Essays and Research Papers on Classic Greek Philosophy

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This 5 page report discusses what a person from ancient, classical Greece would have thought of the society and thinking of Imperialist Rome and the Romans. It is likely that the classical Greek would most likely think was that Rome was something of a pale imitation of what had been the classical society and erudition ...

A 5 page philosophical essay looking at the ancient Mesopotamian cultures' efforts to link the soul and the cosmos. Looks at ancient belief systems and analyzes questions regarding what the soul is and how it can be related to the cosmos. No sources cited.

11 pages in length. Ancient Greek philosophers helped shape the very infrastructure of contemporary thought and belief. The extent to which the likes of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Gorgias and Epicurus paved the path toward critical thought, independent ideas and new concepts is both grand and far-reaching; that each man formulated individual components of ...

Ancient civilisations

  • 9 page paper

A nine page paper which considers various aspects of ancient civilisations, including the transition from the Neolithic to the early Bronze period, the differences between the Egyptian and Indus cultures, and the relevance of ancient Greek thought to the modern intellectual world.

This 5 page report discusses the philosophy and scholarship of Plato and Aristotle, two of the leading ancient figures who were instrumental in the development of human thinking and an awareness of what constitutes the basics of human nature. Specific issues regarding gender equality and how the two ancients’ philosophies can be applied to contemporary America are addressed. Bibliography lists 5 sources. ...

This is a 30 page paper discussing various questions relating to ancient roots of Western cultural heritage. In regards to a review of ancient roots of Western cultural heritage, various philosophies, concepts, ideals, and political systems are included. References are made to works by Hesiod, Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Virgil, Lucretius, Aeschylus, Euripides among others in ...

It has been said that the first 'Great Awakening' occurred during the Classical Age of Greece, in 5th century BC Athens. This 5 page paper argues that, in fifth century Athens, the sharing of wisdom was accomplished through both drama and philosophy and, occasionally, both. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

(5 pp) How shall we live and how shall we live most efficiently? Is happiness a necessary part of our lives? And then how does that apply to community and the governing of community? Early Greece was divided into what have been labeled 'city states, ' with each being not only separated ...

This 5 page report discusses that many of the conflicts of the world of the ancient philosophers were similar to those that exist in the 21st century. Politics and greed, arguments regarding the corruption of young people, international boundaries, and the rights and obligations of the common man all figure into the mix. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 8 page report discusses the views of some of the world's and history's most influential thinkers - Plato, Locke, Rousseau, and Marx and Engels - on freedom, equality, democracy, and justice. Their opinions are compared and held up to one another for contrast. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 5 page research paper considers John Stuart Mill's understanding of character and how it is acquired and contrast it with Aristotle's interpretation. Specifically discussed are Mill's essays, 'On Liberty' and the Subjection of Women,' and Aristotle's 'Politics' and 'Nicomachean Ethics.' Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 3 page paper which considers whether or not Rene Descartes would agree with Plato's assessment that, "Philosophy is the practice of death." Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 7 page contention that justice is more than just law, justice is the product of morals and ethics. Utilizes the Platonic model from Plato's Republic, John Stewart Mill's theory of utilitarianism, and Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative of reason to illustrate this contention. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 6 page report discusses ideas of justice as perceived by the classical philosopher Aristotle and John Stuart Mill. According to Aristotle, the human soul is made up of rational and non-rational elements. In comparison, John Stuart Mill did not model his understanding of character on any factors other than his own belief that a person’s (male or female) character develops ...

A paper which considers the difference between a syllogism and an essay, and the way in which greater depth of meaning and ambiguity can be explored in the latter. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 5 page paper which examines how rationalism is presented in this philosophical text. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 4 page paper examines the components of Plato's triportite theory and how that applies to his sense of justice. This paper furthermore examines how Plato's ideas about justice are applied to personal morality and politics in general. Bibliography lists no sources.

Syllogism and essay

  • 3 page paper

A paper which looks at the difference between a syllogism and an essay, and at the way a syllogism can be expanded in the essay form to include depths of meaning which are not evident in the syllogism itself. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 5 page essay that summarizes the content and basic philosophies of these well-known dialogues by Plato.

A 5 page paper which compares and contrasts the themes of communication and self-discovery in both works. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

4 pages in length. The writer discusses Socrates' views on communication and under as they intersect with his opponents, namely Gorgias. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 3 page essay that discusses what Aristotle meant in his text Politics when he wrote that "man is by nature a political animal." The writer explores Aristotle's meaning and how this applied to the society of his day. No additional sources cited.

This 5 page paper looks at the views of Socrates written by Plato in 'Euthyphro' and 'Crito'. The paper consider what Socrates sees as piety and justice, and the place of that as well as the role of the state and its laws. The paper concludes that Socrates main message was that the greater good ...

A 4 page overview of the lessons contained in “The Republic”. These writings have application in several different arenas of our modern life. They outline they basis of the existence of government itself. Through Plato’s extensive discussion of the concepts of ethics and morality we are able to ascertain that government is ...

This is a 4 page paper which develops a line of discussion between Socrates and Hector from “The Iliad”. In Plato’s “The Republic” written in 360 BCE, Socrates is presented in different levels of dialogue which in many instances examine the aspect of war and justice. In Book I (332a-336d), Socrates discusses aspects of justice ...

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