Essays and Research Papers on Church & Politics

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A 4 page paper that provides an overview of Tinder's article entitled 'Exercising a Christian Intellect' from Christian Century, which is essentially a look at George Marsden's recent work on scholarship and religion. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 12 page research paper on the concept of reincarnation. Various terms (i.e., Metempsychosis, Transmigration, Metensomatosis, etc;) are defined and arguments both supporting and refuting the recycling of life are assessed. A number of well-document historical philosophies are evaluated in light of specific, relevant concepts found in religions like : Buddhism, Brahamanism, and more. It ...

This 8 page paper discussing the nature of what dreaming reveals about death and what lies beyond death. The writer draws a great deal of information from leading Christian theological thinkers, with some reference to more modern psychological theories regarding dreams. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

The End Time

  • 9 page paper

This 9 page paper investigates the Daniel's 70 weeks and the End Time events. Discussion focuses on comparing Antiochus Epiphanes, also known as Antiochus IV, with the antichrist described in Revelation and argues that the two demonstrate the concept of double reference. An illustration provides a chronology of events to fulfill Daniel's 70 weeks timespan. ...

Interfaith Marriage

  • 8 page paper

The subject is explored in terms of the marital union itself as well as how society views couples from different backgrounds. This 8 page paper looks at both interracial and interfaith wedlocks, and what difficulties such couples may encounter. Bibliography cites 6 sources.

4 pages in length. An interesting look at interfaith marriages and the unfair social problems they result in-- These issues are looked at both in terms of the unexpected feelings that a typical interfaith couple will have towards one another and also, of course, with regard to society's own prejudicial treatment. Various issues concerning the ...

Plato's Theory of Forms outlined in a number of his dialogues including 'The Republic' and 'Parmenides,' is based in the perception of knowledge and the limitations of the senses. Plato recognized that man is limited by his sensory perception in an understanding of the natural of the world around him, and as a result, ...

A 5 page paper reviewing the contributions made to Western civilizations by the men and women of monastic communities from the days of early Christianity to the Reformation. It is argued that these communities, where service to God and humanity superseded personal concerns, were significant in making Christianity a worldwide religion as well as ...

A 4 page essay which examines how John Bunyan exemplified radical seventeenth-century English Protestantism in his work, Pilgrim's Progress. The writer argues that Christopher Hill was correct in his assessment that nonconformist Puritans, such as Bunyan, 'turned the world upside down.' Bibliography lists 2 sources.

Belief Systems

  • 8 page paper

One example of a personal belief system is designed in the first part of this 8 page paper. Other sections discuss Buddhism and Hinduism. The personal belief system, however, is based on Catholicism. Issues discussed include birth control, divorce, symbolism and fundamentalism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Mormons in Utah

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page report discusses the sociological and anthropological aspects of a group (Mormons) and the their rituals, beliefs, and ideas that are associated with a particular region of the United States (Utah). Their characteristics as a collective, as well as their customary way of life are briefly examined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

Evolution in Judaism

  • 7 page paper

A 7 page research paper on the changes in Judaism from the early periods to the modern, focusing on a division between nationalist (Pharisees) and unity (Sadducees) theory. The writer also makes comparisons to other faiths, including Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism from the basis of the Jewish concepts of 'social reality' and 'historical experience.' ...

Judaism & Christianity

  • 20 page paper

A 20 page paper on discussing, and comparing, Judaism and Christianity. A history of the beginning of Christianity is discussed as well as the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem which was the beginning of the end of the Jewish rule in the then civilized world. The works of Flavius Josephus and Pope Clement I ...

A 5 page discussion on the success of the Jewish community's focus on bringing theological and social plurality to the world community and how the church has developed because of the horrors of the Holocaust. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Renaissance Judaism

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper discussing Judaism during the Renaissance, especially as it was expressed through the culture and art of the time. The treatment of both Jews and their faith during the time is also briefly examined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

Jewish View Of God

  • 10 page paper

A 10 page research essay exploring the perception of God within the Jewish faith. Several scholars are cited and a comparison to the Christian view of God is offered. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 10 page essay exploring the Messiah in the Jewish faith. Topics covered include: historical context of the concept of the Messiah, what the Messiah will be like, why Jews are waiting for the Messiah, why Jesus cannot be the Messiah, and what will happen after the Messiah's coming. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

A 5 page paper that postulates that the Conservative Movement was designed to meet a specific need to westernize Judaism for Americans. As such, it has been the sect to evolve with its congregation. Although numbers may be dropping in membership, strong points are made to prove that there is little difference in ...

A variety of sects within the Hasidic community are described in this 5 page overview. Groups highlighted are Lubavitch, Satmar and Tascher Chassidim. The paper discusses geographic location and origins as well as customs and beliefs. Differences and similarities are provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

An 8 page research paper on the Jewish Wedding ritual and what various things in it mean. Discussed are the role of the Chuppah, the ceremonial breaking of the glass, and more. Mentioned frequently are the minor disparities between Orthodox, Conservative, and Reformed weddings. Comparisons are also made between Jewish wedding tradition and Christian wedding ...

6 pages in length. This extremely detailed essay recounts the writer's observations made while visiting a Jewish synagogue one Saturday morning during prayer. Discussed are the Torah, Haftorah, talises, yarmulkes, dovaning, the importance of the Hebrew language and more. Points are extremely insightful and very accurate. No Bibliography.

This 6 page paper considers the basic elements of Eastern European marriages, with a specific focus on the marriages of Jewish woman and those in the Shtetls in England. This paper also looks at the standards and values of marriage in the Jewish culture and the specific issues related to the status of the ...

A 9 page research paper on the emergence of the above sects from 44 B.C.E. to 70 A.D. The writer presents a comparison of these philosophies to the 'Jewish mind' or consciousness developed since biblical times and concludes with a comparison of these influences with today's Jewish consciousness. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

Medieval Judaism

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page essay responding to the lot of the Jewish in the Middle Ages. The paper mentions the premier Jewish philosopher of the era, Maimonides, and a few of his positions that are tenets of Orthodox Jewish doctrine today. It glances at the fact that practicing Jews, through application, education and commitment, ...

This 5 page paper focuses on the Jewish population in France under Napoleon. A look at these religious communities as they existed in the eighteenth century helps to explain conditions before and after the French Revolution. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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