Essays and Research Papers on Animal Rights & Zoology

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Animal Rights & Zoology that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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This 3 page paper focuses on the importance of studying non-human primates and what can be learned from a trip to the zoo. The difference between studying animals in captivity and in their natural environment is touched on. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A Comparison of the Dallas and Fort Worth Zoos A 5 page comparison of two zoos. Cautions that many zoos stand as much in testament to economics as they do to ecology. Contends that some zoos manage to accomplish a very important purpose far beyond economic profit, however. Of the thousands ...

A four page paper which looks at the way in which civil war in the Congo region of Africa has had a devastating effect on the already endangered population of mountain gorillas, and the initiatives which are being undertaken outside Africa to increase public awareness of the situation and generate funding for conservation programmes. Bibliography lists ...

A 6 page paper which discusses how Washoe, from Roger Fouts' "The Next of Kin," written with assistance along with Stephen Tukel Mills, is bilingual and bicultural. The paper also discusses how this challenges the powerful notion, and existence, of European ethnocentrism. No additional sources cited.

Do Dogs Have Feelings?

  • 5 page paper

5 pages in length. Do dogs have feelings? If they do, are they the same as humans? And if they are not the same as humans, how do we really know they have feelings? Can anyone truly argue that some dogs do not express feelings of fear toward thunderstorms or become ...

8 pages in length. Animals provide a significant supply of goods for human beings, not the least of which supports man's medicinal, food, companion and entertainment needs. However, in spite of all the various ways animals serve mankind, there has historically been little thought given to their own right to existence, having always ...

6 pages in length. To say that the potential impact of hoof-and-mouth disease upon international economy is staggering is to understate the severity of the current situation. Inasmuch as the only way to abate the fast-spreading livestock disease is to destroy the animal, the implied financial loss associated with the demise of thousands ...

6 pages in length. Characteristic of any living being is the inherent right to live its existence free from intentional pain and suffering, as well as to exist within the context put forth by nature. This concept has been completely lost on humanity, inasmuch as man has historically utilized animals for whatever purpose ...

This 5 page paper provides an opinion about why pet ownership is desirable. The positive effects of pets are explored. Various types of animals and pet owners are discussed. No bibliography.

The German Shepherd

  • 5 page paper

5 pages in length. Of all the dog breeds in existence today, the German Shepherd possesses myriad qualities that make it one of the finest canine specimens. From its intellect to its physical size to its inherent protective nature, the German Shepherd – which originated in Germany – has earned a high position ...

5 pages in length. Mankind has deceived its furry, finned and scaled friends by its disgraceful disregard for their basic rights as living beings. Nowhere is it written that humans, while perhaps the most developed of all species, are the rulers over their nonspeaking counterparts. Whether or not a person believes animals ...

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  • 1 page paper

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15 pages in length. First published in 1872, Charles Darwin's irrefutably greatest work -- The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals – brought to light a subsequently unprecedented declaration: Since both man and animal are derived from the same kingdom, there is no question that they also share in the ability – ...

This 5 page paper reviews this intriguing collection of essays by the controversial scientist Stephen Jay Gould. Evolution is discussed. No additional sources cited.

Imprinting in Animals

  • 8 page paper

This 8 page report discusses the processes and results of imprinting in animals. Dictionaries define imprinting as an “indelibly distinguishing effect or influence.” As such a statement applies to animals, it is an irreversible influence. Whether it is the homing “device” or ability of salmon, the ability of newborn animals of all species to recognize their parent, or the mating choices ...

5 pages. Social work theories have repeatedly demonstrated the beneficial connection between pets and people, primarily with those who are confined to residential and nursing homes due to either age or illness. Their lives have been essentially stripped away from them, so it would seem the last thing they need is for their beloved pet ...

7 pages in length. Dogs are considered to be the first animal ever domesticated by humans; bones found in campsites dating as far back as the late Stone Age have been a common discovery. Indeed, the remains of these dogs resemble at least five different varieties of the pets we know today. ...

8 pages in length. The need for a protective environment within a public setting is clear; however, the extent to which such protection is actually necessary is where people need to discern between human responsibility and natural canine behavior. Typically, the people who clamor for muzzles on an already leashed dog are not ...

5 pages in length. The dwindling population of America's West Coast sea otters has dipped drastically throughout the recent past; due to a combination of polluted waters and reduced food supply, the once-plentiful marine mammal has had to fight for its very existence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

7 pages in length. The writer discusses reasons why animal experimentation should be banned, including the notion of speciesism, sentient consciousness and the alternative of computer-generated testing. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

5 pages in length. While animals may not be privy to the same type of rights mankind has granted for himself, they are still intrinsically deserving of the rights to a life free of pain and suffering, and to live the way in which nature had intended. One need only look around today's ...

The Indiana Bat

  • 9 page paper

9 pages in length. Like all other species on the endangered list, the Indiana bat is fighting for its very existence. Due to man's encroachment – sometimes accidental, oftentimes blatant and deliberate – this particular type of bat is struggling to uphold its precarious place upon the life chain. Perhaps it is ...

This is a 5 page paper discussing the moral standing of animal rights. The arguments for the moral rights of animals covers a great many aspects in regards to moral obligation, natural rights of man and animals, utilitarianism and man’s exploitation of anything or anyone it considers inferior to himself. While many argue that the ...

5 pages in length. People use animals in medical experiments because they believe that these creatures do not deserve the freedom of pain and suffering the same that humans do; indeed, there could be nothing further from the truth, being that they are just as sentient and aware as any person. The writer ...

This is a 5 page paper discussing the idea of preservation of other species in the modern world. As the modern world population continues to grow to over 5 billion, the arguments of the preservation of other species shifts from the preservation of other species to the preservation of our own. At what point do ...

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