Essays and Research Papers on Argumentative / Pro-Con / Pro-Con

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Argumentative / Pro-Con / Pro-Con that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 20 page research paper explores the social impact, legal issues, and controversies surrounding the issue of gays adopting children. Both conservatives and activists offer evidence to support their positions in terms of the effect gay parenting has on children. Legal issues are being fought in most states, a battle renewed as a result of ...

This 3 page paper examines the No Child Left Behind Act, and argues that it will ultimately fail. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This is a 5 page paper presenting 8 points used in favor of same sex marriages and 8 points used opposing same sex marriages. The opening paragraph presented by customer outlines both sides of the argument but the conclusion is meant to oppose the legalization of same sex marriages in Canada. Discrimination against same sex ...

An 11 page paper arguing that New York State should indeed take the final step to fully-legalized casino gambling. The state has operated the lottery since 1967, boasting that they profit more than a billion dollars each year from it. Off-track betting has been legal since 1971, yet legislators resist legalizing casino gambling on 'moral' ...

Brown v. Board of Education passed into law in 1954, Miranda v. Arizona in 1966, and the Warren court has been out of existence for decades. New laws passed in the U.S. include all kinds of dictatorial aspects including the issue of Homeland Security where the Privacy Act has usurped all rights to an individual’s ...

This 12 page paper discusses the issues of abortion. The writer looks at a wide range of arguments for and against, including medial ethics, social ethics and legal ethics. The writer explains both sides of the argument and uses subjective arguments backed up by factual evidence. The paper also includes a discussion on ...


  • 6 page paper

A 6 page paper discussing the idea of eugenics and its development in politics as related to Oliver Wendall Holmes, who was known as a social darwinist, and the Supreme Court case, Buck vs. Bell, which took place in 1927. This case made it legal to force sterilization in the attempt to rid society of ...

A 4 page review of the article titled “Plan for Illegal Immigrant Workers Draws Fire From Two Sides” published in the January 8, 2004, authors Richard W. Stevenson and Steven Greenhouse detail the controversy surrounding President Bush’s plan to allow illegal immigrants temporary legal status. Judging from the uproar which erupted from Bush’s plan, ...


  • 5 page paper

In 5 pages the author discusses abortion from a prochoice point of view. Abortion is a woman's right. It is a right that has been legal to all women of this nation for more than twenty-five years. A woman's body is her own. Others do not have the right to tell her what to do ...

Greek Influences.

  • 5 page paper

(5 pp) The philosophy in classical Greece which influenced three dimensional art forms of the period, could be summed up in the words of Protagoras: man is the measure of all things. This combined with other philosophers' emphasis on rational inquiry, and challenging the status quo, created a society of intellectual and ...

A 5 page research paper on the scientific history, "Dolly" technology, and present-day social issues surrounding cloning. The writer presents a quoted "Dolly" technology synopsis, with equal attention given to discussion social issues in the form of specific comments by every day people, scientists, ethnicists, and government representatives. The paper proves that current opinion concerning ...

A 5 page overview of the history of capital punishment legislation in Massachusetts. Emphasizes the controversial nature of capital punishment and the difficulty in getting any of the bills approving the death penalty pass both the House and the Senate despite obvious public support for the practice. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

A 9 page overview of the legislative history of the mandatory death penalty. Cites specific cases and provides considerable information about the 1976 Supreme Court ruling in Roberts vs. Louisiana. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

A 8 page essay that traces the history of Texas capital punishment from the frontier-style lynchings which characterized its beginnings, through the use of the electric chair, to its current use of lethal injection. It also shows statistics on the inequalities that have existed in the system. Bibliography lists nine sources.

This 3 page paper analyzes Peter Stearns's article about why we need to study history. Bibliography lists 1 source.

This 3 page paper examines David Northrup’s article, and supports his idea of history as a divergence/convergence model. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 5 page look at the book, 'Hate Speech: The History of an American Controversy,' by Samuel Walker. Walker's book offers many different types of arguments which involve the ACLU, African Americans, the Jewish community, and other minorities. He delves into the issues surrounding free speech and hate speech today, as well as throughout the ...

It is naturally assumed and probably correct that the women's movement began in the latter two decades of the nineteenth century. By the early 1930's, it was believed that gender roles had been culturally constructed in such a manner as to preclude such access by perpetrating a system of subjugation and beliefs that women ...

A 7 page paper in which the writer examines the gun control issue from the perspective of history; the role of the government and legislation; view points of opponents and proponents of gun control. The writer's personal opinion is also expressed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

A 12 page research paper exploring the issue of the impeachment of President Bill Clinton. The writer looks at the history of other impeachment processes and makes comparisons between them, and explores the Constitutional provisions in Article II, Section 4 covering impeachment in relationship to the current proceedings. The writer defers to that definition. Bibliography ...

This 10-page paper argues that the Budget Control Act of 2011 won't do much to deal with the real reason for the U.S. debt crisis. Also includes an analysis of the persuasive argument. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

This 8-page paper focuses on a pro/con essay as to whether Internet technology is more beneficial or dangerous to society.

A 5 page paper. This bill states, in part, that unions must obtain written permission from members to use their dues for anything besides collective bargaining and contract administration activities. This essay provides a history of the bill, a synopsis of the bill, and arguments for and against the Act. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

Hang In There Mr. Gore

  • 10 page paper

(10pp) This discussion was to be constructed to appeal to an audience who is more apathetic than hostile. It is suggested that, not only is this a unique moment in history to participate in the political system, but it is a better investment of personal economics and energy to not sit through Electoral College ...

This 5 page paper looks at four distinct articles about gun control and assesses them in terms of their ability to persuade. Rank's model of persuasion is used. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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