Essays and Research Papers on Adolescent Psychology

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5 pages in length. There is nothing inherently wrong with being smart, unless the individual is a child who does not understand why he or she is having difficulty fitting in to his or her age group. Gifted children often feel shunned from others because they cannot readily relate to them on the ...

This 26 page paper evaluates the psychological development of the normal child as opposed to one who turns out to be a bully. Bullying behavior is evaluated. The term is defined and bullies and their victims are discussed in depth. Bibliography lists 26 sources.

A 9 page paper discussing how work experience can affect adolescent workers. In many developed nations, adolescents choose to work at wage-earning jobs to contribute to further education, the ability to have a higher level of discretionary funds available or even to support a young family that may or may not have been planned. ...

A 3 page paper reviewing the report of a study seeking to discover how ethnicity, sex and age affect teens’ anger and hostility scales. The authors sought to determine whether the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI) is reliable for younger adolescents as well as older ones in which its reliability has been established. ...

This 4 page paper discusses how self concept is directly linked to social participation. Examples are given and supported with research findings from noted experts. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

This is a 10 page paper discussing all the aspects of anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is a eating disorder which is a considered the refusal by an individual to maintain normal body weight but instead loses weight either by diet, exercise or purging with an attempt to obtain an ideal body weight; however, the individual ...

This 4 page paper contemplates the negative consequences of school bullying. Columbine is used as an example of what can happen when bullying is ignored. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

This 3 page paper looks at alcohol use, with an emphasis on binge drinking, to find a relationship to depression. Some studies have shown that there is a relationship between drinking and depression but more research needs to be done. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

A 5 page overview of the problem of teen drug abuse. Bibliography lists 5 sources. Teen drug abuse is inextricably linked with many of the social problems we face today. Drug abusers all too often turn to crime to pay for their habits, they fail academically, and they fail in society as ...

This 7 page paper begins with the DSM-IV definition of disruptive behavior disorders and then discusses the three groups of disorders: conduct disorder (CD), opposition defiant disorder (ODD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD). Each is discussed in terms of incidence, symptoms, causes and treatment interventions. Also included are comments regarding the costs of these disorders. ...

An 8 page paper presenting an interview with an 81-year-old woman about her teen years, which occurred during the Great Depression. The woman provides information about high school, home life, working as a teen and the responsibilities she had at home. The second portion of the paper compares the woman’s responses to Erikson’s ...

A 4 page outline of Conduct Disorder and one means of addressing the problem. This paper recommends community-based behavioral interventional tactics which target positively impacting parent/child interaction. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

This 4 page paper takes a look at an important study in respect to adoption. The study contends that children who have been adopted have a great deal more problems. Implications are considered and the study is critically evaluated. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

A 5 page child analysis report, resulting from interviewing a 15-year-old girl and her parents about her behavior and personal views. The report analyzes the information separately gained from the teenage girl and her single mother in terms of Freud’s and Erikson’s theories of development. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A paper which looks at the way in which different cultures regard sexual development and behaviour in young people, with particular reference to western and Muslim cultures. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

A 15 page paper assessing the relationship between these two conditions among adolescents. The paper discusses ADHD followed by a discussion of depression, to conclude that there is a definite link between ADHD and depression. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

Adolescent Grief

  • 3 page paper

This is a 3 page paper discussing adolescent grief, its differences from that of childhood and adult grief, reactions and school involvement in the bereavement process. Attending to the needs of grieving adolescents is considered an area of counseling and psychiatry which has been overlooked for many years. While there have been services and guidance ...

A 4 page paper. For clarity, this essay begins with the diagnostic criteria for depression as published in the DSM-IV. Research consistently finds that the incidence of depression is higher among adolescent girls than among adolescent boys. This paper reports data regarding the proportion of girls and boys who experience clinical depression, including the ...

10 pages in length. After their mother's death, the eldest daughter (18) fell into the role of mother of her younger twin siblings. Up until recently, the twins used to ride horses everyday; their reason for stopping is unclear but presumed to be directly connected with the manner by which their entire lives ...

A 12 page paper. The ratio of children who are diagnosed with a psychiatric condition and the numbers who are taking psychotropic drugs has soared in the last ten to fifteen years. In fact, prescriptions for Ritalin alone rose by 600 percent since the late 1980s. The writer provides a comprehensive investigation of the ...

An 8 page review of a study published in the Jan/Feb edition of “Nursing Research”. The study is analyzed for completeness and applicability. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

This 6 page paper begins by identifying some of the factors that are prevalent in the three stages of adolescence. The writer then offers an overview of three theorists: Erik Erikson, Harry Stack Sullivan and G. Stanley Hall. The scenario presented for the paper focuses on the need for consultants/counselors working in a community health ...

This is a 9 page paper using a qualitative approach to study cognitive behavioral therapy versus family therapy for treatment of anorexia nervosa. A qualitative study of cognitive behavioral therapy versus family therapy for treatment of anorexia nervosa includes various non-experimental components. Firstly, a statement of the problem introduces the prevalence of anorexia and the ...

This 4 page report discusses the influences that determine how and why a person, from adolescence to young adulthood develops the relationships he or she does with peers, teachers, authority figures and even potential love interests. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

A paper which looks at children with behavioural disorders in relation to the school environment, with reference to the way in which such children should be assessed and the reasons why they underachieve in school.

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