ...

This 10-page paper examines the process of cost accounting (also known as managerial accounting) in the U.S. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 6 page paper discusses the new roles of the corporate auditor. Internal Control, Audit Committees and the new Ethics are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 16 page paper that begins by explaining how accounting standards came to be adopted in the United States in the first place, including the establishment of AICPA, SEC, GAAP and FASB. The essay then discusses the International Accounting Standards (IAS). Four specific standards are outlined: IAS 1, 24, 27, and 31 because they apply ...

This 24-page paper is a literature discussion about what impacts price behavior of common stock, both on the AMEX/NYSE and NASDAQ. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This 5-page paper discusses basic accounting terms including entity, cost, materiality and substance over form, then answers questions as to feasibility of these concepts to firms. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 3 page paper discussing Citigroup’s IPO of 21 percent of the stock of Traveler’s Property Casualty less than a year after 9/11, followed by a secondary issue of stock in December 2003. The net cost of IPO was low and Citigroup was able to make a secondary offering after fine-tuning operations and governance ...

BIDs and REITs

  • 24 page paper

This 24 page paper at how BIDs Business Improvement Districts and REITs Real Estate Investment Trusts operate and how they can help regenerate run down areas. The requirements and practicalities of each are examined. BIDs and REITs are also assessed for their potential in the UK market. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

This 17 page paper answers a set of 23 questions asked by the student concerning intentional investment. The paper defines and explains a range of terms, such as beta, options, hedging and CAPM, along with their use. Other issue include the taxation and the use of dividends in the US, how international investments may impact ...

A 3 page paper comparing the role of the financial manager to that of the accountant. The financial manager acts as the intermediary between the firm and financial markets, while the accountant keeps control of daily activities. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

Altria Group Inc.

  • 7 page paper

This 7 page paper assesses the performance of the Altria Group Inc, well known as owner of Philip Morris, makers of the Marlboro cigarettes and majority owner of Kraft Foods. The paper looks at production and cycles performance ratios and suggests some improvements. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

This 5 page paper looks at these two companies and companies them in terms of ownership, capital structure, remuneration for the CEO dividend policy as well as cost of equity and cost of debt. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

A 3 page paper discussing the effects of hypothetical changes in assets and the effects of those changes on other value ratios. Based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Borders Group (NYSE:BGP) operates 434 Borders book stores and also is the parent of Waldenbooks. Its primary competition in the brick-and-mortar setting comes in the form ...

A 5 page paper listing 12 questions that a company should ask before creating a finance plan. Questions include how much liquidity the firm needs; how much time the plan will include; whether short-term debt is financing long-term projects; and other items. Not all of these questions can apply to every company, of ...

A 3 page paper discussing Nigeria’s efforts to repair the effects of years of governmental neglect, and the current civilian government is having difficulty in pointing the country in a workable direction. The purpose here is to assess the threats that Internet banking poses to the traditional banking system of Nigeria. Local and ...

This 7 page paper considers how an asset for a business needs to be chosen. The example used is that of a van for a florist. The paper then considers how the asset should be acquired, either with the use of leasing or outright purchase. The paper then looks at how a purchase can be ...

A 6 page paper discussing persistent economic stasis even after several tax cuts following the appearance of the recession of 2001. The paper reviews the types of tax cuts that have been made, along with the results that typically could be expected. The US has yet to implement the tax cut that could ...

This 20 page paper consider the impact, and the potential impact of commercial lending in Ghana with a comparison o the UK. The paper outlines the economic position of Ghana and the way that commercial could and is impacting on the economy. The paper looks at tits role in credit creation and how this operates ...

This 3-page paper focuses on how balanced scorecard systems can help in the profession of accounting Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 4 page paper discussing the terms of Borders’ proposed acquisition of its small competitor. There are several approaches that Borders can take in financing its hypothetical acquisition of Books-A-Million. Regardless of the route it chooses, it will need to ensure that the method used does not further erode its delicately-balanced ratio of ...

Financial Questions

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper is written in two parts, the first part answers the question "Can the market portfolio be beaten by holding a given number of securities that have the highest Betas?", the second looks at a company which has diversified operations, and takes the income from different activities to determine the real level ...

This 7 page paper looks at the fact that electronic money is becoming more and more popular. The idea of getting rid of cash for good is disputed for a variety of reasons. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

In February 2004 Comcast made a bid for Disney. The acquisition would have added to the Comcast empire and allow them growth that their current structure could not facilities. This 5 page paper looks at he advantages and motivation for Comcast and how they may create value from acquiring Disney. The paper then considers the ...

Asset Pricing Bubbles

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page paper discussing historical bubbles including the Dutch bulb craze, the South Sea Company in 1711 and South Florida real estate in the 1920s. The paper answers several questions regarding asset valuation, particularly in association with the fallout of the tech sector beginning in March 2000. Bibliography lists 15 sources. ...

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