Essays and Research Papers on Church & Politics

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Epicurean Ethics

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper discussing the Epicurean view of good and evil (i.e., pleasure and pain) and the part that knowledge plays in bringing the happiness that should be the goal of every individual. Epicurus (342-270 B.C.) maintained that the pursuit of pleasure was not that which could be procured through physical enjoyments, but rather through contemplation. ...

7 pages in length. The writer discusses the atrocity of female genital mutilation and how it is an affront to human dignity. Annotated bibliography lists 5 sources.

Life After Death :

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper addresses the issue of the afterlife as conveyed by Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism. Biblical quotes are included. Life after death is discussed in general terms as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

(11 pp) Since Louis XIV was such an absoluter monarch and went out of his way to maintain that type of control, it is suggested that rather than proposing that you are a minister of the court, since those are so historically well-defined, that you establish a correspondence with one of the minister of the ...

John Woolman

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper looks at the life and influence that effected the eighteen century Quaker John Woolman and his beliefs. The paper identifies key point in his life and discussed the effect these may have had ion his life. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

8 pages. In a discussion of the conflict between Islam and Judaism we need to go back to the pre-renaissance historical sources in order to get a more vivid picture of the context of the conflict as well as the nature of the citizenry of that time period. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

The Former Prophets

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper that discusses the Hebrew Former Prophets. Their activities are found in the historical books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings. This essay discusses how they were chosen, what they did, how they supported themselves and some of their activities. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 6 page discussion of the feminist movement in Judaism. Distinguishes between the more traditional Orthodox Jews and the more liberal branches and contends that the inequality which has traditionally existed between men and women has lessened but that even today the woman is regarding as having a definite societal place which differs from ...

This 6 page report discusses the issue of school prayer in America and makes the argument that there is no place for school prayer in a public school. From the time an American child is in the first or second grade he/she has learned that “America is a melting pot of people.” This means different religions and beliefs as ...

A 5 page paper that discuses three sets of brothers: Cain and Abel; Jacob and Esau; and Absalom and Amnon. In two of these families one of the brothers killed the other, one out of jealousy and one out of vengeance for the sin the other brother had committed. The reasons for each conflict are ...

This 7 page paper discusses the topics of social justice and injustice and foreign affairs found in the Book of Isaiah. Citations are used to demonstrate Isaiah's thoughts and prophesies regarding these subjects. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

10 pages in length. Secular nationalism and religiously based states have long held opposition for each other's beliefs. When imagining a community in the Middle East and other areas, such as Diasporas, organizing a state and providing it with a moral basis for legitimacy would have to abide by the needs of both ...

Christian Reconquest

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper which discusses the aims and goals of the Christian Reconquest. The text used for this examination is "Medieval Iberia, Readings from Christian, Muslim, and Jewish Sources." No additional sources cited.

A 5 page paper which discusses how the religious cultures of the Jews, the Muslims, and the Christians worked to find their own religious identity within the multicultural Medieval Iberia. Primary source used is the text "Medieval Iberia: Readings from Christian, Muslim and Jewish Sources." No additional sources cited.

Male Circumcision

  • 6 page paper

6 pages in length. In this day and age of renewed interest in all things natural, the notion of circumcision has been discussed as both physically detrimental, as well as one that leaves emotional scars. However, there are justifiable reasons why some people support the procedure as being physically beneficial, while at the ...

A 5 page address of the philosophical dilemma of whether or not we can talk meaningfully of a God who transcends creation if language is a part of creation. Questions the innateness of language and the applicability of that innateness to the topic of our own creation and the existence of God. Compares ...

An 11 page research paper that examines three works of literature, the Bhagavad Gita, The Monkey, and The Dybbuk in regards to how they represent the concepts of soul, afterlife, and rebirth in relation to Hindu, Buddhist, and Jewish belief, respectively. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

This 5 page paper argues that the Buddhist philosophy of life can be said to be centered on the individual as well as being bounded by certain attainments of truth which are comparable to the Western idea of ethics. The ethical content of the Buddhist belief system is best understood from within the dynamics of the proposed philosophy of ...

A 5 page paper which discusses how churches can help keep families together, and help them remain stronger, through a great deal of activities and involvement. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Yves Congar

  • 9 page paper

9 pages in length. Congar, who was a Roman Catholic Dominican priest, did most of his most vital work in France. This was during a time of great change. Congar began in a social atmosphere that was derived from conflict between the French State and the Roman Church. His work and impact still make an impact ...

An 11 page research paper that contrasts and compares Christian and pagan narratives of virgin birth, specially the writer addresses virgin birth in Greek mythology, arguing that while there are similarities the main difference in the orientation on the subject. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

A five page paper which looks at the various ways in which the scriptures of the Christian New Testament have been interpreted in terms of the celebration of the Eucharist, and the centrality of the doctrine of transubstantiation to the ritual. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

(6 pp) When we think of historical England, the images in our mind may vary. And there may be anything from flashes of Robin Hood, to Richard the third and the Crusades or even the current days of Queen Elizabeth and her brood. One of the farthest thoughts from our mind may ...

Psalm 19 verses 1-6.

  • 10 page paper

(10 pp) In reading the Psalms, it is helpful to keep in mind that they are example sof Hebrew poetry. They express the individual emotions of the poet, whether fear, doubt, tragedy, triumph, joy, or hope. God is always the central focus of these writings. Lyrical poetry uses "visual language" with images, symbols, figures, ...

An eight page paper which considers the way in which Paul’s epistle to the Galatians addresses the differences between the cultural ethics of Judaism and the new order of Christianity, showing the ways in which Christianity rejects community elitism and the hypocrisy of the irreligious. The writer also considers various interpretations of 6:17 in the ...

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