Essays and Research Papers on Behavioral Psychology

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This 3-page paper focuses on motivational interviewing (MI), what it is, its components and who it benefits. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 3-page paper analyzes a child's temper tantrum, and discusses operant and classical conditioning. The paper also suggests solutions. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 9-page paper provides answers to questions as to how people make decisions, and the types of decisions made by individuals and organizations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 4 page research paper that discusses 3 integration theories pertaining to how young women must integration career and personal life goals. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 6 page paper. The first section is the application assignment for Week 5 of a Psycholgical Assessment course and discusses the WAIS-IV protocol and profile for Charlotte. The second part is a one page addendum to the interpretation of a WISC-IV for Trey. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of personality and behavior. The role of both genetics and environment in long-term personality development is explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 3 page paper. Adolescence is an extremely difficult time for the teenager and his family. The teenager is trying to gain his own self-identity while his body is going thorough massive changes and his emotions are in a turmoil. This essay explains some of the cognitive, psycho-social, and physical developmental experiences of the ...


  • 5 page paper

A 5 page research paper that examines the way in which personality is defined, theoretical approaches to studying personality and analyzes factors that may influence the personality development of individuals. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 3 page paper. The incidence of bullying has grown exponentially and now, there is another genre, cyberbullying that causes even more damage. This essay discusses bullying, the increased number of scientific research studies of this complex phenomenon, and the effects of being the victim. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 25 page paper includes an introduction and overview of cognitive behavior therapy. It then reports the early evolutions and more recent evolutions. A variety of models like ACT, Beck, Glasser, Ellis and others are discussed. It includes discussions on thinking levels, schemas, mindfulness and other aspects. Bibliography lists 28 sources.

This 8-page paper focuses on the biopsychosocial approach of assessment and assessing, and its impact on determining and treatment of ADHD. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

Formation of Attitude

  • 3 page paper

In a paper of three pages, the author writes about how negative and positive perceptions about an object help with attitude formation. The author of this paper considers how different processes impact of attitudes are formed. There are four sources cited in this paper.

Piaget Stages Chart

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page paper that presents Piaget’s stages of cognitive development in a chart. The name of the stage, age range, tasks during that stage and examples of what the child can do at each stage are included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 5 page paper that explains dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, delirium, expected cognitive changes in the elderly, methods for teaching the elderly, life review and reminiscence, Erikson’s last stage and Havighurst’s tasks for the older person. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

A 3 page paper that discusses psychologist licensure. The report includes some reasons against such licensing and comments on the different requirements for different types of psychologists. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 5 page paper. This essay discuses the epidemiology and incidence of ADHD and the symptoms that must be observed for the diagnosis. It data regarding the incidence of the disorder, risks, the etiology, and comorbidity. The essay then reports on two journal articles, each of which reported a different type of treatment for ...

A 3 page paper that reports and analyzes an observation of a four-year-old boy. The observation considers Piaget’s cognitive development and physical coordination development. The behaviors of the boy are interpreted according to those theories. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 3 page paper. Bruner was a leader in cognitivism and constructivism. This paper discusses some of his theories, including his three stages of mental development. The writer comments on how early childhood education teachers and teachers of special needs students can use his theory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 3 page paper. This report suggests a diagnosis for a description of a man who witnessed his fiancée being run down by a drunk driver. The paper reports the man's behaviors that meet the criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD. The paper also describes James and Gilliland's six-step model for crisis counselors. Bibliography ...

A 3 page paper. Piaget is well-known for his stages of cognitive development but he also wrote about the stages in moral development. He had four stages in cognitive development and two stages in moral development. This essay briefly describes the stages in both developmental areas. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

Going Off to College

  • 3 page paper

This 3 page essay discusses a major life event, going off to college, in terns of psychodynamic, behavioral, and cognitive psychological theories. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A 5 page paper that investigates the writer's development as an adult. The perspectives applies are: biological, psychological using Erikson's theory, social and emotional worlds, intelligence, including nature vs. nurture, and reflections. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 3 page research paper offers a summation of the methodology and results of the Seattle Longitudinal Study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 9 page paper. One of the more recent questions about language is: Does language shape thoughts? This is the topic discussed in this essay. The paper is written in the format of a research paper. Literature t the thesis is includes as are two written opinions against the premise. Bibliography lists 10 sources. ...

A 6 page paper. are many developmental psychologists and theorists. This essay discusses four developmental theorists: Piaget, Kohlberg, Erikson, and Freud. Each focused on different aspects of development, cognitive, moral, psychosocial, and psychosexual, respectively. Chronologically, Freud came first in the mid-1930s but each was a forerunner in his work. This essay briefly discusses the ...

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