Essays and Research Papers on Church & Politics

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A 4 page discussion of the controversy surrounding teaching religion in our schools. This paper reviews the pros and cons as is reflected in case law. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Why Study Religion?

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page paper which discusses why people may study religion, and what the study of religion can offer. The focus of the paper is on the study of religion for an understanding of the world and for self-fulfillment reasons. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 6 page paper provides an overview of the argument about separation of church and state. A focus is on how religious freedom is inextricable with first amendment rights. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 6 page report discusses the work of the religious educator and writer, Ninian Smart. Smart utilized a seven-dimensional framework to analyze the world’s religions in terms of ethics, ritual, narrative or myth, experience, institutions, doctrine, and art. Through and with each of those classifications or facets of religious belief, he was able to more clearly articulate the similarities of faith that ...

This 5 page paper gives an indepth overview and review of Samuel Angus'book: The Mystery Religions. The book is analysed for scholoarly presentation, hidden agendas, technicalities, presentation and content. Quotes from the text given and cited. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 7 page paper compares and contrasts Hinduism and the Baptist religion, and touches on the problems arising between them. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 5 page paper which discusses how religion effects the choosing of a president. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

In seven pages this paper examines reviews and religious commentaries on this film regarding what they reveal about its depiction of religion and its relationship to American culture. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.

Religion in America

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper examines the topic of religion in America. How mainstream religion uses marketing to sell itself is a part of the observation. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 5 page paper which examines the the understanding of culture, and of religious symbol systems in relation to religious thought and practice as it is presented in Ernst Troeltsch’s The Social Teachings of the Christian Churches and H. Richard Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture. No additional sources cited.

Sociology of Religion

  • 14 page paper

A comprehensive 14 page paper on this topic. Basic principals are examined as well as the theories of Marx, Durkheim, and Weber and how each of them influenced the sociology of religion. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

A 9 page research paper which discusses the effects of maintaining two religions. Four real-life scenarios describe the joys and heartbreaks involved in this dual-relationship struggle. A brief background into Judaism and Catholicism is included. Bibliography contains five sources.

3 pages. The connection between sociology and religion is unmistakable; without question, these two elements of existence are distinctly intertwined within the framework of every global society. Indeed, without religious inclusion, which is truly a key component to contemporary living, the world as it is today would cease to exist. Sociology's approach ...

A 6 page overview of the expectations of religion and how those expectations are imposed. Discusses Christ and his Crucifixion and the reasons the Jewish people have held the blame for that crucifixion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 6 page paper which examines God in traditional African religions prior to 1800. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 4 page paper which examines what religion meant to Frederick Douglass utilizing his “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” and his speech “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” No additional sources cited.

A 9 page paper dealing with changes that have occurred in the Roman Catholic Church in the decades & years leading upto 1996; Writer argues that Vatican changes after 1962 have had a detrimental reforming impact. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

4 Brief Religion Papers

  • 12 page paper

A 12 page research paper that offers 4 brief papers. The first contrasts and compares religious service and practice between a Catholic Mass, a Jewish service and a Moslem prayer service. The second discusses how Jewish faith affects the life of an interviewed practitioner. The third discusses Langston Hughes' short story "Salvation" and Philip Roth's ...

A 3 page essay that argues briefly tracks the development of religion from ancient times through to the Middle Ages, arguing that the purposes and concepts behind religion did not change remarkably during this time, but rather that religion continued to be used to rationalize political control. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 5 page essay examining the differences and similarities between these major fields of religion. The writer shows how each has a different view of reality while still retaining certain commonalties in regards to ethical behavior. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 5 page paper looks at the way in which religion has evolved through social and political manipulation and development. The Christian Church can be seen as subject to political manipulation by the Council of Nicea and the Synod of Whitby, just as we can see social changes influences the followers of Buddhism,. The paper ...

A 4 page discussion of the case outlined in an August 2003 article published in the Ethics Journal of the American Medical Society and titled "Faith-based Decisions: Parents Who Refuse Appropriate Care for Their Child". The case is commented on by three separate physicians, all of whom contend that a parent's right to chose their ...

A 3 page paper which provides the pros and cons of religion in public schools. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

An 8 page outline of this 1995 case weighing freedom of artistic expression against freedom of religion. Considering the suppression of a film considered blasphemous by the Orthodox Catholic Church, the court decided artistic freedom allowed the organization by law was necessarily limited by the right of the Church to freedom of religion, that ...

This paper discusses how science and belief in God can be combined to determine the origins of the universe. Topics under discussion include the Biblical theory of the origin of life, as well as the Big Bang theory, widely recognized by scientists as the way the universe was formed. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

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