Essays and Research Papers on AIDS

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12 pages in length. Fear and intolerance comprise the vast majority of attitudes towards AIDS within the workplace. Even though the general public is well-educated by now as to the safety issues associated with contact to an AIDS patient, there still remains unfounded apprehension when it comes to working within the same environment ...

An eleven page paper on the similarities and differences between two cultural minorities, the way in which they are perceived by the majority culture, and how they attempt to address discrimination and prejudice on both an individual and a group level. Bibliography lists 11 sources

The debate over the ability of homosexual couples to raise physically and emotionally healthy children seems to be focused on 'the homosexual mode of life' rather than an individualized evaluation of parenting skills and abilities. This 7 page paper gives a brief overview of the issue. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

This 6 page paper focuses on the adjustments that children of gay families have to make but answer the question as to whether or not they are well adjusted. The children are compared with peers who have been raised in traditional homes. The paper is supportive of gay parenting. Bibliography lists 5 sources. ...

5 pages. The highly controversial subject of legalizing same sex marriage in each of the states is garnering more and more attention in the legislature. With some states legalizing it and then repealing it, this issue is proven to still be a complicated and controversial issue with no easy answer. While each state has it's own determination on ...

A paper which contrasts traditional and queer readings of literary texts, and looks at John Logan’s ‘Never the Sinner’ from the perspective of the latter, in terms of the way in which the characters are presented and Logan’s interpretation of their motivations.

This 5 page report briefly discusses some of the issues and problems associated with gay and lesbian adoptions. There are significant misunderstandings in the issue, misunderstandings that have an impact on gay and lesbian (biological and adoptive) parents and their children. There are also legal issues associated with the fact that gay adoption is not covered by statue in most states. ...

This 5 page paper supports Foucault's view on sexual repression that suggests society is obsessed with sex due to repression. Sex and sexuality is discussed historically in the west as well as other areas. Homosexuality is touched on. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

6 pages in length. The writer discusses gay/lesbian marriage and parenting, taking the socially intolerant viewpoint. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

This 5 page paper considers the arguments surrounding the argument that gay men and women should not be teachers in the state school systems. The paper argues the issue both ways with supporting evidence, before coming to a conclusion. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

9 pages in length. Josh and Barbara met for lunch every week without fail; this friendly ritual had endured five years of personal problems, social concerns, birthdays, anniversaries and everything else that two such individuals could share over the course of time. Their relationship was based within a solid friendship, inasmuch as they ...

A five page paper which looks at John Coggeshall’s article, ‘Ladies Behind Bars’ and the way in which he sees the construction of gender roles in male prisons as reflecting and exemplifying the delineation of male and female roles in the outside world. Bibliography lists 5 sources

5 pages in length. Positive parenting is a difficult objective without the added pressures and complications of social constraints. Adriana Gomez's The Many Faces Of Discrimination and Tamar Lewin's Court Backs Florida Ban On Adoption By Gays both address the issues surrounding one of the most hotly debated topics in contemporary society, ultimately ...

A 7 page paper that begins with an outline of the paper. The writer then discusses the controversies surrounding individuals or couples adopting children whose birth parents were a different race, ethnicity, religion while hundreds of thousands of children wait for a permanent home. The controversy regarding homosexuals adopting children is caused by homophobia. ...

5 pages. This interesting and introspective outlook on life concerns the protagonists of two books on the love between women. The Vagabond by Colette and Tipping the Velvet by Sara Waters both involve women who love their world with women and goes beyond the gender expectations of their culture. Discusses their positions and ...

This paper examines the struggle for gay rights in the United States and Germany, with special emphasis being placed on discussion about benefits for same-sex partners and gay marriages. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

12 pages in length. The writer discusses two stories that deal with gay and lesbian relationships. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

An 8 page discussion of the gradual infiltration of homosexuality into Canadian society. The result has been the gradual acceptance of the gay lifestyle into even the most conservative aspects of society. This paper notes the role of gay activists, the media, and technologies such as the Internet, in effecting this infiltration. ...

This 6 page report discusses the issues related to same sex “marriages” in the context of the United Methodist Church and offers both biblical reference and Methodist doctrine to support its point of view in which prohibitions against same-sex unions and gay ordination are upheld. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

15 pages in length. The influence of prime time media is both vast and far-reaching in its ability to educate, inform and enlighten the viewing public. When the topic of homosexuality began to creep its way into prime time television with the significant popularity of Ellen, people were not too terribly concerned with ...

A 5 page paper which examines the pros and cons of lesbian couples adopting children. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 5 page paper focuses on negative stereotypes which are perpetuated by media, the religious right and scientists. Specific examples are provided. An outline is included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


  • 5 page paper

This 5 page paper discusses the HIV virus and AIDS. This paper explains different methods of transmission, symptoms, prevention methods, and more. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

When Gay Couples Adopt

  • 5 page paper

5 pages. There are many consequences, both real and imagined, when gay couples adopt a child. Not only do gay couples normally have a more difficult time during the adoption process but also they are subject to discrimination in many cases. This paper will communicate the difficulties of becoming a gay adoptive ...

This 5 page paper argues that homosexual adoptions will benefit many children that need loving homes. The writer looks at the arguments against gay adoption, in states such as Florida, and at professional opinions as well as the needs of children for psychological, emotional and developments well being as well as stability, in order ...

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