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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A short, 2 page essay attempting to define wisdom and its components of knowledge, insight and judgment. The writer mentions studies into the decision-making process and asserts that wisdom is an effective insulator against slipping into bitterness when life just doesn't go 'right.'
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Proverbs 8:12 Websters defines wisdom as "the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships...good sense," or insight and judgment, echoing
the "knowledge and discretion statement of Proverbs. Knowledge is the foundation of wisdom because without knowledge, wisdom is an unattainable quality. In facing hard decisions, knowledge can provide
the list of possible choices while wisdom will highlight the most correct one. Many say that wisdom only comes with age, when the individual has had a wide range
of experiences from which to draw. Age certainly is a factor, but age is not as important in attaining wisdom as is the willingness to learn-not only facts, but
lessons, too. There are those who seemingly never learn the life lessons that routinely come to them, choosing instead the path that will lead to certain failure, or at least
a life that is more difficult than it needs to be. Watching from the outside, it is easy to see where these individuals decision-making processes fail them and where
they could have made more sound, logical decisions in the conduct of their lives. Paraphrasing a clich?, hindsight has perfect vision. Also, it is very often much easier
to sit in judgment of the decisions of others than it is to focus on the wisdom of some of your own. Sociologists and psychologists study the decision-making process and
attempt to empirically determine the components and the qualities of sound decisions that are optimum given the specific situation and its surrounding circumstances. What they neglect to investigate, however,
is the individuals level of wisdom. Their exclusion of wisdom is not so much a denial of either its existence or its value, but rather lies in the difficulty