The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Classroom Management that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.
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A 12 page paper that provides a general overview of project based learning. The writer then focuses on three issues – how project based learning enhances student motivation and problem solving skills and how technology enhances project based learning approaches. Research that illustrates the success and effectiveness of this approach to learning is reported. Examples ...
A 15 page paper. The debates and controversy about mandating students wear school uniforms have gone on for more than a decade. Proponents argue that school uniforms decrease violence, reduce crime, reduce the incidence of discipline and behavior problems and increase learning. Opponents argue that uniforms are a violation of student's right to express ...
5 pages in length. The application of corporal punishment – infliction of physical punishment upon the body – in contemporary American schools has been virtually stamped out of existence over the past several years due to notion of human rights and what is considered to be acceptable discipline by today's standards. Present-day disciplinary ...
This 5 page paper defines the concept of language arts and provides an overview. Specific techniques for teaching the art of listening, reading, and writing are provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A five page paper which looks at the Montessori theory of child development and education with particular reference to cycles of activity.
A 5 page paper. Cooperative learning has been found to enhance and increase performance in many different areas, including thinking. In this paper, the writer discuses how cooperative learning improves higher level thinking skills. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A 5 page report of the book “The Skillful Teacher” by Stephen D. Brookfield. No additional sources cited.
This 10 page paper provides an overview of the inclusion paradigm. Ideas on how to train and educate staff is a focus on the paper. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A 7 page contention that although books are a mainstay of both our academic and our personal lives, serving to enlighten us and to entertain us, they are quickly becoming an antiquity. The hard print world of books, magazines, and newsletters is quickly being replaced by the electronic world of computerized media. Just ...
7 pages in length. Acquiring an education no longer means sitting quietly in a classroom environment and listening to a teacher lecture for hours on end, receiving no mental or tactile stimulation or having to center upon one subject at a time. The very essence of learning is that students absorb the information ...
A 5 page paper which examines how educators shape the lives and souls of students. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
An 8 page discussion of one principal’s plans to intercede in the downward spiral of academic failure which is confronting the students of her elementary school. The key to her plan is emphasizing a sense of community at the elementary school and modifying teaching methods to take into account the cultural variability which exists ...
This 5 page paper defines differential instruction and the multicultural classroom. Discussion includes why differntial instruction is preferable. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
This 5 page report discusses the development of appropriate curriculum for very young children and looks at some of the moist important considerations involved in that development. It also gives a brief overview of three curriculum development programs Teaching Strategies’ Creative Curriculum for Early Childhood, Explorations with Young Children from Back Street School of Education, ...
A 5 page paper. The effects of reducing the student-teacher ratio/reducing class size is a subject of debate. Some research demonstrates there is a definite improvement in student achievement when class sizes are smaller. Other researchers aren't sure of that. This essay discusses these investigations and reports the findings of several large studies regarding student-teacher ...
A 5 page paper. Are there differences between the Christian school leader and the public school leader? This is the question that is addressed. The writer offers a description of the Christian school education goals and a list of what are considered the essential characteristics of the leader in a Christian school. Then, taking information ...
This 5 page paper discusses the ITBS in terms of how it relates to a classroom where English is taught as a second language. This paper discusses various parts of the test and how these sections apply to ESL students. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
A five page paper which looks at the contribution made to the educational system by Froebel, and the way in which his methods are continuing to be utilised in Montessori schools. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This is a 5 page paper discussing the theories of childhood learning and education as discovered by physician Dr. Maria Montessori whose methods are now used in schools bearing her name. Her methods of education focus on the “child-centered” approach using the three principles of observation, individual liberty and preparation of the environment. Bibliography lists 4 ...
A 6 page paper. The Total Physical Response (TPR) approach to teaching foreign language has been used successfully for about thirty years. As good as this approach is, it has limitations that are addressed with the Total Physical Response Storytelling approach. This essay explains the premises underlying TPR, the originator of the method and then ...
A 6 page paper that discusses how the roles and responsibilities of the school principal have changed over the last two decades. there is a shortage of school principals because too much is expected, the responsibilities have become extremely complex and numerous and the principal is hampered along the way. The writer cites some of ...
15 pages in length. The writer provides brief summaries for twenty chapters from these two books on English instruction. No additional sources cited.
A 13 page paper discussing a proposed lesson plan for a one-day educational program addressing infection control in the long term care setting. The paper discusses the types of learners and learning styles present in the group and the theory that applies. It also highlights a point that could be a weak link ...
This 8 page paper discusses some theories of pedagogy which refers to teaching. Theories are described and then compared and contrasted with each other. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 6 page paper discusses Doll's book in terms of how it applies in a classroom situation. Furthermore, this paper discusses the implications of Doll's book for a future teacher. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
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