Essays and Research Papers on Applied Operations Mgt.

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Applied Operations Mgt that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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Complexity Theory

  • 8 page paper

This 8-page paper analyzes two articles on complexity theory and compares them. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 8 page paper gives and overview of just in time (JIT) inventory management and looks at the impact of JIT on issues such as the level of inventory held, quality, human relations, supplier relations and planning and control issues. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

Scheduling A Project

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The paper develops a time schedule for a project and then calculates and shows the daily costs for the project. The bibliography cites 10 sources.


  • 13 page paper

This 13 page paper is an overview of Toyota, looking at its core competences in terms of manufacturing and process, how it competes with cost leadership and differentiation, as well as aspects such as marketing and vision. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

This 3-page paper discusses barriers to implementation of quality initiatives and total quality management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Implementing Six Sigma

  • 10 page paper

This 10 page paper considers a company that is planning to implement 6 sigma. The paper considers how this should be planned for, looking at the human relations aspect and the practical management of the change. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

Implementing TQM

  • 14 page paper

This 14 page paper considers the implementation of TQM at a UK company, looking at the processes that were undertaken and then looking at way a particular aspect of TQM was implemented in the shop floor, in this case the 5 S's. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

This 9 page paper looks at different types of risk and evaluates the proposition that 'risk assessment is a specialist function best left to its' experts'. The paper looks at the arguments for and against why risk assessing should be left to the experts and considers the possible outcomes that may arise from an inexperienced ...

5 pages in length. The workplace environment is teeming with a multitude of personality characteristics that are not always harmonious in their interaction; indeed, the extent to which individual traits reflect the employee's performance is both grand and far-reaching. Therefore, it has become a focal point of contemporary commerce to apply the Five ...

This 10-page paper will examine some of the facets of such a system using a literature review as the mechanism, and then draw conclusions as to what shape further research might take. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This 7 page paper discusses the factors that make TQM succeed in organisation and the best approaches, which have proven to lead to effective results. The paper also looks at what transformational changes are necessary and what MUST happen in order for TQM to be embedded in ‘the culture’ of organisations pursuing excellence through ...


  • 19 page paper

This 19 page paper considers how and why there have been increasing trends towards outsourcing various aspects of the supply chain. The paper looks at the underlying theories and then uses real life examples to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 22 sources.

This 9 page paper examines the types of problems that are likely to occur in multi-project situation which are less likely to be seen where there is only a single project. This includes problems such as competition for resources, clashing priorities, lack of transparency, problems with information flow and bounded rationality. The bibliography cites 8 ...

This 7 page paper considers an enrolment process supplied by the student and shows how, with the use of a process flow chart the process can be analysed and the problems identified. The paper also includes a solution to the problem and a new process flow chart to illustrate the increased efficiency of the new ...

Strategy Formation

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper discusses several simulations, and how each encourages thinking about the strategic planning process. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

Benchmarking is becoming increasingly common. This 9 page paper explores the concept and uses of benchmarking to help the student develop a deeper understanding pf the processes and strategies of benchmarking by looking at three different benchmarking models that have been developed. The models examined are the evolutionary model, the integration model and the ...

TQM: A Fictitious Case

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper examines how total quality management may have been implemented at a medium sized middle market apparel manufacturer. The paper looks at the areas where measures have been put in place, the impact they have had on the company and the benefits they have created. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

A 5 page paper discussing continuous improvement as the most essential ingredient of Total Quality Management (TQM). The organization has the ability and the means to greatly improve processes and customer satisfaction by providing superlative customer service and asking the customer how the business could be improved. Customers' needs continually change; dedication to ...

This 12-page paper examines the literature pertaining to performance improvement through systems thinking. Questions answered include metrics used for performance analysis as well as the strengths and weaknesses of systems thinking. Annotated bibliograhpy included; bibliograpy lists 10 sources.

This 14 page paper is written in two parts. The first part examines how total systems intervention can help find solutions in complex situations. The paper examines the model and considers components of the model and how it can be used. The second part of the paper looks at how the use of TIS can ...

This 11 page paper considers a scenario where a fictitious company; Ecosys Plc, have developed a new an innovative product, a printer for digital photographs that can be attached to any digital camera. The company can manufacture and distribute these, but the demand is likely to exceed the company’s manufacturing capacity. The paper consider the ...

This 3-page paper attemps to compare metrics used for non-profit and for profit business systems. Also discussed is the impact of change on an organization. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 5 page paper provides an overview of social entrepreneurism. The concept of social entrepreneurship is based on the belief that the ends of every business process does not have to be financial gain. In fact, social entrepreneurism is defined by the development of a social mission and the creation of business disciplines, ...

A 5 page discussion of public relations and the variance that can be found among different organizations. The author distinguishes between organization and societal functions of public relations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 4 page paper focuses on Boeing but defines and explores a variety of concepts related to strategic planning. Critical success factors are examined. How Boeing utilizes a strategic roadmap is explored. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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