Essays and Research Papers on Classic Greek Philosophy

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Plato/Theory of Forms

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page research paper that investigates and defends Plato's Theory of Forms. The writer first offers a comprehensive explanation of Plato's theory and then offers a defense of this position. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 6 page discussion of the Athenian Thesis or Athenian Doctrine. Provides a concise definition of this thesis with the observation that no city is deterred by traditional morality from ruling where it can. Expands on this definition examining the inherent virtues and motivations of Sparta, Athens and even Machiavelli’s quest for his ...

Plato v. Locke

  • 6 page paper

A 6 page essay/research paper that examines the differences between the political philosophies of Plato and John Locke. The writer argues that Locke saw the state as being a structure instituted among humanity to serve the people, and, therefore, he felt that it was an institution that the people could justifiable oppose when it went ...

A 5-page paper examining Martha Nussbaum's argument about the relativity of virtues in "Non-Relative Virtues: An Aristotelian Approach." Argues that some Aristotelian virtues are more applicable to this argument than others. Lists 3 sources.

A 5 page paper which discusses fate and moral responsibility as they relate to causal necessitation. The works utilized for this examination are Aristotle's "Physics 2" and "Parts of Animals." The paper then addresses how rational freedom fits in with the notion of causal necessitation. Bibliography lists 5 additional sources.

Aristotle’s Metaphysics: This 7-page analytical essay examines Aristotle’s virtually immortal precepts relevant to metaphysics. His theories are delineated/ explored in depth, and where appropriate ambiguities are revealed. However, the true gift of Aristotle’s Metaphysics is not to be found in its correctness or provability, but in the fact that Aristotle compels one to ...

The Athenian Thesis

  • 8 page paper

An 8 page discussion of the Athenian thesis or doctrine. Examines the inherent virtues and motivations of Sparta and Athens. Utilizes the details which unfold in the Melian Dialogue, Pericles' Funeral Oration, the Dispute over Epidamnus/Dispute over Corcyra and the Mytilenaian Debate to illustrate the contention that no city is deterred by traditional ...

A 5 page paper which examines Plato’s life and how it shaped his early, middle and late dialogues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

6 pages in length. Many debates have been waged over the essence of life and the meaning of existence. Philosophies abound with insight as to the reasons why humanity exists and what people are supposed to learn during their mortal journey. Socrates was a firm believer in the notion of knowledge and ...

5 pages in length. The writer discusses conception as it relates to Plato's "The Apology" and "Myth of the Cave," as well as addresses Socrates' perspective of philosophers and death with regard to Tolstoy's "Death of Ivan Ilyich." Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 5 page examination of the views of the German philosopher Nietzsche and Socrates in regard to morality. Contends that although Nietzsche is most for what is perceived as his opposition to morality while Socrates is remembered for his quest to define morality and what it means to act in a morally responsible way, ...

Plato on Justice

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page essay that examines how Plato viewed justice as expressed in his book The Republic, focusing on an explanatory essay by D. R. Bhandarei. No additional sources cited.

Aristotle on Pride

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page essay that examines why Aristotle considered pride to be the pinnacle of virtues. Drawing on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, the writer discusses Aristotle's concept of pride. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 5 page paper relies on Nicomachean Ethics to answer objections to Aristotle's stance that morality is not relative. The concept of lying is also discussed. No additional sources cited.

This 5 page paper analyzes 65A in Plato's Phaedo, a sentence that reveals the contemplation of life after death and the separation of the soul from the body. The passage is evaluated in the context of what is said previously and afterwards. No additional sources cited.

A 5 page review of the cardinal virtues which are most important in living a moral life. Asserts that these virtues are temperance and justice rather than courage and wisdom for it is temperance and justice that are important in achieving the three critical steps to a moral life. Identifies these steps as ...

A 5 page research paper/essay that examines Western philosophy. The writer discusses the perspective of Western philosophy and then argues, citing Aristotle as an example, that Western philosophy doesn’t contradict the majesty of nature, but rather complements it by substantiating the role and connection of humanity to the greater cosmos. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Aristotle/on Ethics

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page research paper/essay that investigates and explains what Aristotle's ethical theory. The writer offers analysis by several experts and analyzes how Aristotle's ethics differ from those of today.

This 5 page report discusses the classical philosopher Aristotle and his ethical theories that note that in virtually every aspect of their conceptualization the definite separation of individual moral values with social ethics. He suggested that ethics at their core might actually be a matter of individual conscience. For Aristotle, the role of ethics in terms of social behavior was ...

A 12 page paper The works used for this examination are The Gorgias, The Phaedrus and The Republic. No additional sources cited.

A five page paper which looks at the relationship between Plato’s ‘Allegory of the Cave’ and the way in which narrative therapy is used in order to allow the client to develop self-knowledge in a way which permits emotional distance and the lessening of trauma in the course of analysing the interconnection of perceived truths. ...

A 6 page paper which examines “the good for man,” and considers what Aristotle is arguing for and how he tries to prove it. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Philosophy and the Basic Element: This 5-page essay discusses a number of specific questions relevant to the field of philosophy. Divergent ideologies germane to the basic element, the early Presocratic philosophers who ascribed to them, their specific branch of philosophy, and the societal characteristics necessary to the development of philosophy are explored. ...

A 6 page paper which discusses philosophers' notions concerning the search for a just society, arguing that these philosophers present such a just society as elusive. The position of Plato, as presented in "The Republic," is the main focus. The paper then presents an examination of how Rousseau, in "The Social Contract," and Mill, in "On Liberty," would address ...

This 5 page report discusses Plato’s “Protagoras” and the idea that the ideals of both Socrates and Protagoras are both hedonistic and ascetic. Each is convinced that his point of view regarding the practice of self-denial as a measure of personal and spiritual discipline is the “right” one. In addition, each believes that he knows and can best ...

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