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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page exemplification essay that has as its theme the fact that holding down a job while going to school full-time is a tough balancing act. The writer discusses pros and cons. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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of class, homework and reading assignments. If the student is also holding down a part-time job, these requirements must be balanced against the students commitment to be at work at
a specific time for an agreed upon number of minimum hours per week. It is not easy and requires superlative time management skills. However, when successfully balanced, the experience of
working while attending school does offer specific rewards, such as learning about taking responsibility, perfecting time management skills, and improving interpersonal communication skills, as well as the assimilation of real-world
knowledge (Balancing high school, 2007). When a student contemplates attempting this tricky balancing act there are numerous factors to consider. School constitutes the students key to the future. An individuals
level of education and academic success has a direct and tangible effect on their ability to find a well-paying job after their education is completed. If the student is in
college preparatory curriculum and in college, there are many courses that make considerable demands on their time and this reality must be considered when contemplating adding a part-time job to
their already full plate. Stephanie Binder, college counselor at The Beacon School in New York, also points out that students who take part-time jo0bs frequently suffer from "lack of sleep,
insufficient time to focus on course work, decreasing personal or social time and conflicts with extracurricular activities" (Balancing high school, 2007). Brad MacGowan, director of the Career Center at
Newton High School in Massachusetts, echoes Binders concerns and cautions students to realize that when they are "rushing through assignments...or not studying enough for tests because of work," it is
time to reconsider their priorities and cut back on the number of hours they work or quit (Balancing high school, 2007). However, as with Binder, MacGowan also lists the