Essays and Research Papers on Behavioral Psychology

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A 3 page review of the article by Max H. Bazerman and Dolly Chugh. Published in the January 1, 2006 edition of Harvard Business Review, this article explores the tendency for humans to ignore factual information when making decisions. This tendency is described by the authors as being a phenomena of "bounded awareness". ...

This 4 page paper uses Carl Jung's theories to interpret a dream example. The example is fictitious and the analysis is written in first person. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

In this 6 page paper, the writer explains the basic premises of each theorist named and others. Some premises explained include: the unconscious, Jung's explanation of extrovert vs. introvert, behaviorism, stages of development. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

This 5 page paper provides examples of developmental activities for infants (9-12 months), toddlers, ages 1 - 2 years, toddlers, ages 3 - 4 years. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 4 page paper examines decision-making. The book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell is discussed along with rational decision making models. Satisficing behavior is also explained. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 14 page paper addresses four diverse topics. The first is perceptual systems and how we might avoid misinterpretation. An example is provided. The second is a brief discussion of Freud's and Hobson's dream interpretation theories. A 'dream' is recounted with the writer discussing how each theorist might interpret it. The third topic is creativity ...

Who Am I?

  • 11 page paper

An 11 page paper describing an individual and relating the collection of personality and character traits to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, work expectations, motivation (intrinsic or extrinsic), personality and operating according to a systems approach. The individual who has been the ultimate subject of this paper is one cognizant of the need for change ...

An 8 page paper which compares and contrasts the specific illnesses and symptoms experienced by these young mothers, the impact on these women and others, offers historical perspective, and provides a complete DSM-IV five-axes diagnosis of Margery Kempe. No additional sources are used.

A 4 page research paper that discusses a specific case scenario, which is briefly outlined. The case scenario for this discussion of cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) presents Stephen, a 35-year-old successful surgeon who turns to drugs due to peer pressure "to fit in" and to alleviate stress from being over-extended financially. The writer outlines possible treatment ...

This 6 page paper begins with an introduction to the study identifying independent and dependent variables and comments on the difficulties of validating recovered memories, which are the dependent variable. The paper identifies the target population and the two types of therapeutic approaches that would be used with victims of recovered memories of child ...

A 5 page discussion of how scripture influences behavior. The author uses dress codes from the Amish and Pentecostal faith to illustrate the theories of George Herbert Mead and Herbert Blumer. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 4 page paper that explains the major concepts in Roger's person-centered therapy, the transtheoretical stages of change model and Maslow's needs hierarchy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

A 3 page review of some of the new findings in early infant development. This article outlines the major milestones in infant emotional development. No additional sources are listed.

3 pages in length. Of the myriad methods for understanding human behavior, the approach of behaviorism itself serves as the most effective and productive. The extent to which behaviorism reaches down to the core of how and why people act or react is both grand and far-reaching; that behaviorism seeks to uncover the ...

A 3 page research paper that discusses child development, which is typically evaluated according to three interrelated areas, which are the physical, cognitive and social/emotional domains. The following examination of these three domains over the course of the first two years of life demonstrates the complex ways in which these areas overlap. Bibliography lists 4 ...

Police Personality

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page consideration of the question of whether police personality revolves around unique traits that are predispositional or emerges as a result of socialization and experience. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 3 page essay that discusses the characteristic features of early, middle and late adulthood. According to Erik Erikson's stages of human development, a young adult can be considered to be a person between the ages of 16 and 39; middle adulthood covers ages 40 to 60 and late adulthood refers to persons 60 years ...

A 5 page paper. Parents would like their children to do what is right because it is the right thing to do but young children are not developed enough to do so. This paper provides a brief introduction to moral development theories of Kohlberg, Bronfenbrenner and Piaget, reporting only the stages relevant to a 6-year-old ...

A 3 page paper that responds to the question of how CBT can be evaluated. The writer discusses the theories upon which CBT is founded and reports research that demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 15 page paper that discusses possible causes of anxiety and fear in children. Anxiety is the most common emotional disorder in the U.S. and the seeds for it are planted in childhood. The paper comments on typical developmental anxiety, stressors, including the many additional stressors today's children experience, and fear. A special section discusses ...

A 3 page paper that begins by reporting the levels of Maslow's Hierarch of Needs. The writer then comments on housewives and Maslow's Needs for Belonging and Self-Esteem. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 6 page review on Love is Never Enough by Aaron T. Beck. No additional sources cited.

Modern Stress Theory

  • 8 page paper

This 8 page paper begins with an introduction to Selye's major theories about stress. In today's ever-changing world, the types of stress we experience does not allow people to adopt a fight or flight response. The writer comments on the types of stress in today's world, why people feel such stress, including the feelings of ...

A 4 page research paper that, first of all, looks at Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory of Development, which argues that if human development is to be fully understood, it must take into consideration an individual's interaction with that environment. The levels of interaction in Bronfenbrenner's model are discussed (roughly 3 pages) and then the writer discusses ...

A 5 page research paper that discusses Michael Dorris’s autobiography The Broken Cord, in which the author discusses his experiences in raising an adopted son, who is referred to as “Adam” in this text and the Bio-ecological Systems Theory (BST) developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner. The writer argues that a close examination of Dorris’s autobiographical ...

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