Essays and Research Papers on Theories & Theorists

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Theories & Theorists that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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An 8 page paper discussing accepted concepts and theories of communications management and suggesting an alternative approach. A foray into a "do it yourself" approach can negate the benefits of theory, but it is practical and obvious benefit that organizations need in today's intensely competitive environment. The common approach has been to design programs around extant theory; ...

This 10 page paper considers the question of how messages are communicated upwards in cultures, and assesses situations where power distance is high, the need to avoid uncertainty is high and the relationships are collectivist. This paper considers the issues related to upward communication based on cultural assessments. Bibliography lists 15 sources. ...

This 17-page paper answers various questions concerning mass media. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 5 page paper which provides a critical analysis of John Durham Peters' book "Speaking Into the Air: A History of the Idea of Communication." No additional sources cited.

8 pages in length. The aspect of argument is truly an art form of communication. It can readily be argued that verbal communication brings with it a considerable amount of misunderstanding, whether that has to do with the actual words chosen, the inflection or the hidden meaning behind them. The notion of ...

This 10 page paper considers the communication that occurs between two strangers and how this influences their overall perception of eachother. This paper considers how both verbal communication and nonverbal gestures relate specific facts and influence perspectives on the communication process. This paper also considers how familiarity plays a role in determining the ...

A 6 page research paper that examines Expectancy Violation Theory, by first of all, offering an overview of this communications model. Then, several examples of how this theory has been used in communications research are described, and the paper concludes with discussion of the practicality of this theory for evaluating everyday communication situations, using examples ...

A 4 page essay discussing how cognitive communication theory can be observed in everyday life of an individual. Cognitive communication, also referred to as constructivist theory, has recently been emphasized in mass media, especially in films but these same precepts are also true in everyday life. Communication requires cognitive processing just as it requires the ...

This 6 page report discusses how the processes in which ideas and information are transmitted or communicated differs significantly from the ways in which communication evolves as a ritualistic operation. From both a theoretical and a practical perspective, communication that exists only to impart information is very different from communication that takes place as either part of or as an outcome of ...

This 9 page paper outlines some basic theoretical questions regarding communications. This paper relates factors like conflict theory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Communications Theory

  • 5 page paper

In 5 pages the author analyzes a mock communication episode while discussing persuasive communication theory. No additional sources cited.

This 20-page paper provides a detailed review and analysis of Igor E. Klyukanov's book, Principles of Intercultural Communication.

A 5 page research paper that describes several consistency theories and their applications in better understanding attitude change and human behavior. The last part of the paper offers guidance to the student on how to write a personal response to the subject. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 5 page paper relates the issue of communication competence. This paper argues that competence is directly linked to the adequacy of the person communicating and the willingness of the person receiving information. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A paper which looks at source credibility in relation to television audience, with reference to the origins of the concept in Aristotle's rhetoric and the relevance of expertise and trustworthiness. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 8 page paper provides an overview of some questions regarding communications theory. Specifically, this paper addresses issues like validity and the social and cultural influences on communications theory. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This 5-page paper covers downward communciation, a theory of organizational communication. The essay examines the concept, discusses its use and then weighs the pros and cons of such a theory. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 4 page research paper/essay that examines two communication theories, cultivation theory and technological determinism, and then discusses them in terms of the media change represented by the Internet and specifically blogs. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

9 pages in length. The writer discusses communication in the Information Age; the communication process; nonverbal communication; verbal communication; why the communication process is studied; and the role of vocabulary in communications. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

A 8 page research paper discussing two issues of communication: opening communication channels on the work site and improving one's own communication processes. The writer contends that open communication channels enhance job performance and offers three specific suggestions for how to accomplish this. The second part of the paper deals with how supervisors can improve ...

A 3 page paper discussing Julia Wood’s narrative, dialectic and dramaturgical communication theories. They can classify communication in the present, but they do not accommodate changes in relationships that result in changes in types of communication between the individuals involved. Even so, they are useful for analyzing the type of communication that is ...

This 6 page paper considers the perspectives of Harold Innis, one of the best noted theorists regarding modern communications, and assesses his view that 'the media of communications has an important influence on the dissemination of knowledge over space and time. This paper considers the views of Innis as they can be applied to ...

Communication Theory

  • 7 page paper

This 7 page paper looks at how effective communication can take place. This includes consideration of the barriers to communication, the way a message may be interpreted and the different forms of communication. The paper then looks briefly at an example of poor communication within an organisation to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography ...

A 12 page research paper that examines the topic of African American communication within the context of the overall topic of multiculturalism. The writer argues that African American communication styles demonstrates the importance of, first of all, understanding the nuances and significance of African American communication and also why a multicultural approach to education is ...

This 9 page paper discusses the following quote “Communication is not an easy process. It involves verbal and non-verbal attempts to assist the other person to understand what we are trying to communicate. Yet it often fails”, looking at the process of communication and different models that describe with the way communication takes place in ...

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