Essays and Research Papers on British Literature

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on British Literature that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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A 5 page paper comparing these works by Emily Bronte and Samuel Coleridge. The writer explains the relevance of each work to the era it was written, and points out various similarities between the two works. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

In 7 pages, the author discusses the relationships that exist in Emily Bronte's 'Wuthering Heights.' Those relationships are what make the novel what is became, from the one between two children to the one between two supernatural beings, relationships were interwoven into this tome. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 10 page paper looking at the historical background of each of these philosophical/literary movements, with a discussion of specific authors in each period. Authors and works discussed include Oliver Goldsmith's 'She Stoops to Conquer,' Richard Sheridan's 'The School for Scandal', David Hume's 'Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion', Voltaire's 'Letters Concerning the English Nation,' Jane Austen's ...

The idea behind a threshold is threefold it separates the space between what lies on one side of the door and the other, it stops the door from swinging between those same spaces and it forms the base for the frame of the door. The analogy of a door is a popular one for ...

A 6 page paper discussing the effect of their respective literary movements on the vision of these two authors -- Rationalism/Neoclassicism in the case of Austen, and Romanticism in the case of Bronte. No sources except books.

A 5 page critical anaylisis of Daniel Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year in which the writer examines the text from a Marxist perspective and uncovers that the plague might have been ‘used' as a way to prevent economic upheaval. No additional sources cited.

A complete, 9 page discussion of Defoe's classic-- Specifically, a bcharacter analysis of Moll Flanders herself. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

An 8 page essay that includes extensive background on the life of Daniel Defoe including his literary career, a surface review of the opinions of two critical analysts, and ending with a 'Personal Opinion' section. The text of the paper includes extensive source citations. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 9 page paper describing the affects of the situations in Defoe's novel 'Robinson Crusoe' on the identity & development of the title character. The writer demonstrates that there is a direct correlation between the events in Crusoe's life and his ability to determine his self-worth. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 5 page paper examining John Milton's classic 'Paradise Lost,' and Alexander Pope's 'The Rape of the Lock.' The writer discusses the two works, the contrasts between them, and their authors. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

15 pages in length. A detailed analysis of Adam's fall as presented by Milton in 'Paradise Lost.' The writer argues that, -- among other things, -- a lack of self-esteem can be attributed Adam's troubles. Numerous examples are given to support this thesis / analysis and the paper's conclusion is very well-argued.

A 5 page paper comparing the Biblical version of the story of the Fall with Milton's version in Paradise Lost, in order to determine whether or not there really was a Fall. It concludes that Milton certainly believed there was, and had done an incredible amount of Biblical exegesis to back up his assertions. One ...

An 8 page essay on the physical pain of Satan, as depicted in John Milton's in classic epic, Paradise Lost. No additional sources cited.

5 pages in length. The role of Satan in John Milton's Paradise Lost is a representation of humanity's fascination with sin. The paradoxical character, who was considerably more interesting than that of his counterpart, God, mirrors the wanton desires surging upward through each and every mortal being, yet he also symbolizes the precise ...

A 5 page paper looking at the character of Satan in terms of Milton's own ideas on righteousness. The paper argues that Milton feels that Satan is too brilliant for his own good, and contrasts the 'righteous acceptance' which characterizes Christ with the 'ambitious evil' that characterizes Satan. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 5 page report discusses the perspective of Satan in Books I and IX of 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton. His attitudes toward God, creation, right and wrong, as well as strategies are examined. No additional sources cited.

In this well-written 9 page essay, the writer's thesis sets out to examine Milton's frequent use of the Orpheus myth throughout his poetry. Specific parallels are drawn between L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, and others as they relate to the myth of Orpheus. Works Cited page lists 4 sources. Milton~1.wps

A 10 page paper discussing the character of Raphael, the angel, and his role as guide in John Milton's Paradise Lost. Raphael and his inherent qualities are examined as they relate to the issue of guidance. He has been sent from God to Adam in order to warn him of his possible doom. He tells ...

This 6 page paper provides an analysis of John Milton's Paradise Lost. The focus is on the ending of the work and whether or not another conclusion would have been better. Also addressed are the philosophical questions posed by the piece. No additional sources cited.

A 5 page paper examining the issue of chastity versus desire in Milton's Paradise Lost and Spenser's The Faerie Queene. Looking particularly at the characters of Eve and Britomart, the paper concludes that for both authors, chastity does not mean physical celibacy as much as it means a self-disciplined restraint on wanton desire. Bibliography ...

In 5 pages the author discusses neoclassicism as it pertains to the work of John Milton. Neoclassicism is defined as it relates to 'Sonnet VII: How Soon Hath Time, The Subtle Thief of Youth (1632),' 'Sonnet XXII: Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint (1658)' and 'Sonnet XIX: When I Consider How My ...

A 2 page essay in which the writer argues that Orwell's 'Shooting An Elephant' had a two-part message; one social and the other political. The unwanted role of the British in India is made relevant to this insightful discussion. No Bibliography.

An 8 page analysis of Orwell's depiction of British imperialism in his first novel. The paper observes that Orwell was able to convey not only the injustice suffered by the natives at the hands of the British, but the tremendous guilt suffered by sensitive British individuals like himself, who suffered for the natives' oppression ...

This 5 page essay begins with the premise that Orwell did not intend to make predictions. Comparisons are then drawn between technological devices in 1984 and present day to demonstrate that however inadvertently, many of Orwell's 'predictions' did indeed come true. Bibliography included.

A 10 page paper on this classic novel. The writer argues that Orwell wasn't making predictions for the future, but giving a warning as to what could happen. Setting, characters and symbolism in the novel are explored to illustrate this point. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

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