Essays and Research Papers on Classroom Management

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8 pages in length. The goal of vocabulary instruction for emergent readers is to a) instill a sense of intrigue and excitement and b) establish a sound and literate grasp of the English language. Achieving these objectives is at the core of vocabulary instruction because the reason that without it, children would find ...

A 5 page paper. Research consistently concludes there is a strong correlation between vocabulary development and reading comprehension. The question then is how to help students develop a rich vocabulary. Some experts support the use of vocabulary word lists while others argue vocabulary is best developed through incidental learning experiences and by encountering new words ...

This 5 page paper discusses the impact of Dewey in terms of his outlook on education and his contributions in this field. This paper suggests that Dewey was highly influential because of these contributions, many of which remain integrated in today's educational system. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This is a 5 page summary, review and critique of Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell’s resource text “Guiding Readers and Writers (Grades 3-6)”. Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell’s resource text “Guiding Readers and Writers (Grades 3-6): Teaching Comprehension, Genre, and Content Literacy” (2000) provides the next essential teaching steps in the ...

Philosophy of Teaching

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page research paper that presents the author's personal philosophy of education, which agrees with the constructivist approach espoused first by John Dewey. The writer also argues that this approach agrees with the stance voiced by Noam Chomsky. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This is a 5 page paper discussing teacher’s classroom experience and roles in papers by Locke, Counts and Egan. Three educational philosophy papers by John Locke (1693), George S. Counts (1932) and Kieran Egan (1986) develop different reactions in regards to their concepts of the role and responsibility of the teacher’s role or experience within ...

This 4 page report discusses the philosophy and educational methods that were originally developed by Maria Montessori (1870-1952). The fact that Montessori insisted that a child “is not an inert being” initiated a remarkable shift in thinking. As more people found value in her philosophy and began to apply it in education and childhood development, it became clear ...

A 5 page paper. One of the many challenges the teacher faces when teaching non-English speaking students reading skills is context. The ESL student has a limited English vocabulary, which means that even if students are able to decode words, they may have no context of what they are reading. Brainstorming is one of the ...

A 5 page paper that focuses on middle school teachers. Data are included regarding the proportion of teachers who leave the field within the first five years. The reasons have to do with high dissatisfaction with working conditions. The writer discusses the kinds of activities middle school teachers are involved in, which leaves them with ...

A 6 page overview of the process of metacognition and how it relates to the learning process. The process of metacognition can be broken into two broad components: the understanding of what is required to solve a problem and effecting the appropriate strategies to solve that problem. While metacognition is an inherent ...

A 10 page paper that begins with comments about the development of the fields of human relations management and human resource management. The writer next defines supervision and discusses the controversies with the definition and the concept of supervision. There is an inherent dichotomy within the practice of supervision – on the one hand, ...

A 21 page paper. There have been alternative schools, in one form or another, in America for centuries. The need for alternative schools has become even greater over the last couple of decades. Although a common definition does not exist for this type of school, most agree the alternative school is the 'last chance' for ...

A 5 Page Paper That Responds To Specific Student-Generated Questions. The Essay Is A Critique Of A Course And Asks The Writer To Discuss The Most Important Outcomes Of The Class In Terms Of Both Content And Teaching Method. Sharks Are The Focus Of This Essay. The Essay Assumes That Small Group Instruction Was ...

A 20 page research paper that investigates Robert J. Marzano's "Dimensions of Learning" model for classroom instruction, which offers a comprehensive framework that provides educators with a method for teaching that draws on the latest research concerning how people actually go about the task of learning. According to Marzano (1992) the process of learning encompasses ...

An 8 page paper which discusses the book’s strengths and weaknesses, compares and contrasts with other author’s conceptualizations of achievement motivation, achievement and culturally relevant pedagogy, and describes how these ideas can be applied to achievement motivation among African-American males. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

A 4 page review of a chapter in Learning Change: One School District Meets Language Across the Curriculum by Nancy B. Lester and Cynthia S. Onore. The learning experiences of two veteran teachers are presented. One takes the constructivist approach and the other the objectivist approach. The author of this paper ...

This 10 page paper discusses various strategies and practices in teaching reading in a small group setting. Examples are given from a variety of sources. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

A 10 page paper which compares the stress levels between special education teachers to general education teachers and considers if special education teachers are at a higher risk of stress disorders than their general education counterparts. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

This 7 page paper looks at controversies in teaching language and focuses on the natural approach. The approach is compared and contrasted with the more traditional audiolingual method. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 3 page paper provides a thorough understanding of ADHD, as well as how those problems apply in a classroom situation. Furthermore, this paper outlines ways in which these students can be best served in the classroom, and examines what is necessary to address with this disability.

A 5 page paper which offers a presentation of the work of Marie Carbo.

This is a 4 page paper discussing the inclusion of exceptional children within the preschool and classroom settings. The current trend in special education is the inclusion of exceptional children within the daycare or classroom setting. This practice is a transition from the “once-commonplace ideal of mainstreaming children with disabilities for part of the day ...

This 3 page paper reviews an article entitled “Teachers and students talk about talk: Class discussion and the way it should be” by Bill Connolly and Michael Smith. The paper summarizes the finding of the way class discussion can add value to learning and comments on the article’s usefulness. The bibliography cites 1 sources.

This is a 4 page paper discussing the teaching of reading comprehension and decoding skills especially in adolescent students. Reading is said to be primarily composed of two components: decoding (of particular words) and comprehension (of passages). In students with reading disabilities, educators need to focus on these two components in order for the students ...

A 6 page critique of Jawanza Kunjufu's Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys, Volume III (1990). Kunjufu argues that the needs of black males are distinctly different from those of either white males or white or African American girls. It is the black boy who is typically cast as deviant in the public school ...

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