Essays and Research Papers on Animal Rights & Zoology

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4 pages in length. To be responsible for bringing relief to a cat suffering with end-stage renal failure, saving the life of a dog who was hit by a car or calming a fearful rabbit in for a routine health check is by far the most rewarding experience for someone who truly loves, respects ...

Social Biology Of Wolves

  • 25 page paper

A 25 page research paper on wolves, their social biology, etc; The writer discusses various types of wolves, how they travel in packs, survive as predators, and so froth. Canis Lupis (Common wolf), gray wolves, and red wolves are among the many types discussed. The writer is also concerned with the evolutionary biology of wolves ...

This 7 page research paper describes the arrival of zebra mussels on the North American continent as well as some projected figures for their spread. The writer describes the biology of these small, inedible shell fish and then explains some of the negative effects they can have on aquatic systems. Since phytoplankton and detritus consumed ...

Endangered Species Act

  • 4 page paper

4 pages in length. The original Endangered Species Preservation Act was passed into law by Congress in 1966, which provided limited protection to species that were native to their given area and equally as limited means for mandated protection. While it was an unprecedented move toward safeguarding with such implementation as land acquisition ...

A 3 page essay on 3 readings from antiquity. While much has changed in the millennia since ancient Greece and Rome were in their ascendancy, the basic facts of humane existence have not changed. The specter of death haunts the modern psyche just as it did for Socrates, Plato, and Marcus Aurelius. The thoughts of ...

Whale Conservation

  • 12 page paper

A 12 page paper describing the plight of the whales at the hands of humans. The writer describes the history of whaling, why it is important to conserve whales, and other human threats to whales. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

The Gray Wolf

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper provides an overview of this endangered species and provides a discussion on reintroduction in the Northeast. A brief history of this animal as well as a description of its physical needs are included. Recommendations are made. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 9 page discussion of the importance of the whale hunt to traditional Makah culture. Discusses the history of whaling among the Makah and their voluntary abandonment of the practice in the early part of the twentieth century and their wish to resume the activity at present. Presents the possibility of future whaling as ...

A 6 page paper that considers the issue of animal abuse and relates it to childhood history of abuse and neglect and to problematic behaviors in adulthood. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

An 8 page paper discussing the concept of ontogeny in relation to the human reproductive system. Dispells the belief propagated in the ninetenth century that the embryonic stages of development are an exact mirror of the evolutionary history of an organism. Bibliography lists seven sources.

An evolutionary history of the tuatara consists of six pages and focuses on the reasons for its particular evolutionary progression. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.

This 6 page paper traces the history of use of Ivory in Spain. The way in which it is used as well as trading practices are considered. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

7 pages in length. Mankind has deceived its furry, finned and scaled friends by its disgraceful disregard for their basic rights as living beings. Nowhere is it written that humans, while perhaps the most developed of all species, are the rulers over their nonspeaking counterparts. Whether or not a person believes animals have ...

This 3 page paper uses the definition essay to determine whether or not the bald eagle is an endangered species. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 4 page paper examines vocal communication in tropical forests. This theme is illustrated through the discussion of vocal communication for monkeys, birds, and other wildlife. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 10 page discussion of animal communication and its relevance to human communication & behavior. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This 6 page paper discusses and examines the correlation between age, income, gender and activism. Emphasis is placed on the animal rights movement and is compared to the abortion activist movement. Bibliographpy lists 8 sources.

Adult Education

  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper provides an overview of adult education and programming developed for adult populations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 4 page paper on how animal rights are viewed under the eudaimonism ideal of self-realization. The paper presents Charles Norton's views on eudaimonism and outlines a process for the coming together of the bioscience and activist communities (cited example) in regards to animal testing. Other points of discussion include technological advancements that preclude much ...

A 5 page paper which examines the history and breeding practices involved with thoroughbred race horses. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

The Komodo Dragon

  • 5 page paper

A 5 page paper which examines the history and existence of the komodo dragon. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 7 page report discusses attitudes, facts, and the overall impact on the Earth’s environment related to the use of diesel fuel. People who are advocates of a greater use of diesel fuel almost always point to the fact that diesels are more fuel-efficient than spark-ignition engines and offer a greater degree of actual energy ...

This 4 page paper examines the changes in the wolf population in Europe. Why wolves disappeared and why they are making a comeback are things discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

A 3 page paper that begins with a very recent example of how animal testing is helping totally paralyzed persons to communicate. The paper comments on how some people are misinformed about animal testing and discusses two of the laws governing the use of animals in research. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

5 pages in length. The pursuit for animal protective legislation has been an ongoing – if not frustrating – quest for virtually every American society; while significant inroads have been made in many national communities where such atrocities as cockfighting, animal abuse/cruelty felony status and pet shop conditions are concerned, there is still a ...

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