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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 6 page paper is a reflection on women’s narratives by a male reader. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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6 pages (~225 words per page)
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job-women still earn nearly one-third less than their male counterparts. This paper uses Carolyn Heilbruns book Writing a Womans Life as the basis for a discussion of womens lives, particularly
as those lives are seen by others. Discussion Although women complain-with justification-that they are "second-class citizens," society is very hard on men as well. Over the centuries, both formal and
informal policies have been put in place that by now have codified the roles that are "acceptable" for each gender. Very generally, these roles are nurturing/caregiving ones for women and
aggressive/competitive ones for men. In defining whats acceptable for each gender so narrowly, society has crippled both men and women: there are women who are more skillful pilots than any
man flying today; there are men who are better at raising children than any woman. But when people try to switch their accepted gender roles, they often find themselves labeled
unpleasantly as "unfeminine women" or "sissy men." So society lumbers along with people slotted into careers they may not like or want because they have accepted that this is what
they must do in order to fit in. Both men and women suffer because of this. Its also probably fair to say that no man would accept the restrictions put
on womens lives by these practices: they simply would not stand for earning less, or being pitied because they are "unfulfilled" if they remain single and/or childless. But because it
is the male viewpoint that is reinforced by society, any man who reads feminist literature like Heilbruns book, or who attempts to understand that women do in fact have legitimate
concerns, may have a very difficult time empathizing with women. If he wants to understand why women are frequently very unhappy with their lives, he needs to abandon his preconceptions