Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Why the North Won the Civil War. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper outlines strategies used by the war in the last battles of the conflict. Several reasons for the victory of the North are duly noted. General Sherman's participation is discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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5 pages (~225 words per page)
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It was a bloody war, and some deem it to have been much worse than ones to come after it. Aside from its grisly nature, there are many Civil War
buffs and one can also say that while the war was one that perhaps should never have been fought in such a manner--as it could have been resolved with diplomacy--the
facts of the war continue to intrigue students of history. While the North won, questions surface as to why they did. Some answer that question quite matter of factly, suggesting
that the North was more powerful. This is true. The bigger and stronger usually win. Others look at tactical issues and see the North as having been craftier. Yet, while
strategy plays a role, still others see it as having been a moral war and while slavery was not the only essential ingredient in that war, it was certainly something
that most believe was important. They maintain that the North was the victor because the people were most righteous. Yet, no matter what one has to say about the winners
and losers, one can say that certainly the North succeeded and they did so in part because of what they had to offer, and also because they used better wartime
strategies and had stellar leadership. The Civil War began in 1860 at a time when President Lincoln had just gotten into office by winning in the free states; South Carolina
would secede from the union in that same year (Miller & Faux, 1997). The Southern side would fire the first shots in 1861 and the First Battle of Bull Run
took place in Virginia (1997). The war would last for years and by the time 1864 rolled around, the Unions sea blockade had been successful (1997). In part, one can