Essays and Research Papers on Ancient Literature

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The paper details for each term paper, essay, book report, dissertations and thesis on Ancient Literature that are listed below include a description of the paper. the number of pages, and a sample of text.

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Medea and Lysistrata

  • 3 page paper

A 3 page paper which compares the protagonists, Medea and Lysistrata, from the classic tales. The paper examines personality, plan, and plea. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 13 page paper which examines two of the three classic stories in the Oedipus trilogy by Sophocles, and discusses how the two present us with the timeless condition of the tragic hero as seen in “Oedipus the King” and “Antigone.” Bibliography lists 4 sources.

Exploration of David Hume's Dialogues and characers (Philo, Cleanthes, Demea) in comparison to each other and modern theory in consideration of the scientific question of God's existence. Bibilography lists 1 source. jvRnRFei.rtf

A 3 page paper that offers a brief analysis of The Wife of Bath's Prologue and The Tale of the Wife of Bath. The writer comments on the major themes, the use of irony and satire and the relationship of The Wife to other Tales. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 3 page paper examines Machiavelli's The Prince and the digressions that are found within Chapters I through XI. The digressions are highlighted and discussed in terms of content and organization. No additional sources cited.

A 3 page paper which examines how Dame Alice (the Wife of Bath) uses biblical and classical references in an attempt to justify her lifestyle. No additional sources are used.


  • 8 page paper

An 8 page essay that explores the content and meaning of Plato's dialogue Phaedrus. This examination of this dialogue concentrates on Plato's first argument, which concerns his rejection of sexually possessive love. While couched within a context that suggests that Plato is presenting this argument tongue-in-cheek, there is nevertheless the indication that he ...

This 4 page paper discusses Chaucer's Pardoner's Tale, focusing on the character of 'the old man' who points out Death. Examples, analysis given. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 3 page paper which examines the presentation of Satan in John Milton’s “Paradise Lost.” No additional sources cited.

A 5 page essay/research paper that blends together Thomas Whyte's observations on Beowulf in his text The Heart Aroused with the philosophical premise that this archetypal examination can lead to personal insight. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

A 3 page essay that explores the theme of wilderness v. civilization as portrayed in the ancient Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh. The writer argues that through the stories of the main characters, the narrative dramatizes the difference between savagery and civilization. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 4 page paper which examines the position of Gilgamesh, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, and Odysseus, from Homer’s Odyssey, as heroes. No additional sources cited.

A 7 page paper which examines the role marriage and family plays and considers why these institutions matter to the society as a whole. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

This 3 page paper discusses the correlation between the Wife of Bath's prologue and the actual tale. Bibliography lists 1 source.

This 4 page paper compares and contrasts the characters of Dante's Inferno to those of Chaucer's. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


  • 5 page paper

A 5 page essay that analyzes Canto 26 from Dante's Inferno, which recounts Virgil and Dante's encounter with Ulysses, who tells them of his wanderings and death. The writer specifically analyzes why this ancient hero has been relegated to hell in Dante's epic work. No additional sources cited.

Antigone by Sophocles

  • 4 page paper

A 4 page paper which analyzes the play “Antigone” by Sophocles as it involves a woman in a man’s world. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 4 page book review that discusses Jasper Griffin's text Homer on Life and Death (1983). The writer argues that this text provides a fascinating commentary on the Iliad, Homer's epic poem that depicted the Trojan War. While Homer's work has been addressed extensively over the course of the centuries, Griffin gives it new life ...

A 3 page paper which examines mythical elements in George Lucas’ Star Wars Trilogy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

Medieval Drama

  • 4 page paper

A 4-page essay that discusses the theme of death in the medieval dramas Everyman and Dulcitius. During the fifteenth century, death was an omnipresent reality. Therefore, it is not surprising that death is a prominent theme in medieval dramas. This examination of medieval drama looks specifically at the role that death plays in Everyman ...


  • 8 page paper

This 8 page paper discusses and gives evidence to the fact that Oedipus was a pawn to the gods and had no choice in his actions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 6 page paper discusses the significance of reason (logos) presented in Dante's Inferno. A close reading of Circle 5-7, Canto VII is utilized to illustrate reason's function. Bibliography lists 1 source.

A 4 page essay that explores Sophocles' plays Oedipus and Antigone in regards a principal theme in Greek drama, which is to remind the audience that the will of the gods is paramount and that neither high position nor noble birth exempt an individual from the obligation to fulfill societal duties according to divine ...

This 3-page paper describes the Lady of Akashi in Murasaki's Tale of Genji.

A 7 page paper which compares and contrasts two women, one from Decameron and one from Canterbury Tales. The women discussed are the woman in Novel XI of Decameron, and the woman in the Wife of Bath’s tale. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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