Essays and Research Papers on Computer Industry

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Database Use at Penske

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page paper discussing Penske’s use of Microsoft Access with customer relationship management (CRM) applications, specifically as it applies to the sales management function. At present, Penske makes only minimal use of the CRM application, and greater, more efficient use of that function can benefit both Penske and its customers. Penske has ...

A 5 page paper briefly tracing Intel Corporation’s development and its shift in business focus. Formerly releasing new advances as they became available, the company now lets the market dictate when new products will be released. The paper discusses Intel’s segmentation to serve both the PC and server markets. Bibliography lists 11 ...

A paper which considers threats to Microsoft's dominance of the software industry, particularly in reference to security issues and the increasing popularity of Linux and the use of open source codes. Bibliography lists 6 sources

This 9 page paper looks at how and why the current patterns in hardware and software production have emerged, using software production in India, hardware production in China and support services in Ireland as examples of his pattern. The explanation used is that of global competitive and comparative advantages. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

Trends in IT Outsourcing

  • 16 page paper

A 16 page paper discussing current trends in IT outsourcing. Outsourcing was born of situations just short of desperation, and was looked on in many ways as being less than desirable. The idea of turning over control to essential internal operations to any outside entity often was seen as being foolish. It ...

This 9 page paper considers an ethical dilemma for a software engineer. The software engineer is aware of problems in a software program to be used in the medial industry, The company want to release the product but the engineer feels it could cause the death of patients. The paper consider the different approaches as ...

This 3-page paper discusses the benefits and disadvantages for business and the U.S. economy of outsourcing jobs overseas. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 3-page paper focuses on Canon, Inc, (manufacturers of cameras, copiers and other peripherals) and also provides a brief summary of the industry in which it operates. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A paper which looks at mass customisation and personalisation; smart environments and smart mobs, and the differences between emergence and prototyping. Bibliography lists four sources

A 6 page paper reviewing the capabilities of Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0. The program may not qualify as a professional photographer’s “dream program,” but it may well qualify for that distinction among casual and recreational photographers. It offers many built-in options, but it also lets the more enthusiastic photographer to make many user-defined ...

In consideration of the question as to whether the PC environment storage of mission critical data is both a step forward and back, the issues of application development are explored in terms of security, maintenance, management structure, and recommended tools. Bibliography lists 6 sources. jvPCenvi.rtf

This mock magazine offers six RT computer articles on the title and a 6 page editorial on what's included in those articles. Subjects include: Re-evaluating your replacement strategy, Sasser worm, MS revisit of NGSCB security plan, top technologies for 2005, Hitachi 400GB drive, and Linksys, Boingo Boost Hotspots. Bibliography lists 5 sources. jvPCmag.rtf

A 25 page paper discussing the virtual shopping mall, a 3-dimensional idealization of the next generation of ecommerce that mimics the physical shopping experience. The paper discusses the current situation; supply chain management; and emerging technologies such as Java3D and VRML. It also discusses J2EE, Microsoft.NET and XML. Retailers can expect the ...

This 6 page paper compared and contrasts the security characteristic of UNIX and Linux with Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. The paper looks at the strengths and weaknesses of each operating system and compared them to asses which is the most secure and which is the easiest to use. The bibliography cites ...

A 4 page paper discussing disaster recovery in these three operating systems. Windows® products – specifically 2000, 2000 Server and XP – are rather narrowly targeted to specific uses. All of the products considered here are more for business use than for gaming and other similar activities of non-business Windows® versions such as ...

A 24 page revision of the 25- and 26-page papers of the same name. This version adds discussion of a VRML97-X3D Extension for managing “massive” scenery; IPIX; X3D; and a discussion of future directions for 3D in ecommerce. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

Andrew S. Grove

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page paper which criticizes the entrepreneurship of Andrew S. Grove. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 4 page analysis of computer network design. The author analyzes factors such as SAM, paged pool size, registry size, CPU size, pagefile size, and physical RAM. Bibliography lists 1 source.

This 5-page paper attempts to examine diversity practices at Google by examining this company's culture and studying Silicon Valley's attitudes toward diversity and inclusion programs in general. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

4 pages in length. The user-friendly advantage that has long been associated with a Macintosh (Apple) has given way to the IBM (Microsoft) operating systems, which have come to mimic the ease of application for which Macs have been known. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 20 page paper continuation of “eLearning and Web Conferencing,” KSeduWebConf.rtf. This continuation includes Observation and Evaluation and a conclusion, and describes the function of several of the recorded forms of live educational sessions conducted by Elluminate. The paper concludes that whether the application is corporate training or academic education, the environment created ...

A 6 page paper which, by using a supplied case analysis, compares Mac to Windows operating systems in terms of software availability and computing aspects to prove that Mac is the better choice for business applications. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 4 page paper evaluating Medical Information Technology, Inc.’s MEDITECH hospital information system, specifically as it applies to nursing. Topics include orders and charting; care plans; and quality and research reporting capabilities. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Requirements Engineering

  • 25 page paper

This 25 page paper examines the role and purpose of requirements engineering in software development. The paper starts by defining requirements engineering and then why it is used and the approaches that can be adopted. The paper then looks at the process and the various options that can be used to undertake the process. The ...

A 10 page paper discussing the types of decisions necessary for arriving at the optimum make-or-buy IT decision. The process begins with hierarchical decomposition of the current system, and progresses to an assessment of the level of expertise and time available in-house. The paper discusses available choices when sufficient expertise is available and ...

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