Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Winterson's "Written On The Body" And Barry's "Postmodernism" - Critical Reading. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
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7 pages in length. To draw out and expound upon the insinuating components of Winterson's Written on the Body by way of Barry's Postmodernism is to complement a multilayered cake with a spread of creamy frosting: leaving one without the other compromises the potential for identifying some of the more subtle nuances concealed by crafty prose. That is, after all, one of the most intriguing elements of Winterson's entire approach, a sweeping wave of emotion expressed through the raw emotion of language uttered by a narrator whose unknown distinction and tangibility are equally as captivating. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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with a spread of creamy frosting: leaving one without the other compromises the potential for identifying some of the more subtle nuances concealed by crafty prose. That is, after
all, one of the most intriguing elements of Wintersons entire approach, a sweeping wave of emotion expressed through the raw emotion of language uttered by a narrator whose unknown distinction
and tangibility are equally as captivating. The maze. Find your own way through and you shall win your hearts desire. Fail and you will wander for ever
in these unforgiving walls. Is that the test? (Winterson 46). II. POSTMODERNISM AND FEMINISM Barry illustrates how postmodern thought was the
breaking free of certain social, political and economic strangulation that decreed all followers must abide by the same doctrines. Postmodernisms discursive system was a reaction to and critique of
modernism, with particular emphasis upon modernisms elitist social, political and economic structure of upper and lower classification. The influence of modernisms political and aesthetic projects of resistance and revolution,
recooperation and universalism all played an integral role within the ultimate rise of the post-modernism movement, which encompassed the broad and far-reaching aspects of art, architecture, music, film, literature, sociology,
politics, communications, fashion, and technology (Barry 81-82). Also falling within the expansion of this era were feminism, sexuality and identity. When it comes to social acceptance, there exist some
very strict guidelines: an individual is either male or female. Indeed, little room for approval is given for those who do not fall into one of these two restrictive
categories, often forcing people to assume roles that abide by social dictates. The psychological element of sex is such that women are far more emotive and nurturing while men