Essays and Research Papers on Church & Politics

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A nine page paper which considers the position of the Catholic Church with regard to contraception and abortion, and looks at related issues of human sexuality and the position of women within society and the church. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

An 8 page paper which discusses how Genesis, in the Hebrew Scriptures, portrays the personality of Yahweh. Part of the examination discusses how Yahweh is presented as heterogeneous. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This 6 page report discusses the fact that American writers Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman could have any connection with the mysticism of Hindu thought and belief. The art form and consciousness of Transcendentalism as expressed by the two actually does echo the sensibilities of Hindu belief, despite the fact that it is not expressed as true Hindu ...

(5 pp.) Anslem (1033 - 1109) was considered the most enlightened theologian in the eleventh century. He chose to be member of the religious community at the age of 26, and though he never doubted the existence of God, he determined that he wanted to think through, through rational proof, ...

A 5 page paper which discusses social function as it is presented in ancient literature, that being 'The Epic of Gilgamesh,' 'The Odyssey,' and the Old Testament. No additional sources cited.

Covenant & Baptism

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page essay that looks at Romans 5:6-11 and Romans 8:9-17 in order to discuss the concepts of covenant and baptism. The writer argues the sacrifice of Jesus Christ established a new covenant, but in order for that new covenant to have meaning on an individual basis, the individual has to be baptized. No ...

A 5 page paper which examines the Buddhist view of compassion, as interpreted by Tibet’s fourteenth Dalai Lama, and how it is the essential component in helping others. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

(6 pp.)Man was taught to be fearful in his faith. He was not to expect a long or happy life, but was to endure until that time that he met his Redeemer and achieved a heavenly reward. What started to creep into this belief system was the thought that if you, had a ...

A 5 page discussion of the unique views of the African American writer Howard Thurman. Emphasizes that although relatively unknown up until recent years, Howard Thurman is deserved of the title of being one of the most notable African American authors of all time. Illustrated Thurman’s views on the existence and nature of God, ...

A 7 page research paper and essay that examines the sacramental nature of Christian marriage. The writer argues that it is within this sacrament that people can find the path to spiritual growth that God intended. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

“Irish Folklore”

  • 6 page paper

A six page paper which looks at the traditions of Irish folklore, such as the children of Danu, the Sidhe and the sacred thorn, and considers the way in which cultural values and old customs and beliefs have persisted into the present day. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 14 page report discusses meditation. Virtually all of the world’s religious traditions incorporate some form of meditative practice. Whether it is in the form of prayer, contemplation, or conscious meditation, it serves as a process that assists in clarity and understanding as well as a greater connection to spiritual awareness. The spiritual leaders of religions which have not defined ...

6 pages in length. At the heart of Judaism is the doctrine of peace and kindness toward all living beings. Followers of Judaism believe strongly in the presence of God, placing the Almighty at the forefront of their religion and believing that the God of Israel will come to be the God of ...

A 5 page essay that examines the Old and New Testament as sources for inspiration and as examples of how people have served their communities. No additional sources cited.

This 8 page paper provides information on the origins of Islam in a variety of countries as one takes a mock tour. The tour originates in Washington D.C. and then goes to Egypt, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Information on each of the nations is provided inclusive of ...

This 5 page paper consider how the federal and state agencies dealt with situation at Wacko. The paper looks at the different attitudes and considers the mistakes that were made and lead to over 80 deaths. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

The Art Of Mentoring

  • 10 page paper

10 pages in length. The very essence of mentoring is for one individual to make a positive impression upon another with regard to life choices. In short, a mentor helps to define and direct the lives of others in such a manner as to beneficially influence important decisions. Mentors are found in ...

10 pages in length. The act of forgiveness exemplifies pureness of heart and soul. Indeed, when one forgives another for an indiscretion, he is allowing all negativity to leave his being so that he may fully embrace the soul-cleansing notion of benevolence. Those who cannot find it within their hearts to forgive, ...

A 5 page paper which examines the philosophy behind the “holy fool,” how it relates to the novel’s chief protagonist, Prince Myshkin, and also considers how the holy fool relates to the themes of apocalypse. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

10 pages in length. The role of church administrator is really no different than any other management position, inasmuch as the myriad duties required of this job reflect the need to manage people and problems in much the same manner as what occurs within the corporate world. The scope of responsibility of church ...

A 6 page paper which discusses "A Monk's Confession: The Memoirs of Guibert of Nogent" and "Hildegard of Bingen: A Visionary Life." No additional sources cited.

The Issue Of Abortion

  • 5 page paper

The Catholic church's stance on abortion is well known. It is a mortal sin. This 5 page paper argues that Catholic Church, although staunchly pro-life is going against its own precepts in not being pro-choice and allowing the individual to exercise their free will. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 5 page paper which reacts to Doug Sherman and William Hendrick's book "Your Work Matters to God." No additional sources cited.

Jacob And Conflict

  • 6 page paper

6 pages in length. Conflict began even before birth for Jacob, twin brother of Esau. Indeed, the siblings were destined to become life long adversaries, a strained relationship that commenced within their mother's womb. It was much later in their lives that this inherent conflict was expanded to reflect the feud between ...

A 5 page discussion of the Book of Acts and its chronicles of the early church. Notes the trials and tribulations faced by the early disciples and comments on the value of the lesson which their experience offers even in contemporary times. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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