Essays and Research Papers on Behavioral Psychology

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4 pages in length. The writer briefly addresses four points of human development. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 10 page paper. The essay begins by explaining cognitive therapy, its foundations and major premises. The writer comments on the relationship between cognitive therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. The focus turns to using both approaches with substance abuse. The writer then discusses the use of cognitive therapy with trauma victims. Bibliography lists 11 ...

3 pages in length. The stages of human development are replete with myriad lessons that serve to carry into later phases. Gaining independence is an especially important time for a child inasmuch as it is one of the most significant stepping stones from one stage to the next. However, frustration is present ...

Defense Mechanisms

  • 6 page paper

This 6 page paper provides an overview on defense mechanisms, and highlights the following: repression, denial, rationalization, reaction formation, projection, isolation, regression and sublimation. Each mechanism is defined and examples are provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

An 8 page paper. The writer explains specific concepts/theories of each of these theorists. Piaget: accommodation, assimilation, equilibrium and his two stages of moral development; Erikson: psychosocial stages of development; Freud: unconscious and conscious minds, dreams and free association; Sullivan: concept of personality; Bowlby: attachment theory. The writer also comments on each theorist. Bibliography lists ...

4 pages in length. The extent to which obsessive compulsive disorder might be responsive to a number of different treatment approaches is both grand and far-reaching; that the most comprehensive improvement where OCD behavior modification is concerned is with cognitive behavioral therapy speaks to the very focused approach that must be taken with this ...

An examination of how problem solving and critical thinking skills can help us work through both personal and professional issues. No sources are listed.

3 pages in length. The writer provides a brief analysis of content and writing style. No additional sources cited.

3 pages in length. The writer provides a brief analysis of content and writing style. No additional sources cited.

A 6 page paper discussing Maslow's hierarchy of needs and research into the concept. Abraham Maslow maintained that his hierarchy of needs applied to adults because children lack the life experiences necessary for attaining higher levels of his pyramid. This paper reviews research into Maslow's theory of human motivation to find that the ...

A 4 page paper that briefly explains attachment theory, separation anxiety and separation anxiety disorder. The writer comments on the effects on children in foster care. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Brain Development

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page paper that discusses the development of the brain during the prenatal period and in infancy. Scientists have shown the brain begins to develop almost at the same time as conception; it develops rapidly during pregnancy as well as during infancy. The paper discusses cell/neuron development and how connections are developed and ...

This 5 page paper compares the theories of Piaget with the other theorists. Development: Piaget and Freud; Moral development: Piaget, Freud and Kohlberg; thinking and cognitive development: Piaget and Bruner. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

A 4 page paper that begins by explaining the three primary factors involved in personality development. The writer then discusses the effects of abuse and neglect on cognitive and personality development. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 5 page paper explains Gordon Allport's personality theory. The writer outlines the different types of traits all people have and the importance of these in terms of the personality. The essay also explains Allport's functional autonomy and explains what he meant by proprium. The writer also comments on Allport's own experiences that influenced ...

A 3 page overview of the theories of Erik Homberger Erikson and Howard Gardner. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

Love and Lust

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page paper which compares and contrasts love and lust. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 9 page paper which examines the various types of love. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 6 page paper discusses Maslow and his hierarchy of needs. The writer comments on events in his life that influenced his work and the reason he looked to another approach to understanding human personality. The two highest levels in the hierarchy are discussed the most and are related to free will. Bibliography lists ...

A 5 page paper that begins by explaining the different terms associated with this model. Each of the five factors is identified and explained. The essay reports the results of studies that attempted to link these five factors with effective leadership. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 4 page review of the theories of Erik Homberger Erikson and George Herbert Mead. The author finds Mead the most interesting because of his applicability to our contemporary world. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

Child Development

  • 8 page paper

An 8 page paper that discusses cognitive development, social-emotional development and physical development as related to an 8-year-old child. The writer discusses Piaget and Vygotsky's thoughts on cognitive development and Erikson for social emotional development. Height and weight ranges as well as other physical developmental characteristics are provided. A hypothetical observation of an 8-year-old girl ...

This 13 page paper begins with a historical background of cognitive behavior therapy. The writer explains cognitive and behavior therapies and how the two are melded together in this approach, The writer also explains the key components of CBT and how it has evolved. Examples are provided to demonstrate the efficacy of the CBT model. ...


  • 10 page paper

10 pages in length. Typically recognized as such sentiment as happiness, sadness, anger, frustration, love and disgust, emotions are what bring together and help express what people feel. The spontaneity of emotions makes them both volatile and genuine; at the same time, the irrationality of some emotional outbursts implies the obstruction of normal ...

Emotional Disorders

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page paper that begins with a definition of emotional disorders, including the description provided in IDEA. The paper discusses the characteristics and behaviors and comments on causes. An outline of a PowerPoint presentation is provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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