Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on XYZ Childcare Environmental Assessment. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 9 page paper is based on a scenario provided by the student. The paper starts with an environmental assessment for a nonprofit making child care organization using a SWOTT table. The table identifies numerous external and internal influences, and then lists at the primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat and trend for that particular influence. The paper goes on to summarize the 7 most important influences, identifies the relevant opportunities and issues faced by the organization and present hypotheses and research approaches that may be used to investigate these issues. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Page Count:
9 pages (~225 words per page)
File: TS14_TEXYZchilden.doc
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Childcare, a non profit making organization providing subsidized childcare for working parents, the environment is complex as it not only relates to the ability to compete for business, but also
to compete and gains funds. The paper starts with a SWOTT table, which looks at external and internal environment factors and identifies primary strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with
each factor. The most important factors can then be summarized and the way that issues and opportunities relating to each may be investigated is presented. Influence
Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat Trend External forces and trends considerations Legal and regulatory Regulations give parents trust in licensed childcare facilities Constant changes require constant vigilance from childcare organizations Tax
benefits due to the 501(c)(3) regulations Serious consequences if breach found Increasing regulations induced to protect children Global Ability to access resources from the international environment Lack of multicultural
aspects to the childcare facility dealing with local population Increased access to information on latest childcare issues Increased competition from many international charities for donations Increased communication and trading connection
being made. Economic Poor demand makes it possible to gain good contract terms on purchases Organizations is reliant on fund raising Low interest rates make increase potential for borrowing
for expansion Increased costs, such as insurance and heating. Gradual, slow economic recovery taking place. Technological High level of ability to communicate with parents Cost of remaining
up to date as technology changes rapidly Ability to market to organization to parents and donors Increase competition for parents and donors through internet campaigns Increases in speed and forms
of communication and information proliferation. Social Organization servicing a social need as parents need to work Possible changes in children in classes due to changing job situations Potential to