Essays and Research Papers on Behavioral Psychology

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A 5 page analysis of the many factors which can influence personality and the degree to which personality either stays stable or varies over time. While there is undoubtedly a connection between genetics and personality, a far more important determinant is culture and the manner and degree to which an individual interacts with others. ...

A 4 page overview of the concept of culture relating from the ideologies presented in magazines. The author notes that while magazine culture can serve the positive function of pulling women together, it can also perpetuate potentially devastating ideologies as well as serve to pit one women’s group against another. Bibliography lists ...

This 9 page paper looks at family systems and family relationships in Chaim Potok's well known work. A detailed analysis of each family in the work--the Saunders and the Malters--are outlined and evaluated. No additional sources cited.

This 3 page paper looks at biofeedback with a focus on the psychological stress profile. The reliability and validity of the profile is evaluated. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

An 8 page paper. The focus of this paper is women who become divorced in midlife years and using the concept of the rising phoenix as a spiritual metaphor for their recovery. The paper begins by discussing the myth of the phoenix and its meaning in ancient Egypt and in the early days of Christianity. ...

This 7 page paper discusses the benefits of employing a solution-based theoretical orientation in a family counseling practice. This paper highlights the benefits of this therapy as well as some of the drawbacks. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This 5 page report discusses the background, causes, effects, and treatments of Social Anxiety Disorder or SAD (also known as "social phobia") during childhood through adolescence. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 4 page paper discusses whether a person's romantic relationships are influenced by parents. Examples and recent research offered. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This is a 5 page paper reviewing Steptoe et al (2003) trial “Behavioral Counseling to Increase Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables in Low Income Adults”. Investigators Steptoe et al (2003) conducted a randomized trial to study the effect behavioral counseling had in regards to increasing the consumption of fruit and vegetables in low income adults. ...

This 3 page paper gives an overview and review of Spencer Johnson's book, Who Moved My Cheese. Bibliography lists 1 source.

This 6 page paper begins by identifying some of the factors that are prevalent in the three stages of adolescence. The writer then offers an overview of three theorists: Erik Erikson, Harry Stack Sullivan and G. Stanley Hall. The scenario presented for the paper focuses on the need for consultants/counselors working in a community health ...

A 5 page paper. The catalyst for this essay is a statement from A. Williams: "Trainees in the supervisory process sometimes are required to face their innermost and mysterious self." The question is how this statement reflects effective supervision. The writer discusses the statement in terms of knowing oneself and calls upon Freud's own self-analysis, ...

This 3 page paper analyzes the psychological ideas behind secrets as presented in the NY Times article: What Secrets Tell by Luc Sante. Quotes cited from text. Bibliography lists 1 source.

This 4 page report discusses the cognitive behavior therapy model of psychiatric care and the problem of chronic chewing on fingernails and cuticles. Behaviors that may be dismissed as little more than a "nervous habit" or a childish defense or self-comforting mechanism are representative of deeper anxieties or concerns on the part of the individual with the behavior. In ...

This 6 page paper discusses the connection betwen the mind and body on the health of a person. Specific examples are given, conclusions drawn. Quotes cited from the text: Mind/Body Connection by Hafen, Karren, Frandsen, and Smith. Bibliography lists 1 source.

This is a 4 page paper with an example of an individual with the dominant traits of Carol S. Pearson’s “Innocent” archetype. Carol S. Pearson’s text “Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World” (1991) discusses the parallels of human psychiatric development with three stages of a hero’s ...

This 3 page paper provides an overview and critique of the video about human behavior. The temperament of infants and toddlers is the focus of this paper. No additional sources cited.

A 9 page paper which presents some questions and answers about lifespan development from the textbook “Life-Span Human Development” 4th edition by Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

A 5 page paper critiquing a longitudinal study of children born of unwanted pregnancies. David, Dytrych and Matejcek (2003) report on a large and long-term study designed to assess the consequences of being born unwanted, expressed in terms of sound mental health in adulthood. The authors identified 220 children born between 1961 and ...

An 8 page paper which examines Erik Erikson’s theory from different perspectives. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A paper which looks at the Freudian concepts of id, ego and superego with reference to psychodynamics and the construction of ego defences. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 3 page paper discussing a personal investigation into improving both short- and long-term memory recall of listed items. This specific exercise is a “study” of one individual – the writer – but is based on recent gender-based memory research. The brief account of the “study” follows accepted research reporting with literature review, ...

Object Recognition

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper considers the complex subject of how objects are recognised by the human brain. The paper starts with the concept of structural decomposition and recognition by components and then moves onto the ideas of Humphrey and multiple view theories. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

This 5-page paper discusses adult and children behavior, focusing mainly on how children learn by mimicing adults. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 6 page paper which first examines one of Erikson’s stages from “Childhood and Society” and then discusses how his perspectives concerning Native Americans can be related to people of color in our society today. No additional sources cited.

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