Essays and Research Papers on British Literature

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A 5 page comparison of two of the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: 'A Study in Scarlet' and 'The Valley of Fear.' Bibliography includes five sources.

A 5 page essay on the famous novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle which traces the development of Dr. Watson, Sherlock Holmes famous side kick. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

5 pages in length. There has not been another before or since quite like the inimitable fictional character of Sherlock Holmes, who stands out as being one of the most hard-boiled of all such detectives of his era. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Holmes' alter ego, was instrumental in creating one of the most ...

A 5 page paper discussing Sir Arthur Conan Doyle the creator of Sherlock Holmes. He was born to a father who was an artist and a mother who was an incredibly diligent worker. He had many brothers and sisters and lived a childhood of some poverty. He was educated in many places and in many ...

A 5 page research paper which analyzes the title character of English author Elizabeth Gaskell's 1858 novel. Specifically, the paper discusses Lady Ludlow's ideas about education, social class, honor and responsibility and examines the changes which cause her to alter her views late in life.

A 5 page paper analyzing Sarah Woodruff's presence as the central figure in John Fowles' novel. The paper argues that the reader sees Sarah as doubly distanced through the eyes of both the protagonist, Charles, and the author himself. No additional sources cited.

A 4 page paper examining the religious purpose behind C.S. Lewis' book. It asserts that Lewis used the Genesis story of the Garden of Eden as a backdrop for a thoroughly Christian novel with a deeply philosophical bent. No additional sources cited.

A 5 page essay on this classic historical novel of the Peloponnesian War. It argues that the lessons of Renault's depiction of love and war in Peloponnesian times apply equally well to our own century. No additional sources cited.

A 7 page paper on the mental dissolution of Giovanni in John Ford's ‘Tis Pity She's A Whore. It shows that the withdrawal of all legitimate religious and ethical support from Giovanni's corner leaves him without a moral compass to follow, and this removes even the most basic moral bulwarks from him. No additional ...

A 6 page paper discussing the controversial 1924 novel 'The Green Hat' by Michael Arlen. It was melodrama of the highest order, depicting life in postwar London. No additional sources cited.

A 4 page discussion of thematic qualities in "The Revenger's Tragedy." The writer argues that today's audiences are not likely to be as shocked by some of the graphic images depicted and therefore, the work loses some of its original value. Other elements -- such as the author's use of language, comic relief, etc;-- are ...

A 6 page essay analyzing Edmund Morgan's story of John Winthrop and the dilemma of the Puritans. Discussions include, reasons Winthrop left England, the numerous dilemmas contained in the tenets of Puritanism, and the success of the Puritans in establishing a new colony. No additional sources cited.

A 5 page paper on the presence of humanism and fascism in Muriel Spark's The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. The paper defines both humanism and fascism, and answers the question of whether the charge against Miss Brodie -- that she taught Fascism -- was justified by the evidence in the book. Bibliography lists 3 ...

A 5 page paper that provides an overview of the development of Timothy's progression from childhood innocence to adolescence in World War II England. Bibliography lists no additional sources.

A 5 page paper discussing the idea of civilization in the book titled, 'Waiting for the Barbarians,' by J.M. Coetzee. The civilizations discussed are essentially described through the three main characters: the girl, the Magistrate, and Colonel Joll. Each of these individuals has their own unique outer, and inner, civilization, which are the result of ...

A 5 page paper looking at this novel by Virginia Woolf in terms of the way the central characters depict the changing social mood between 1914 and 1925. The paper argues that the war destroyed the enormous sense of complacency which was the nineteenth century’s legacy to the twentieth, and this is illustrated by these ...

A 5 page essay on Daniel Defoe's Journal of the Plague Year in which the writer discusses how Defoe's class effects the way he wrote about the plague and its victims. No additional sources cited.

A 3 page essay on the contrasting views of Charlotte and Elizabeth on marriage in Jane Austen's 'Pride & Prejudice.' Their characters and the way they react to things around them are used in this evaluation. No Bibliography.

5 pages in length. Thomas Hardy’s 'Return of the Native' is a book about sadness, desperation and the extent to which a person’s emotions can manipulate his actions. Based in a community called Egdon Heath, the story delves into the subconscious of the townspeople as they are given to exist day to day in their silent ...

A 5 page paper which considers whether or not the character of Leonard Bloom in James Joyce’s novel, Ulysses (1922) is a hero or anti-hero. Also considered is how James Joyce’s form of humanism differs from the Homeric ideal and how it differs from other heroic ideals encountered in art, literature or film. ...

5 pages in length. 'The Enormous Radio' by John Cheever is indicative of the prolific writer's inherent ability to pursue even the simplest of concepts. Not unlike his myriad other works, which appeal to the innermost recesses of the reader's soul, the author has a long history of reaching out and inviting his ...

A 5 page paper which examines the shallowness of life as presented in Jane Austen’s 1813 novel, 'Pride and Prejudice,' concentrating on marriage, which was little more than a game based on wealth and social position. No additional sources are cited.

A 6 page paper looking at three of Thomas Hardy’s novels -- Tess of the d’Urbervilles, The Mayor of Casterbridge, and Far From the Madding Crowd -- in terms of their views on women during the late Victorian era. The paper shows Hardy’s condemnation of the restrictive social roles women were required to fill in ...

A five page paper comparing these two novels by Daniel Defoe and Charlotte Bronte, respectively, in terms of the ways their heroines respond to a sexist, materialistic, class-conscious society. The paper argues that while Jane creates for herself her own class -- a class based on merit rather than materialism -- Moll abuses the ...

A 10 page paper which examines the Gothicism of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s masterpiece, Frankenstein (1818), by first defining Gothic, then providing specific examples from the novel. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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