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A 5 page paper which compares and contrasts the work values of the Chinese and Americans. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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work, and socialize. There is generally considered to be a very big difference between Western thought and Eastern thought and these differences are clear in venues such as the workplace
and society. The following paper examines, comparing and contrasting, the work values, or ethics, of the Chinese and the Americans. Work Values: Chinese and American It seems that
to truly understand how the Chinese and the Americans approach the work values of their culture it is important to understand something of the cultures themselves. For the most part
the American people are taught, from an early age, that it is a dog eat dog world so to speak. They are taught to be autonomous and to essentially work
for themselves and their particular goals for that is the sign of a successful person. For the Chinese the work values are not directed towards the individual but rather the
community. They are not out for themselves so much as they are primarily out for the culture and their society as a whole. One author notes the following in relationship
to business and the two cultures: "Traditional Chinese agriculture is peasant farming. It is communal, not individualistic; survival depends on group cooperation and harmony. Loyalty and obedience to familial hierarchy
binds laboring groups together. Many of Chinas city dwellers were born and raised in the country and have retained their agrarian values. Just as the most urbane Americans are influenced
by the countrys cowboy roots-shoot first and ask questions later" (Graham; Lam, 2003). There is also a very different approach to such business elements, and lifestyle elements, such as
money. Chinese business and life demands a sense of being frugal and thrifty whereas Americans may well be more likely to be rash and risky with funds. As this is